2010-10-20 10:40:41
在64位windows系统编译我们的中间件,用maven编译不过,会hang。直接用ant编译没问题。发现maven 1.0.2自带的ant是1.5.3的,直接用ant 1.7.1编译时可以的,应该是ant内部实现机制不同导致的。
关于这个bug的解决方案,这个bug与下面的item 8有点关系
I may have found the bug. I created a run
config in IntelliJ so that i could debug ant inside intellij. When i paused the
jvm running ant one thread was stuck on:
java.net.Inet4AddressImpl.getLocalHostName(Native Method)
A quick google on this resulted in:
Short version, when you create a
tempfile the localhostname is used when generating the random filename for the
tempfile. This hangs when another thread is trying to read System.in
So when i added -noinput to the program params of my run config for ant the
hang did not occur. This workaround also works for the built-in ant runner.
Just edit your ant settings ()
and add -noinput to "Ant command line". Voila, now it runs from
inside intellij. At least for me. ;)
Btw, I have used the jre with idea and the latest 1.6 (u18) jdk, same result.