※ 注意:
如果分区在单独的磁盘上,应该把该磁盘卸载后,进行修复。(非 mount 状态)
如果分区与根分区在同一个磁盘上,那么,可以把分区挂载为 ro 只读状态;
mount -o remount,ro /dev/sdX1
◎ 修复的原理:
通过遍历文件系统的 journal ,找到对应的 inode 位置,然后组成正常的文件。
所以,若使用 mkfs.ext4 等格式化的磁盘,superblock 全部被刷写,则是无法修复的。
通过 extundelete 工具可以进行尝试修复。
安装需要编译,编译前应安装 e2fsprogs-devel 软件包以及 gcc 等编译工具。
解压后,执行./configure 和 make install
[root@demo ~]# extundelete --restore-all /dev/vdc1
NOTICE: Extended attributes are not restored.
Loading filesystem metadata ... 160 groups loaded.
Loading journal descriptors ... 25677 descriptors loaded.
Searching for recoverable inodes in directory / ...
57192 recoverable inodes found.
Looking through the directory structure for deleted files ...
1 recoverable inodes still lost.
若能找到误删除的文件,所有恢复的文件默认会放在当前目录的 RECOVERED_FILES 目录中,需要注意可用磁盘的大小。
若能准确知道需要进行恢复文件的删除时间,可以考虑加入 --after 参数:
# extundelete --restore-all --after $(($(date +%s) - 7200)) /dev/sdX1
恢复时,还可以指定 inode、文件路径、目录等参数:
--restore-inode ino[,ino,...]
Restore the file(s) with known inode number 'ino'.
The restored files are created in ./RECOVERED_FILES
with their inode number as extension (ie, file.12345).
--restore-file 'path' Will restore file 'path'. 'path' is relative to root
of the partition and does not start with a '/'
The restored file is created in the current
directory as 'RECOVERED_FILES/path'.
--restore-files 'path' Will restore files which are listed in the file 'path'.
Each filename should be in the same format as an option
to --restore-file, and there should be one per line.
--restore-directory 'path'
Will restore directory 'path'. 'path' is relative to the
root directory of the file system. The restored
directory is created in the output directory as 'path'.
--restore-all Attempts to restore everything.
对应 superblock 部分损坏的情况,可以另外指定 backup superblock 位置进行修复:
-b blocknumber Uses the backup superblock at blocknumber when opening
the file system.
undelete a just deleted file on ext4 with extundelete
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