P 94/636
Each byte of allocated memory is set to 0xa5 before being handed to the caller and then set to 0x6b when it is
Finally, when looking at oops listings, always be on the lookout for the “slab poisoning”
values discussed at the beginning of this chapter. Thus, for example, if you get a
kernel oops where the offending address is 0xa5a5a5a5, you are almost certainly forgetting to initialize dynamic memory somewhere.
O'Reilly FTP 站点可下载, misc-progs, 是的,这个包含在 examples 里。
另外, Page 595/636中提到, 可以用 repatch 程序来检查单个文件在不同内核补丁中是被如何修改的,还没看到这个文件?
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