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2009-08-24 09:33:09

broad-minded 宽宏大量的,心胸开阔的 eg: ShangHaiese must be broad-minded enough to accept talents from all other areas. 上海人一定要有广纳天下贤才的气度。
full of good will 充满善意,扩展: Those who do good will have their rewards.好人有好报
be knocked from under sb. 使某人失去……
a feeling of frustration = a sense of frustration 挫折感
in the same way 以同样的方式
reject environment 拒绝(接受身边的)环境
cause discomfort 引起不适
host country 接待我们的新的国家; 主办国; eg: Beijing is the host country of 2008 Olympic Games. 相对:native country 祖国。
the ways of the host country 新国家的(行事的)方式
make sb. feel bad 让某人感觉很糟
get together to do sth. 聚在一起做某事
complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事
suffer from culture shock 遭受文化冲击
another phrase of culture shock 文化冲击的另一代名词, 区分: phase n. 阶段, phrase n. 词组。
regression n. 回归;逆行;衰退
assume a tremendous importance 变得无比重要,扩展: assume power 掌权, assume responsibility 承担起责任, assume a leading position 担任领导职务。
become unreasonably glorified 变得不合理的荣耀
take a trip home 在外的人回家
bring sb. back to reality 把某人拉回现实
challenge v. 挑战, spearhead v. 当……的先锋;带头。
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