电信provisioning系统中,常常需要与远程服务器实时交换一些数据,以完成用户的请求。由于简单对象访问协议(Simple Object Access Protocol, SOAP)的流行,许多涉及到第三方的应用,我们一般都比较乐意使用SOAP来开发。不过,由于可能涉及到公司的机密,本系列教程的开发实例尽量采用在网上已经公开的Web Service资源。
我开发SOAP应用程序已经有一定的经验,在C/C++环境下一般使用gSOAP,而在Java环境下一般采用axis2。比较两者的话,除了开发语言之外,还是有不少差别,处理中文字符就是其中之一。网上分别搜索一下“axis2 乱码”和“gSOAP 乱码”,匹配的结果是相差很远的。Axis2好像比较智能,能够识别服务端的字符编码,这方面的问题也少,而最新版本的gSOAP,很可能还是需要程序员做多很多功夫。
struct soap soap;
soap_set_mode(&soap, SOAP_C_UTFSTRING);
Iconv常用用法是:iconv -t=to_charset -f=from_charset filename
- #include
- #include "soapH.h"
- #include "ChinaStockWebServiceSoap12.nsmap"
- #define OUTPUT_LEN 32
- int conv_charset(const char *dest, const char *src, char *input, size_t ilen, char *output, size_t olen) {
- iconv_t conv = iconv_open(dest, src);
- if ( conv == (iconv_t) -1 )
- return -1;
- memset(output, 0, olen);
- if ( iconv(conv, &input, &ilen, &output, &olen) )
- return -1;
- iconv_close(conv);
- return 0;
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- if ( argc != 2 && argc != 3 ) {
- printf("Usage: %s stock_code [end_point]\n", argv[0]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- struct soap soap;
- soap_init(&soap);
- soap_set_mode(&soap, SOAP_C_UTFSTRING);
- struct _ns1__getStockInfoByCode request;
- struct _ns1__getStockInfoByCodeResponse response;
- request.theStockCode = argv[1];
- char *endpoint = NULL;
- if ( argc == 3 )
- endpoint = argv[2];
- if ( soap_call___ns3__getStockInfoByCode(&soap, endpoint, NULL, &request, &response) == SOAP_OK ) {
- int element_counter = response.getStockInfoByCodeResult->__sizestring;
- int i = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < element_counter; i++ ) {
- switch ( i ) {
- case 0 : printf("Stock code : "); break;
- case 1 : printf("Stock name : "); break;
- case 2 : printf("Timestamp : "); break;
- case 3 : printf("Latest price : "); break;
- case 4 : printf("Closing price T-1 : "); break;
- case 5 : printf("Opening price : "); break;
- case 6 : printf("Ups and downs : "); break;
- case 7 : printf("Mininum price : "); break;
- case 8 : printf("Maxinum price : "); break;
- case 9 : printf("Amount of up/down : "); break;
- case 10 : printf("Trading volume : "); break;
- case 11 : printf("Trading amount : "); break;
- case 12 : printf("Buy price : "); break;
- case 13 : printf("Sell price : "); break;
- case 14 : printf("Agency trans : "); break;
- case 15 : printf("Buy 1 : "); break;
- case 16 : printf("Buy 2 : "); break;
- case 17 : printf("Buy 3 : "); break;
- case 18 : printf("Buy 4 : "); break;
- case 19 : printf("Buy 5 : "); break;
- case 20 : printf("Sell 1 : "); break;
- case 21 : printf("Sell 2 : "); break;
- case 22 : printf("Sell 3 : "); break;
- case 23 : printf("Sell 4 : "); break;
- case 24 : printf("Sell 5 : "); break;
- default : break;
- }
- size_t ilen = strlen(response.getStockInfoByCodeResult->string[i]);
- char output[OUTPUT_LEN];
- if ( conv_charset("GBK", "UTF-8", response.getStockInfoByCodeResult->string[i], ilen, output, OUTPUT_LEN) )
- printf("%s\n", response.getStockInfoByCodeResult->string[i]);
- else
- printf("%s\n", output);
- }
- }
- else {
- soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
- }
- soap_destroy(&soap);
- soap_end(&soap);
- soap_done(&soap);
- return 0;
- }
1. mkdir –p weather
2. cd weather
3. ../wsdl2h -c -o weather.h
4. ../../bin/linux386/soapcpp2 –C –L –x weather.h
- #include
- #include "soapH.h"
- #include "WeatherWebServiceSoap12.nsmap"
- #define OUTPUT_LEN 2048
- int conv_charset(const char *dest, const char *src, char *input, size_t ilen, char *output, size_t olen) {
- iconv_t conv = iconv_open(dest, src);
- if ( conv == (iconv_t) -1 )
- return -1;
- memset(output, 0, olen);
- if ( iconv(conv, &input, &ilen, &output, &olen) )
- return -1;
- iconv_close(conv);
- return 0;
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- if ( argc != 2 && argc != 3 ) {
- printf("Usage: %s city_name [end_point]\n", argv[0]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- struct soap soap;
- soap_init(&soap);
- soap_set_mode(&soap, SOAP_C_UTFSTRING);
- struct _ns1__getWeatherbyCityName request;
- struct _ns1__getWeatherbyCityNameResponse response;
- size_t ilen = strlen(argv[1]);
- char output[OUTPUT_LEN];
- if ( conv_charset("UTF-8", "GBK", argv[1], ilen, output, OUTPUT_LEN) )
- request.theCityName = argv[1];
- else
- request.theCityName = output;
- char *endpoint = NULL;
- if ( argc == 3 )
- endpoint = argv[2];
- if ( soap_call___ns3__getWeatherbyCityName(&soap, endpoint, NULL, &request, &response) == SOAP_OK ) {
- int element_counter = response.getWeatherbyCityNameResult->__sizestring;
- int i = 0;
- for ( i = 0; i < element_counter; i++ ) {
- switch ( i ) {
- case 0 : printf("Province : "); break;
- case 1 : printf("City : "); break;
- case 2 : printf("City code : "); break;
- case 3 : printf("City pic. name : "); break;
- case 4 : printf("Timestamp : "); break;
- case 5 : printf("Temp. of today : "); break;
- case 6 : printf("Summary : "); break;
- case 7 : printf("Wind : "); break;
- case 8 : printf("Icon 1 : "); break;
- case 9 : printf("Icon 2 : "); break;
- case 10 : printf("Description : "); break;
- case 11 : printf("Reserved : "); break;
- case 12 : printf("Temp. of tomorrow : "); break;
- case 13 : printf("Summary : "); break;
- case 14 : printf("Wind : "); break;
- case 15 : printf("Icon 1 : "); break;
- case 16 : printf("Icon 2 : "); break;
- case 17 : printf("Temp. of af. tmr. : "); break;
- case 18 : printf("Summary : "); break;
- case 19 : printf("Wind : "); break;
- case 20 : printf("Icon 1 : "); break;
- case 21 : printf("Icon 2 : "); break;
- case 22 : printf("Introduction : "); break;
- default : break;
- }
- ilen = strlen(response.getWeatherbyCityNameResult->string[i]);
- if ( conv_charset("GBK", "UTF-8", response.getWeatherbyCityNameResult->string[i], ilen, output, OUTPUT_LEN) )
- printf("%s\n", response.getWeatherbyCityNameResult->string[i]);
- else
- printf("%s\n", output);
- }
- }
- else {
- soap_print_fault(&soap, stderr);
- }
- soap_destroy(&soap);
- soap_end(&soap);
- soap_done(&soap);
- return 0;
- }
编译命令是:gcc -O2 -o weather weather.c soapC.c soapClient.c ../../stdsoap2.c -I../.. -L../.. –lgsoap
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