2009-04-29 14:28:47
The first entry of the newsletter. Here you can read about how to get rid of duplicate values in an array.
I opened the list on 11th March 2009 and this was the first message and the first post.
As of the name of this newsletter, I was not sure how I'd like to call it. I started with "Perl 6 code" and then other ideas such as "bread crumbs" and "bait" came up. At one point I was even thinking about "Gragger" - as I opened the list on the day of Purim - but then my sister suggested "treats" and then we arrived to the expression
I loved the idea but I though in our case tricks are treats so we should use "and" between the two words.
Anyway, tips would be also a good name but I did not want to call it "Perl 6 Tips" as there already is a list and a good one. It's worth to or read them on their web site.
This brings me to one of the things I can do on this list. I can go over the various tips given by the folks at and write the Perl 6 version for some of them.
I'll start with the most recent tip from Jacinta and Paul:
Basically they show various ways how one can take a list of values and return a sublist of the same values after eliminating the duplicates.
With Perl 6 its much easier to solve the problem as there is a built-in called "uniq" that will do the job.
use v6; my @duplicates = (1, 1, 2, 5, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1); say @duplicates.perl; # [1, 1, 2, 5, 1, 4, 3, 2, 1] my @unique = uniq @duplicates; say @unique.perl; # prints [1, 2, 5, 4, 3]
This works on strings as well:
use v6; my @chars = ; say @chars.perl; # ["b", "c", "a", "d", "b", "a", "a", "a", "b"] my @singles = uniq @chars; say @singles.perl; # ["b", "c", "a", "d"]
A few comments to people new to Perl 6:
One should start every Perl 6 script by asking for v6; version 6 of Perl.
You can add .perl to every kind of variable and get back a dumped representation of the thing. In our case the thing is an array. Very handy for debugging.
say() is a built-in function in Perl 6 and it behaves as say() in Perl 5.10 printing to the screen and adding a newline at the end.
Angle brackets < > allow one to create a list of values from a space separated list of items. In Perl 5 the qw() operator was used for this.
Actually "uniq" can also be used as a method call on the array object...
use v6; my @chars = ; my @singles = @chars.uniq;
... and some people will prefer to add the .say call to after the .perl call:
@singles.perl.say; # ["b", "c", "a", "d"]
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