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2009-10-14 10:04:36


nagios interwiki link: [[nex:2794 | Check Oracle status & health without install Oracle client]] (This tag could be used within the to link easily to this plugin/page)

This perl nagios plugin allow you to check oracle service (ability to connect to database ) and health of oracle databse (Dictionary Cache Hit Ratio,Library Cache Hit Ratio,DB Block Buffer Cache Hit Ratio,Latch Hit Ratio,Disk Sort Ratio,Rollback Segment Waits,Dispatcher Workload) is possible define own parameters.Big advantage is that it does not need to install ORACLE client or compile other perl modules.

Instalation steps:

1/ download oracle instant client from Instant Client Package - Basic and Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus unzip it and make sqlplus runnable from anywhere ( set new PATH or copy to defined PATH) and test SQLPLUS sqlplus user/passwd@\(DESCRIPTION=\(ADDRESS=\(PROTOCOL=TCP\)\(Host=IP or hostname\)\(Port=port\)\)\(CONNECT_DATA=\(SID=sid\)\)\)

2/ copy check_oracle_instant script to libexec directory (on linux /usr/local/nagios/libexec)
and set correct rights and owner

3/ set /usr/local/nagios/objects/etc/commands.cfg add define own values

# ### CHECK ORACLE ###
define command{
command_name check_oracle_instant
command_line $USER1$/check_oracle_instant $HOSTADDRESS$ $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$ $ARG4$

4/ define service add and set own values

define service{
use profile name
host_name hostname
service_description ORACLE: check_login_health
check_command check_oracle_instant!port!sid!login!passwd

5/ restart nagios and that is all :-)
Working nagios version v1.x v2.x v3.x

Filename   Size Description DL
  2.88 kB check_oracle_instant 1324/877/4/2
(Download: All/Unique/Today/Yesterday)

Submitted by: xnovv
Hits: 343
Added: Mon Nov 10 2008

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check_oracle_health is a plugin for the Nagios monitoring software that allows you to monitor various metrics of an Oracle database. It includes connection time, SGA data buffer hit ratio, SGA library cache hit ratio, SGA dictionary cache hit ratio, SGA shared pool free, PGA in memory sort ratio, tablespace usage, tablespace fragmentation, tablespace I/O balance, invalid objects, and many more.

Ce plugin a 鴩 d鶥lopp頰our connae la disponibilit頤?une base oracle

This plugin is write for Nagios checking to an
ORACLE database instance. The check find over extent object,
space problem on all tablespace and check varios object state.

This plugins verify oracle services (ASM,LISTENER,GSD,ONS,VIP) in "RAC" cluster,
see config session on the script check_oracle_cluster.
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