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typedef Oscl_Vector, OsclMemAllocator> PVMFRecognizerMIMEStringList;


typedef enum _PVMFRecognizerConfidence


    PVMFRecognizerConfidenceNotCertain,             // 100% sure not the format

    PVMFRecognizerConfidenceNotPossible,    // Maybe not the format

    PVMFRecognizerConfidenceUnknown,              // Not sure one way or the other

    PVMFRecognizerConfidencePossible,          // Maybe the format

    PVMFRecognizerConfidenceCertain                   // 100% sure of the format

} PVMFRecognizerConfidence;



class PVMFRecognizerResult







        // Copy constructor for use in Oscl_Vector

        PVMFRecognizerResult(const PVMFRecognizerResult& aSrc)


            iRecognizedFormat = aSrc.iRecognizedFormat;

            iRecognitionConfidence = aSrc.iRecognitionConfidence;

            //     iRecognizerSubFormatList=aSrc.iRecognizerSubFormatList;







        // The format of interest as a MIME string

        OSCL_HeapString iRecognizedFormat;

        // The confidence level of recognition

        PVMFRecognizerConfidence iRecognitionConfidence;

        // If the format is a container format, the format of content within

//     Oscl_Vector iRecognizerSubFormatList;






 * PVMFRecognizerCommmandHandler Class


 * PVMFRecognizerCommmandHandler is the PVMF Recognizer observer class for notifying the

 * status of asynchronous requests. The API provides a mechanism for the status of each

 * command to be passed back along with context specific information where applicable.

 * User of the recognizer registry must have a class derived from PVMFNodeCmdStatusObserver

 * and implement the pure virtual function in order to receive event notifications from

 * PVMF Recognizer Registry.


class PVMFRecognizerCommmandHandler




         * Handle an event that has been generated.


         * @param aResponse

         *        The response to a previously issued command


        virtual void RecognizerCommandCompleted(const PVMFCmdResp& aResponse) = 0;

        virtual ~PVMFRecognizerCommmandHandler() {}







class PVMFRecognizerPluginInterface




         * Virtual destructor for the plug-in. All plug-ins should perform any clean up here


        virtual ~PVMFRecognizerPluginInterface()





         * This methods returns a list of format(s) that this plug-in can recognize. Each supported format

         * is represented by a MIME string.


         * @param aSupportedFormatsList

         *        Reference to a list of MIME strings which will be filled in with list of formats that the plug-in can recognize.


         * @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes

         *         OsclErrNoMemory if memory cannot be allocated for the format list


         * @returns A PVMF status code to report result of method



        virtual PVMFStatus SupportedFormats(PVMFRecognizerMIMEStringList& aSupportedFormatsList) = 0;



         * This method determines the the specified content is or is not one of the formats recognized by this plug-in


         * @param aSourceDataStreamFactory

         *        A reference to a PVMFDataStreamFactory representing the content to recognize

         * @param aFormatHint

         *        An optional input parameter expressed as a list of MIME string which provides a priori hint for the format

         *        of the content specified by aSourceDataStreamFactory.

         * @param aRecognizerResult

         *        An output parameter which is a reference to a vector of PVMFRecognizerResult that will contain the recognition

         *        result if the Recognize() method succeeds.


         * @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes


         * @returns A PVMF status code to report result of method



        virtual PVMFStatus Recognize(PVMFDataStreamFactory& aSourceDataStreamFactory,

                                     PVMFRecognizerMIMEStringList* aFormatHint,

                                     Oscl_Vector& aRecognizerResult) = 0;



         * This method returns the mininum required bytes in datastream for this plug-in

         * to be able to recognize its supported formats.


         * @param aBytes[out]

         *        A reference to a minimum required bytes


         * @returns A PVMF status code to report result of method.

         * PVMFSuccess in case of success and PVMFFailure otherwise.



        virtual PVMFStatus GetRequiredMinBytesForRecognition(uint32& aBytes) = 0;





 * An abstract base class to create and destroy a recognizer plug-in. Every recognizer plug-in should have

 * an associated factory class to provide a standard way to create and destroy the plug-in.


class PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory: public HeapBase




         * Virtual destructor for the plug-in factory. All plug-in factory should perform any clean up here


        virtual ~PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory()





         * This method instantiates and returns the recognizer plug-in that the factory is associated with.


         * @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes

         *         OsclErrNoMemory if memory cannot be allocated for the recognizer plug-in

         * @returns A pointer to the recognizer plug-in instance if creation is successful.


        virtual PVMFRecognizerPluginInterface* CreateRecognizerPlugin() = 0;



         * This method destroys the specified recognizer plug-in pointer as the particular recognizer plug-in

         * the factory is associated with.


         * @param aPlugIn

         *        A pointer to the recognizer plug-in that should be destroyed.


         * @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes


         * @returns None


        virtual void DestroyRecognizerPlugin(PVMFRecognizerPluginInterface* aPlugIn) = 0;




 * Basic templatized recognizer plug-in factory. Can be used if the recognizer plug-in only needs

 * to be instantiated and destroyed by just new and delete, respectively and no other functionality

 * is needed from the factory class.



class PVMFRecognizerPluginFactoryBasic : public PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory



        virtual ~PVMFRecognizerPluginFactoryBasic()




        PVMFRecognizerPluginInterface* CreateRecognizerPlugin()


            T* plugin = OSCL_NEW(T, ());

            return plugin;



        void DestroyRecognizerPlugin(PVMFRecognizerPluginInterface* aPlugIn)


            T* plugin = (T*)aPlugIn;




这样关于插件的基类,我们基本搞定,下面的就是这么多插件在一起如何去管理。这里就是一个静态类(static)。负责插件的注册和注销,并且负责文件的的寻找,来了文件,历遍所有注册过的插件来找到最匹配的格式。这和微软的DirectShow框架极为相似,不过微软的Filter是这侧到注册表里面去了,并且,微软Filter的概念不仅仅是文件的识别,在微软的注册表中,有一项就是Media Type,规定了系统所能够识别的文件类型,每一个类型都要有匹配码,例如前面八个字节是什么,后面四个字节是什么,这些都是在注册表中,注册的另外的一个就是打开这个文件所需的Source FilterID,这样要播放的文件的时候按照一定优先级匹配这些注册信息就行了。




 * A class of static methods that provides the interface to the PVMF recognizer registry..

 * With these static methods, the recognizer registry can be initialized and shutdown, recognizer

 * plug-ins can be registered and unregistered, and format of a content can be recognized.


class PVMFRecognizerRegistry





         * This static method initializes the recognizer registry for use. This method must be called once

         * and succeed before calling any other methods from PVMFRecognizerRegistry.


         * @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes

         *         OsclErrNoMemory if memory cannot be allocated for the registry implementation

         * @returns A PVMF status code to report result of method


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static PVMFStatus Init();




         * This static methods shuts down and cleans up the recognizer registry. This method must be called once

         * after there is no more use for the recognizer registry to properly release the memory allocated for the

         * registry


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static void Cleanup();




         * This static method adds the specified recognizer plug-in factory to the list of available recognizers.

         * The passed-in plug-in factory would be used to create and destroy the recognizer plug-in in the Recognize() methods.

         * The passed-in plug-in factory reference must be valid until it is removed from the list by the RemovePlugin() method.


         * @param aPluginFactory

         *        A reference to a recognizer plug-in factory to add to the list of registered recognizers


         * @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes

         *         OsclErrNoMemory if memory cannot be allocated for vector holding the plug-in factory pointers

         * @returns A PVMF status code to report result of method


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static PVMFStatus RegisterPlugin(PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory& aPluginFactory);


        /**  注销某一种格式,将某一种识别的信息从注册信息列表中剔除

         * This static method removes the specified recognizer plug-in factory from the list of available recognizers.

         * The passed-in plug-in factory must have been added before with RegisterPlugin() for this method to succeed.

         * After the plug-in factory is successfully removed, the factory instance can be deleted.


         * @param aPluginFactory

         *        A reference to a recognizer plug-in factory to remove from the list of registered recognizers


         * @returns A PVMF status code to report result of method


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static PVMFStatus RemovePlugin(PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory& aPluginFactory);



         * This static method creates a recognition session with the recognizer framework.


         * @param aSessionId  返回一个会话的ID

         *        A reference to a PVMFSessionId which will be set to the session's unique identifier when this method

         *        completes successfully.

         * @param aCmdHandler   给它一个识别的观察者,也就是消息的监控者

         *        A reference to a PVMFRecognizerCommmandHandler which will receive asynchronous command completion notification.


         * @returns A PVMF status code to report result of method


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static PVMFStatus OpenSession(PVMFSessionId& aSessionId, PVMFRecognizerCommmandHandler& aCmdHandler);



         * This static method shuts down a recognition session with the recognizer framework.


         * @param aSessionId

         *        The unique identifier of the session to close


         * @returns A PVMF status code to report result of method


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static PVMFStatus CloseSession(PVMFSessionId aSessionId);



         * This static method asynchronously determines the format of the specified content using the currently registered

         * recognizer plug-ins. When the recognizer request completes, the user would be notified via the PVMFRecognizerCommandHandler

         * callback handler set when opening the session.


         * @param aSessionId

         *        The unique identifier for the recognizer session

         * @param aSourceDataStreamFactory  数据的来源

         *        A reference to a PVMFDataStreamFactory representing the content to recognize

         * @param aFormatHintList优先考虑的格式

         *        An optional input parameter expressed as a list of MIME string which provides a priori hint for the format

         *        of the content specified by aSourceDataStreamFactory.

         * @param aRecognizerResult结果的存储

         *        An output parameter which is a reference to a vector of PVMFRecognizerResult that will contain the recognition

         *        result if the Recognize() method succeeds.

         * @param aCmdContext

         *        Optional pointer to opaque data that will be returned in the command completion response,识别上下文的返回

         * @param aTimeout  识别的时间限制

         *        Optional timeout value for the recognition request. If the recognition operation takes more time than the timeout

         *        value, the operation will be cancelled with PVMFErrTimeout status code. If the timeout value is set to 0, the

         *        recognition operation will go to completion.


         * @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes

         *         OsclErrNoMemory if memory cannot allocated to process this request

         *         OsclErrArgument if one or more of the passed-in parameters is invalid


         * @returns A PVMF command ID for the recognize request


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static PVMFCommandId Recognize(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFDataStreamFactory& aSourceDataStreamFactory, PVMFRecognizerMIMEStringList* aFormatHintList,

                Oscl_Vector& aRecognizerResult, OsclAny* aCmdContext = NULL, uint32 aTimeout = 0);



         * This static method cancels a previously issued asynchronous request that hasn't completed yet.


         * @param aSessionId

         *        The unique identifier for the recognizer session

         * @param aCommandToCancelId

         *        Unique identifier for the asynchronous request to cancel.

         * @param aCmdContext

         *        Optional pointer to opaque data that will be returned in the command completion response


         * @exception This method can leave with one of the following error codes

         *         OsclErrNoMemory if memory cannot allocated to process this request

         *         OsclErrArgument if one or more of the passed-in parameters is invalid


         * @returns A PVMF command ID for the cancel request


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static PVMFCommandId CancelCommand(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFCommandId aCommandToCancelId, OsclAny* aCmdContext = NULL);




class OsclTLSRegistry




        ** Get an entry

        ** @param ID: identifier

        ** @param error (output) 0 for success or an error from TPVBasePanicEnum

        ** @returns: the entry value


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static OsclAny* getInstance(uint32 ID, int32 &error);


        ** Set an entry

        ** @param ID: identifier

        ** @param error (output) 0 for success or an error from TPVBasePanicEnum

        ** @returns: the entry value


        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static void registerInstance(OsclAny* ptr, uint32 ID, int32 &error);





        typedef OsclAny* registry_type;

        typedef registry_type* registry_pointer_type;



        class TKeyItem



                TKeyItem(): iTlsKey(NULL), iThreadId(0)


                TOsclTlsKey *iTlsKey;

                TOsclTlsThreadId iThreadId;


        class TlsKeyTable



                TlsKeyTable(): iNumKeys(0)


                _OsclBasicLock iLock;

                uint32 iNumKeys;

                TKeyItem iKeys[OSCL_TLS_MAX_THREADS];



        //The key table is a global variable.

        static TlsKeyTable* iTlsKeyTable;


        static void GetThreadId(TOsclTlsThreadId &threadId, int32&);

        static TOsclTlsKey* LookupTlsKey(int32&);

        static bool SaveTlsKey(TOsclTlsKey* key, int32&);

        static bool RemoveTlsKey(Oscl_DefAlloc& alloc, TOsclTlsKey* key, int32&);




        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static void initialize(Oscl_DefAlloc &alloc, int32 &error);

        OSCL_IMPORT_REF static void cleanup(Oscl_DefAlloc &alloc, int32 &error);

        friend class OsclBase;





OSCL_EXPORT_REF PVMFStatus PVMFRecognizerRegistry::Init()


    // Check that there is no existing registry

PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl* pvrecregimpl = OSCL_STATIC_CAST(PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl*, PVMFRECOGNIZER_REGISTRY::getInstance(PVMFRECOGNIZER_REGISTRY_ID));

// 如果存在,那么我就不用注册这个一项了

    if (pvrecregimpl != NULL)


        // Registry is already present so no need to instantiate again

        // Just increment the refcount


        return PVMFSuccess;



    // Instantiate the registry implementation,否则就开始分配新的空间开始注册

    Oscl_TAlloc talloc;

    pvrecregimpl = OSCL_ALLOC_NEW(talloc, PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl, ());

    // Save it on singleton or TLS


    return PVMFSuccess;




OSCL_EXPORT_REF void PVMFRecognizerRegistry::Cleanup()


// Retrieve the registry implementation instance from singleton or TLS and destroy it


    PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl* pvrecregimpl = OSCL_STATIC_CAST(PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl*, PVMFRECOGNIZER_REGISTRY::getInstance(PVMFRECOGNIZER_REGISTRY_ID));

    if (pvrecregimpl != NULL)


        // First decrement the refcount,直接自减就行了,自身负责分配


        // If the resulting refcount is 0, then delete the instance

        if ((pvrecregimpl->iRefCount) <= 0)


            Oscl_TAlloc talloc;

            OSCL_ALLOC_DELETE(pvrecregimpl, talloc, PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl);

            // Unregister by putting NULL pointer in singleton or TLS  释放后,注意把注册表中的信息清空






        // Registry has already been cleaned up so nothing to do





OSCL_EXPORT_REF PVMFStatus PVMFRecognizerRegistry::RegisterPlugin(PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory& aPluginFactory)


    PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl* pvrecregimpl = OSCL_STATIC_CAST(PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl*, PVMFRECOGNIZER_REGISTRY::getInstance(PVMFRECOGNIZER_REGISTRY_ID));

    if (pvrecregimpl != NULL)


        return pvrecregimpl->RegisterPlugin(aPluginFactory);




        // Registry hasn't been initialized yet. Assert


        return PVMFErrNotReady;












 * PVMFRecRegImplCommandType enum


 *  Enumeration of commands that can be issued to the PVMF Recognizer Registry



typedef enum




} PVMFRecRegImplCommandType;


class PVMFRecRegSessionInfo







        PVMFRecRegSessionInfo(const PVMFRecRegSessionInfo& aSrc)


            iRecRegSessionId = aSrc.iRecRegSessionId;

            iRecRegCmdHandler = aSrc.iRecRegCmdHandler;







        PVMFSessionId iRecRegSessionId;

        PVMFRecognizerCommmandHandler* iRecRegCmdHandler;




 * PVMFRecRegImplCommand Class


 * PVMFRecRegImplCommand class is a data class to hold issued commands inside the recognizer registry impl


class PVMFRecRegImplCommand




         * The constructor for PVMFRecRegImplCommand which allows the data values to be set.


         * @param aCmdType The command type value for this command.

         * @param aCmdId The command ID assigned for this command.

         * @param aContextData The pointer to the passed-in context data for this command.

         * @param aParamVector The optional pointer to a list of parameters


         * @returns None


        PVMFRecRegImplCommand(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, int32 aCmdType, PVMFCommandId aCmdId, OsclAny* aContextData = NULL,

                              Oscl_Vector* aParamVector = NULL, bool aAPICommand = true) :

                iSessionId(aSessionId), iCmdType(aCmdType), iCmdId(aCmdId), iContextData(aContextData), iAPICommand(aAPICommand)



            if (aParamVector)


                iParamVector = *aParamVector;





         * The copy constructor for PVMFRecRegImplCommand. Used mainly for Oscl_Vector.


         * @param aCmd The reference to the source PVMFRecRegImplCommand to copy the data values from.


         * @returns None


        PVMFRecRegImplCommand(const PVMFRecRegImplCommand& aCmd)


            iSessionId = aCmd.iSessionId;

            iCmdType = aCmd.iCmdType;

            iCmdId = aCmd.iCmdId;

            iContextData = aCmd.iContextData;

            iAPICommand = aCmd.iAPICommand;

            iParamVector = aCmd.iParamVector;




         * This function returns the session ID for the command


         * @returns The session ID value for this command.


        PVMFSessionId GetSessionId()const


            return iSessionId;




         * This function returns the stored command type value.


         * @returns The signed 32-bit command type value for this command.


        int32 GetCmdType()const


            return iCmdType;




         * This function returns the stored command ID value.


         * @returns The PVMFCommandId value for this command.


        PVMFCommandId GetCmdId()const


            return iCmdId;




         * This function returns the stored context data pointer.


         * @returns The pointer to the context data for this command


        OsclAny* GetContext()const


            return iContextData;




         * This function tells whether the command is an API command or not


         * @returns true if API command, false if not.


        bool IsAPICommand()const


            return iAPICommand;




         * This function returns the command parameter from the specified index.

         * If the specified index is not available, empty parameter will be returned


         * @param aIndex The index of the parameter to return


         * @returns The stored parameter for this command


        PVMFRecRegImplCommandParamUnion GetParam(uint32 aIndex)const


            if (aIndex >= iParamVector.size())


                PVMFRecRegImplCommandParamUnion param;

                oscl_memset(¶m, 0, sizeof(PVMFRecRegImplCommandParamUnion));

                return param;




                return iParamVector[aIndex];




        bool operator==(const PVMFRecRegImplCommand& x)const


            return iCmdId == x.iCmdId;



        PVMFSessionId iSessionId;

        int32 iCmdType;

        PVMFCommandId iCmdId;

        OsclAny* iContextData;

        bool iAPICommand;

        Oscl_Vector iParamVector;




class PVMFRecRegImplCommandCompareLess




        * The algorithm used in OsclPriorityQueue needs a compare function

        * that returns true when A's priority is less than B's

        * @return true if A's priority is less than B's, else false


        int compare(PVMFRecRegImplCommand& a, PVMFRecRegImplCommand& b) const


            int a_pri = PVMFRecRegImplCommandCompareLess::GetPriority(a);

            int b_pri = PVMFRecRegImplCommandCompareLess::GetPriority(b);

            if (a_pri < b_pri)


                // Higher priority

                return true;


            else if (a_pri == b_pri)


                // Same priority so look at the command ID to maintain FIFO

                return (a.GetCmdId() > b.GetCmdId());




                // Lower priority

                return false;





        * Returns the priority of each command

        * @return A 0-based priority number. A lower number indicates lower priority.


        static int GetPriority(PVMFRecRegImplCommand& aCmd)


            switch (aCmd.GetCmdType())



                    return 5;


                    return 3;


                    return 0;







 * Implementation of the recognizer registry. The recognizer interface class should only

 * use this class.



class PVMFRecognizerRegistryImpl : public OsclTimerObject,

            public PvmiDataStreamObserver






        PVMFStatus RegisterPlugin(PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory& aPluginFactory);

        PVMFStatus RemovePlugin(PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory& aPluginFactory);

        PVMFStatus OpenSession(PVMFSessionId& aSessionId, PVMFRecognizerCommmandHandler& aCmdHandler);

        PVMFStatus CloseSession(PVMFSessionId aSessionId);


        PVMFCommandId Recognize(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFDataStreamFactory& aSourceDataStreamFactory, PVMFRecognizerMIMEStringList* aFormatHint,

                                Oscl_Vector& aRecognizerResult, OsclAny* aCmdContext, uint32 aTimeout);

        PVMFCommandId CancelCommand(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, PVMFCommandId aCommandToCancelId, OsclAny* aCmdContext);


        // Reference count for the registry implementation

        int32 iRefCount;  注册的Plug个数




        PVMFSessionId iNextSessionId;

        PVMFCommandId iNextCommandId;


        // From OsclTimerObject

        void Run();


        // Vector to hold the active sessions

        Oscl_Vector iRecognizerSessionList;


        // Vector to hold the available recognizer plug-in

        Oscl_Vector iRecognizerPluginFactoryList;


        int32 FindPluginFactory(PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory& aFactory);

        PVMFRecognizerPluginInterface* CreateRecognizerPlugin(PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory& aFactory);

        void DestroyRecognizerPlugin(PVMFRecognizerPluginFactory& aFactory, PVMFRecognizerPluginInterface* aPlugin);


        // Vector to hold pending, current, and to-cancel commands

        OsclPriorityQueue, PVMFRecRegImplCommandCompareLess> iRecognizerPendingCmdList;

        Oscl_Vector iRecognizerCurrentCmd;

        Oscl_Vector iRecognizerCmdToCancel;


        PVMFCommandId AddRecRegCommand(PVMFSessionId aSessionId, int32 aCmdType, OsclAny* aContextData = NULL, Oscl_Vector* aParamVector = NULL, bool aAPICommand = true);

        void CompleteCurrentRecRegCommand(PVMFStatus aStatus, const uint32 aCurrCmdIndex = 0, PVInterface* aExtInterface = NULL);

        bool FindCommandByID(Oscl_Vector &aCmdQueue, const PVMFCommandId aCmdId);


        // Command handling functions

        void DoRecognize();

        void CompleteRecognize(PVMFStatus aStatus);

        void DoCancelCommand(PVMFRecRegImplCommand& aCmd);


        PVMFDataStreamFactory* iDataStreamFactory;

        PVMIDataStreamSyncInterface* iDataStream;

        PvmiDataStreamSession iDataStreamSessionID;

        PvmiDataStreamCommandId iRequestReadCapacityNotificationID;


        PVMFStatus GetMaxRequiredSizeForRecognition(uint32& aMaxSize);

        PVMFStatus GetMinRequiredSizeForRecognition(uint32& aMinSize);

        PVMFStatus CheckForDataAvailability();



        PVLogger* iLogger;


        /* From PvmiDataStreamObserver */

        void DataStreamCommandCompleted(const PVMFCmdResp& aResponse);

        void DataStreamInformationalEvent(const PVMFAsyncEvent& aEvent);

        void DataStreamErrorEvent(const PVMFAsyncEvent& aEvent);


        bool oRecognizePending;

        PVMFStatus iDataStreamCallBackStatus;




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