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2009-09-07 09:22:44

Know your rights when you begin hunting for a job3
8. I'm now a formal staff member, but I want to quit my job before my contract ends. Do I need to pay the liquidated damage?
In most cases, if you write a written notice to your employer 30 days prior to your leaving date, you don't need to pay anything.
However, there are two exceptions.
First, if the employer pays for your professional and technical training, and if he or she can show the invoice (provided by the third party) of the training expenses, you need to pay the liquidated damage. This amount shall not exceed the training fees. Internal training within a company does not count.
Second, if you and your employer include in the employment contract some provisions on confidentiality, and if you breach these provisions, you shall pay the liquidated damage to the employer as stipulated.
9. Should I get paid for working overtime? My company says I will receive extra time off instead. Should I accept this?
According to the law, all overtime should be paid. Your company should pay no less than one and a half times the normal rate if it extends your working hours. It has to pay no less than twice the normal rate of pay if the extended hours are arranged on a day off, and no less than three times the rate on statutory holidays. Only when overtime takes place on days off - Saturdays and Sundays for most people - can your company give your extra holiday instead of overtime. In other cases, your company must pay you overtime even if then have awarded your replacement days off.
If your company refuses to pay you for overtime, you can turn to the local labor dispute arbitration committee for help.
10. When I signed the contract with my company, my position was that of secretary. But recently a telephone operator quit and her workload has been added to mine. Should the company increase my salary?
It depends. If you'll get piece rate pay according to your contract, your company should pay you more because you have done more work. However, if you get time rate pay, your salary will not change no matter how much work you do within the stipulated working hours. But if you cannot finish the added work within your normal working time, you should be given overtime.
quit job 辞职
the contract ends / terminates 合同终止
technical training 技术培训
show the invoice 出示发票
the third party 第三方
training expenses / fee 培训费用
internal training 内部培训
do not count 不计算在内
provisions on confidentiality 保密条款
breach the provision 违背条款
as stipulated 按照规定(要求的)
work overtime 加班
get extra time off 得到额外的休假日
one and a half times 1.5倍
extend working hours 延长工作时间
statutory holiday 法定假日
turn to sb. for help 向某人求助
dispute arbitration committee 纠纷仲裁委员会
telephone operator 接线员
add to one's workload 增加了某人的工作负担
increase salary 加工资
It depends. 视情况而定
piece rate pay 计件工资
time rate pay 计时工资
stipulated working hours 规定的工作时间
liquidated damage 违约金
contract n. 合同
exceed v. 超过,超出
exception n. 例外
internal adj. 内部的
technical adj. 技术的,工艺的
stipulate v. 规定
invoice n. 发票
provision n. 条款
breach v. 违反
overtime adv. 超时地
statutory adj. 法定的
training n. 培训
quit v. [口]辞职
professional adj. 职业的,专业的
confidentiality n. 机密
arrange v. 安排
secretary n. 秘书
employment n. 就业
expense n. 费用,花费
count v. 将……计算在内
extra adj. 额外的
dispute n. 纠纷
arbitration n. 仲裁
committee n. 委员会
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