*data del_line like line of itab. *data del_itab like itab occurs 0 with header line.
*form fcode_delete_row 中加
loop at
assigning .
*&SPWIZARD: access to the component 'FLAG' of the table header * assign component p_mark_name of structure to .
if = 'X'. clear del_tabix. del_tabix = syst-tabix. **************************=> begin of added by nc clear del_line. move-corresponding to del_line.
append del_line to del_itab. **************************=> end of added by nc
index syst-tabix. if sy-subrc = 0. -lines = -lines - 1. endif. endif. endloop.
4. 写个子程序
form delete_line. loop at del_itab. delete from zmarm where matnr = del_itab-matnr and kunnr = del_itab-kunnr and vsart = del_itab-vsart and meinh = del_itab-meinh.