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分类: C/C++

2009-06-15 15:19:03

Join FFmpeg



         首先, 应聘者必须能达到(要求)或接受(条件):

Ø       熟练使用C语言(不是C++ C#等等,C语言工程经验至少2);

Ø       能快速熟悉FFmpeg代码库(我觉得要做到这一点,除了上面一条外,额外需要基本功有:英文功底、理解多媒体格式常用编码方法、熟练掌握一种视频解码算法、至少理解一种复用协议、理解计算机基本组成原理);

Ø       能否及时按质提交补丁?这需要你能接受批评性的意见,可能你也需要对你的架构进行改动。改动一直进行直至符合质量标准;

Ø       需要完成在罗列的small task先;

当然,在你选好了自己的small tasks的时候,可以发送邮件至ffmpeg-devel告诉你的选择。这里有两个问题大家一定要注意啊:

1.      别搞错了收件人。在里有很多联系地址,有提问的,有使用server库配置的,有libav的等等。而我,想必大家也是,是欲加入ffmpeg组织进行develop的,所以信件收件人选择ffmpeg-devel;

2.      必须注意邮件的格式。FFmpeg组织在多处特别强调了不能使用所谓的top-posting转发邮件,可能是这样将导致邮件过大。大家可以参考以前的邮件ffmpeg-devel archives来回复。关于top-posting我仍有些疑惑;

在发了邮件之后,那就凭自己本事开始完成small tasks了啊,有时限的哦~~~look at this The sooner you start communicating with us and working within our code base, the sooner both you and we will ascertain your suitability and you will get used to our development methodology. You have until the application deadline to complete your small task. Good luck!


FFmpeg was granted 9 slots to fill with applicants. After the gruelling application and qualification process, we will be running the following tasks this year:

  • RTMP Support
    • Student: Kostya Shiskov
    • Mentor: Ronald Bultje
  • Libswscale Cleanup
    • Student: Ramiro Polla
    • Mentor: Reimar Döffinger
  • S/PDIF Multiplexer
    • Student: Bartlomiej Wolowiec
    • Mentor: Benjamin Larsson
  • Playlist/Concatenation Support
    • Student: Geza Kovacs
    • Mentor: Baptiste Coudurier
  • JPEG2000 Codec
    • Student: Jai Menon
    • Mentor: Justin Ruggles
  • Implement the New Seeking API in Libavformat
    • Student: Zhentan Feng
    • Mentor: Baptiste Coudurier
  • MPEG-4 ALS Decoder
    • Student: Thilo Borgmann
    • Mentor: Justin Ruggles
  • Implementation of AVFilter infrastructure and various audio filters
    • Student: Kevin Dubois
    • Mentor: Vitor Sessak
  • Finish AMR-NB decoder and write an encoder
    • Student: Colin McQuillan
    • Mentor: Robert Swain

Congratulations to all the successful applicants. Work hard, communicate well and prosper! Good luck!


不过至少,我们应该努力,找一个small task,阅读邮件archive,开始靠拢。

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