Configuring a Persistent Session Manager
The Persistent Session Manager is configured through the element in the Context descriptor of a Web application. This element must be configured as a subelement of the element within the application’s Context descriptor XML file. The element can placed in the global context.xml found in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf directory (applied globally to all Web applications in the server) or in a context.xml file placed in the META-INF directory of the application’s WAR file.
The Element
The following table describes the most common attributes of the element that are available for configuration.
Attribute Description Required?
className The Java programming language class that implements the
Persistent Session Manager. This should be org.apache
algorithm The algorithm used for generating the session IDs. Default of
MD5 should be adequate for almost all cases.
distributable Default is false. A element in an applica-
tion’s web.xml is equivalent to setting this to true. When true,
the Session Manager will enforce that all session attributes be
entropy The seed (string) value used in generating randomized ses-
sion IDs by the persistence manager. Default is a random
computed value. You can specify any long string as a seed.
maxActiveSessions The ceiling on the number of active sessions before swapping
out of the session via the Persistent Session Manager begins.
The default value of –1 allows an unlimited number of active
minIdleSwap The minimum number of seconds before a session will be
considered for swapping. The default value of –1 enables
swapping at any time. Make sure this is maxIdleSwap if you
specify it.
maxIdleSwap The maximum number of seconds before a session is eligible to
be swapped out to the Store. Used with minIdleSwap to tune
the session persistence mechanism. The default value is –1,
and the session will be swapped without an eligibility check.
maxIdleBackup The number of seconds since a session was last active before it
is backed up on the Store. Note that sessions that are backed
up are not removed from memory — they are not swapped.
This can be used to avert a sudden crash, as the backed up ses-
sions will be restored from the Store upon the next startup. The
default value of −1 will disable the backup action altogether.
randomClass The implementation of java.util.Random to use. By
default, is used.
saveOnRestart If this is set to true, Tomcat will save all the active sessions
to the Store upon shutdown, and will reload the sessions
(except the expired ones) from the Store on startup. The
default is true.
sessionIdLength The length of the session ID created by the Session Manager
instance. Default is 16.
The element can have only one subelement, as described in the following table.
Subelement Description How Many?
Store Used by the Persistent Session Manager to determine how and where to save the session. Currently, the only options available for a Store implementation are org.apache.catalina.session.FileStore or org.apache.catalina.session.JDBCStore.
Store uses object serialization to store the session. The following hands-on example uses the FileStore Store implementation. By default, the FileStore ’s serialized session information is placed under the $CATALINA_HOME/work//// directory. You can customize the directory for use by setting the directory attribute of the Store element.
Hands-On Configuration with the Persistent Session Manager
To configure the Persistent Session Manager, it is necessary to add a element definition into the Context descriptor of the Web application. In this example, the default servlet and JSP examples Web application will be used.
The easiest way to add a Context descriptor to the examples application is to create a $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/examples/META-INF/context.xml file containing the following:
This configures a Persistent Session Manager that will allow up to three active sessions before activating
session swapping. Any session is available for swapping at any time. All idle sessions will be swapped
within 60 seconds. An active session is backed up regularly; a value of 0 indicates that sessions should be
backed up immediately after being used.
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