分类: Oracle
2006-09-21 10:53:17
当前时间 年月日小时分秒毫秒:
select to_char(current_timestamp(5),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SSxFF') from dual;
当前 时间的秒毫秒,可以指定秒后面的精度(最大=9)
select to_char(current_timestamp(9),'MI:SSxFF') from dual;
AD | AD indicator | |
A.D. | A.D. indicator | |
AM | Meridian indicator | |
A.M. | Meridian indicator | |
BC | BC indicator | |
B.C. | B.C. indicator | |
CC | Century | |
SCC | Century | |
D | Day of week (between 1 and 7) | |
DAY | Spelled name of day (char(9)) | |
DD | Day of month (between 1 and 31) | |
DDD | Day of year (between 1 and 366) | |
DL | long date format | |
DS | short date format | |
DY | abbreviated name of day (char(3)) | |
EE | name of era | |
E | abbreviated name of era | |
FFx | x=1 through 9: fraction of seconds | |
FM | no leading or trailing blanks | |
FX | requires exact matching between character string and format | |
HH | hour of the day (between 1 and 12) | |
HH12 | hour of the day (between 1 and 12) | |
HH24 | hour of the day (between 1 and 24) | |
IW | week of the year (between 1 and 53) | |
IYYY | 4 digit ISO year | |
IYY | last three digits of ISO year | |
IY | last two digits of ISO year | |
I | last digit of ISO year | |
J | julian day (numbers of days since 1st of January 4712 B.C) | |
MI | minute (between 0 and 59) | |
MM | month (between 1 and 12) | |
MONTH | name of month (char(9)) | |
MON | abbreviated name of month (char(3)) | |
PM | PM indicator | |
P.M. | P.M. indicator | |
Q | quarter of year | |
RM | roman month (I .. XII) | |
RR | two digit years | |
RRRR | ??? | |
SSSSS | seconds since midnight | |
TS | ??? | |
TZD | Daylight saving information | |
TZH | timezone hour | |
WW | week of year (first week days 1 through 7 in year) | |
W | week of month (first week days 1 through 7 in month) | |
X | local radix character | |
Y,YYY | year with comma (wondering who uses that...) | |
YEAR | year spelled | |
SYEAR | year spelled, BC dates prefixed with - | |
YYYY | four digit year | |
SYYYY | four digit year, BC dates prefixed with - | |
YYY | last three digits of year | |
YY | last two digits of year | |
Y | last digit of year |