分类: Oracle
2012-06-12 15:59:29
[ERROR] [com.xinaomdt.hmpsnew.common.HmpsService] -- 执行SQL时错误.
运行时参数:sql= select t.* ,a.fullname as lifecyclelabel ,b.fullname as studycl
asscodelabel ,c.fullname as studyitemcodelabel from t_hr_examresult t ,t_hr_c_li
fecycle a ,t_ch_examcategory b ,t_ch_examitem c where t.lifecycle = a.code(+) an
d t.studyclasscode = b.code(+) and t.studyitemcode = c.code(+) and t.mrid='0A087
E8A-D3DA-4B00-87B0-B077F6639A9B' and t.status = 'Active'
异常信息:ORA-01775: looping chain of synonyms
[ERROR] [com.xinaomdt.hmpsnew.common.HmpsService] -- 执行SQL时错误.
运行时参数:sql= select t.* ,a.fullname as lifecyclelabel ,b.fullname as studycl
asscodelabel ,c.fullname as studyitemcodelabel from t_hr_examresult t ,t_hr_c_li
fecycle a ,t_ch_examcategory b ,t_ch_examitem c where t.lifecycle = a.code(+) an
d t.studyclasscode = b.code(+) and t.studyitemcode = c.code(+) and t.mrid='0A087
E8A-D3DA-4B00-87B0-B077F6639A9B' and t.status = 'Active'
异常信息:ORA-01775: looping chain of synonyms