Google昨儿个纪念PAC-MAN 30周年,很有新意啊。
Pac-Man通常被翻译成食鬼,吃豆或小精灵。这是一款经典的街机游戏由Namco开发并由Midway Games在1980年发行。Pac-Man被广泛认为是80年代街机游戏裏最经典的一个,游戏的主人公黄色小精灵的形象甚至被作为一种流行文化,或是此产业的代表形象。他的开发商Namco也把这个形象作为其吉祥物和公司的标志,一直沿用至今。()
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The next step of evolution: A fully featured 3D-Pacman in bare bones JavaScript! (Dec. 2008) |
Play Ms. Pac-Man with traditional levels and appearance!
After a classic mod of Ms. Pac-Man ... (Both: July 2009) |
Robby vs. The Tin Toy Bots.
Yet another 3D-Pac-Man clone, featuring a retro space age theme. Help Robby the Robot against some evil conehead robots. (Dec. 2008) |
Robby vs. the B9-Robots.
The first sequel to "Lost in Maze!": Now you can even shoot the enemy robots. (Jan. 2009) |
A full motion Pacman just in bare bones JavaScript! (updated to version 2.0 in december 2007)
Small mazes for small screens and hand-helds.
For older browsers (e.g.: Netscape 3/4, Internet Explorer 4) see the . |
And now for something completely different:
The ultimate text-mode Pac-Man in text adventure style. This game is homage merging the styles of the IF works of the late 1970ies and Pac-Man. (Dec 2006) |
Another JavaScript-game coming from the same breed as "JavaScript-PacMan". Enhanced gameplay and compatibility. (July 2004) |
A Pacman derivative. Explore the mazes and fight the aliens. Added cross-browser compatibility. (May 2004) |
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