分类: 网络与安全
2017-03-19 11:16:57
# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp_iftraffic_by_ip -H -C public -l
. = INTEGER: 11
# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp_iftraffic_by_ip -H -C public
Status is OK - Interface UP,TotalRate:1000Mbps,CurrentRate(In/Out):817.3bps/1154.2bps,Warning:90%,Critical:95% | In_traffic=817.3bps;943718400;996147200 Out_traffic=1154.2bps;943718400;996147200
# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp_iftraffic_by_ip -h
check_snmp_iftraffic_by_ip v0.1
Usage: check_snmp_iftraffic_by_ip -H -C [...]
Options: -H Hostname or IP address
-p snmp port(default is tcp161)
-v snmp Version(default is v2c)
-C Community (default is public)
-w Warning threshold
-c Critical threshold
-l List snmp value
-r Interface rate(unit:Mbps)
-h or -v Help
define command{
command_name check_ifrate_by_ip
command_line $USER1$/check_snmp_iftraffic_by_ip -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$ -r $ARG2$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$
define service{
use local-service
host_name MT
service_description eth2_rate_ip
check_command check_ifrate_by_ip!public!1000!80!90
# Version : 0.1
# Date : 2017-02-28
# Author : Darry Guo
# Help :
# Licence : GPL -
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw{ :asn1 :snmp :translate };
use Getopt::Std;
my $script = GetScriptName($0);
my $script_version = "0.1";
my $ipaddress = "";
my $port = 161;
my $version = "snmpv2c";
my $community = "public";
my $warning = 90;
my $critical = 95;
my $vMAX = 100;
my $timeout = 2;
my $status = 0;
my $returnstring = "";
my $temp = 5;
my $vOID_in = '';
my $vOID_out ='';
my $string = "test";
my $list_yes = 0;
my @arry_value = ();
my $PortID = -1;
my $TotalSpeed = 1000;
if (@ARGV < 1) {
print "Too few arguments\n";
my %opt=();
if($opt{h} || $opt{v})
$list_yes = 1;
# sub program #
sub main()
#Create the SNMP session
$ipaddress = $opt{H} if defined $opt{H} ;
$community = $opt{C} if defined $opt{C} ;
$warning = $opt{w} if defined $opt{w} ;
$critical = $opt{c} if defined $opt{c} ;
#$string = $opt{s} if defined $opt{s} ;
$string = $ipaddress ;
$TotalSpeed = $opt{r} if defined $opt{r} ;
my $cmd_str;
my $return;
$cmd_str = "/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c $ipaddress -c $community$string -On";
$return = `$cmd_str`;
chomp $return ;
print $return,"\n";
$list_yes = 0;
$cmd_str = "/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c $ipaddress -c $community$string | cut -f2 -d'=' | cut -f3 -d' '";
$return = `$cmd_str`;
chomp $return ;
#print "Index:",$return,"\n";
$PortID = $return ;
$list_yes = 1;
#if get $Port_ID true
if ($PortID != -1)
my $TotalRateByte = $TotalSpeed * 1024 * 1024 / 8;
my $Byte_w_value = $TotalRateByte * $warning / 100 ;
my $Byte_c_value = $TotalRateByte * $critical / 100 ;
#check interface status:up or down
my $cmd_str="/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c $ipaddress -c $community$PortID | cut -f2 -d'(' | cut -f1 -d')'";
my $return=`$cmd_str`;
chomp $return;
if ($return == 1)
#interface up
#get rate
my $cmd_str="/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp -H $ipaddress -P 2c -C $community -o $vOID_in.$PortID -w 0:$Byte_w_value -c 0:$Byte_c_value -l 'In' -o $vOID_out.$PortID -w 0:$Byte_w_value -c 0:$Byte_c_value -l 'Out' -D ',' --rate --rate-multiplier 1";
my $return=`$cmd_str`;
chomp $return;
if ($return eq 'No previous data to calculate rate - assume okay')
#first get value
$status = 1;
$returnstring = $return;
#get value
#print "\nok!\n";
#print "$cmd_str\n";
#print $return,"\n";
#print "----------------------\n";
my $positionIn = index($return,"In=");
#print "In:$positionIn\n";
my $positionOut = index($return,"Out=");
#print "Out:$positionOut\n";
#print "\n\n";
my $in_length = $positionOut - $positionIn - 3 - 1;
my $in_number = substr($return,$positionIn+3,$in_length);
my $in_rate = $in_number * 8;
my $in_rate_value=sprintf("%.1f",$in_number * 8);
#print "In_rate:$in_number,$in_rate,$in_rate_value\n";
my $str_length = length($return);
my $out_length = $str_length - $positionOut - 3 - 2;
my $out_number = substr($return,$positionOut+4,$out_length);
my $out_rate = $out_number * 8;
my $out_rate_value=sprintf("%.1f",$out_number * 8);
#print "Out_rate:$out_number,$out_rate,$out_rate_value\n";
my $bit_w = $TotalSpeed * 1024 * 1024 * $warning / 100 ;
my $bit_c = $TotalSpeed * 1024 * 1024 * $critical / 100 ;
my $in_str1 = "$in_rate_value";
my $out_str1 = "$out_rate_value";
if (($in_rate_value < $bit_w) && ($out_rate_value < $bit_w))
$status = 0;
if ( (($in_rate_value >= $bit_w) && ($in_rate_value < $bit_c)) || (($out_rate_value >= $bit_w) && ($out_rate_value < $bit_c)) )
$status = 1;
if (($in_rate_value >= $bit_w) && ($in_rate_value < $bit_c))
$in_str1 = "*$in_rate_value*";
if (($out_rate_value >= $bit_w) && ($out_rate_value < $bit_c))
$out_str1 = "*$out_rate_value*";
if ( ($in_rate_value >= $bit_c) || ($out_rate_value >= $bit_c) )
$status = 2;
if ($in_rate_value >= $bit_c)
$in_str1 = "*$in_rate_value*";
if ($out_rate_value >= $bit_c)
$out_str1 = "*$out_rate_value*";
#set return value
$returnstring = "Interface UP,TotalRate:" . $TotalSpeed . "Mbps,CurrentRate(In/Out):" . $in_str1 . "bps/" . $out_str1 . "bps,Warning:$warning%,Critical:$critical% | In_traffic=$in_rate_value"."bps".";$bit_w;$bit_c Out_traffic=$out_rate_value"."bps".";$bit_w;$bit_c";
#interface down
$status = 2;
$returnstring = "This interface is DOWN";
#if not list mode,then it's plug output
if ($list_yes == 1 )
if ($returnstring eq ""){
$status = 3;
if ($status == 0){
print "Status is OK - $returnstring\n";
elsif ($status == 1){
print "Status is a WARNING level - $returnstring\n";
elsif ($status == 2){
print "Status is CRITICAL - $returnstring\n";
print "Status is UNKNOWN - $returnstring\n";
exit $status;
sub usage {
print << "USAGE";
$script v$script_version
Usage: $script -H -C [...]
Options: -H Hostname or IP address
-p snmp port(default is tcp161)
-v snmp Version(default is v2c)
-C Community (default is public)
-w Warning threshold
-c Critical threshold
-l List snmp value
-r Interface rate(unit:Mbps)
-h or -v Help
Copyright 2017 Limited
This program is free software; you can redistribute it or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
exit 1;
sub GetScriptName
my @str = @_;
my $len = rindex($str[0],"/");
return substr($str[0],$len + 1);