在日常维护cisco设备时,常用到"sh int counters"命令,但该命令不提供排序功能,不太方便.
#sh int g1/0/1
GigabitEthernet1/0/1 is up, line protocol is up (connected)
| | |
| | +--------------------------------------
| +------------------------------------------------------------
Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is ec30.91ca.3481 (bia ec30.91ca.3481)
Description: link-cisco4507r
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 6/255, rxload 2/255
Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set
Keepalive not set
Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s, link type is auto, media type is 1000BaseSX SFP
input flow-control is off, output flow-control is unsupported
ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00
Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 1416375
Queueing strategy: fifo
Output queue: 0/0 (size/max)
5 minute input rate 9130000 bits/sec, 3706 packets/sec
| |
| +-------------------------+-----5分钟平均值:
| +-----即时值(毫秒级):
5 minute output rate 25827000 bits/sec, 3713 packets/sec
| |
| +-------------------------+-----5分钟平均值:
| +-----即时值(毫秒级):
5588544812 packets input, 1594789568486 bytes, 0 no buffer
| |
| +---------------------------------
Received 32813253 broadcasts (31962960 multicasts)
| |
| +------------------------------组播:
23 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
23 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored
| |
| +--------------------------------------------
0 watchdog, 31962960 multicast, 0 pause input
0 input packets with dribble condition detected
4979391462 packets output, 3499294634681 bytes, 0 underruns
| |
| +--------------------------------
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets
| | |
| | +-----------------------------
| +-------------------------------------------
0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred
0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 PAUSE output
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
Usage: view-nic Remote-Option [OID-Option] [Sort-Option] [Other-Option]
-H <hostname> 交换机管理IP
-c <community> SNMP的Community字串,默认为public
-m "InputRatepbm"=>"" 每毫秒Input方面的包数量
"OutputRatepbm"=>"" 每毫秒Output方面的包数量
-r "Input5minRatebps"=>"" 每5分钟Input方面的字节数量
"Out5minRatebps"=>"" 每5分钟Output方面的字节数量
-R "Input5minRatepbs"=>"" 每5分钟Input方面的包数量
"Out5minRatepbs"=>"" 每5分钟Output方面的包数量
-P "InputUcastPkts"=>"" Input方向单播数量
"OutputUcastPkts"=>"" Output方向单播数量
-M "InputMcastPkts"=>"" Input方向组播数量
"OutputMcastPkts"=>"" Output方向组播数量
-B "InputBcastPkts"=>"" Input方向广播数量
"OutputBcastPkts"=>"" Output方向广播数量
-b "InputBytes"=>"" Input方向单播数量
"OutputBytes"=>"" Output方向单播数量
-e "InputError"=>"" Input方向错包数量
"OutputError"=>"" Output方向错包数量
-C "InputCRC"=>"" Input方向的CRC数量
-t "OutputResets"=>"" Output方向的interface resets数量
-D "OutputDrop"=>"" Output方向的丢包数量
-a All 选中上面所有参数
-s <char> Only OID-Option char,more detail as below.
参数 排序档位
---- -------------
mI InputRatepbm
mO OutputRatepbm
rI Input5minRatebps
rO Out5minRatebps
RI Input5minRatepbs
RO Out5minRatepbs
MI InputMcastPkts
MO OutputMcastPkts
BI InputBcastPkts
BO OutputBcastPkts
bI InputBytes
bO OutputBytes
eI InputError
eO OutputError
C InputCRC
t OutputResets
D OutputDrop
-S 0 or 1 0 递增,1 递减
-h or -v Help script Usage
[root@localhost ~]# view-nic -H -c public -R -s RO
Index Name Input5minRatepbs Out5minRatepbs
1 Vl1 0 0
3 Vl3 14 0
10101 Gi0/1 897 2
10008 Fa0/8 1 6
10023 Fa0/23 0 891
Index Name Input5minRatepbs Out5minRatepbs
# Version : 0.1
# Date : 2012-04-18
# Licence : GPL - http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt
use strict;
use Net::SNMP qw{ :asn1 :snmp :translate };
use Getopt::Std;
my $script = GetScriptName($0);
my $script_version = "0.1";
my $ipaddress = "";
my $port = 161;
my $version = "snmpv2c";
my $community = "public";
my $timeout = 2;
my $status = 0;
my @FieldName = ( #it's crucial option
"Name", #0
"InputRatepbm", #1
"OutputRatepbm", #2
"Input5minbps", #3
"Out5minbps", #4
"Input5minpbs", #5
"Out5minpbs", #6
"InputUcastPkts", #7
"OutputUcastPkts", #8
"InputMcastPkts", #9
"OutputMcastPkts", #10
"InputBcastPkts", #11
"OutputBcastPkts", #12
"InputBytes", #13
"OutputBytes", #14
"InputError", #15
"OutputError", #16
"InputCRC", #17
"OutputResets", #18
"OutputDrop", #19
"Outcollisions" #20
my %InterfaceOID_orgin = ( #it's crucial option view-Option sort-char
$FieldName[0] => "", #0 "Name" n/a n/a
$FieldName[1] => "", #1 "InputRatepbm" m or a mI
$FieldName[2] => "", #2 "OutputRatepbm" m or a mO
$FieldName[3] => "", #3 "Input5minRatebps" r or a rI
$FieldName[4] => "", #4 "Out5minRatebps" r or a rO
$FieldName[5] => "", #5 "Input5minRatepbs" R or a RI
$FieldName[6] => "", #6 "Out5minRatepbs" R or a RO
$FieldName[7] => "", #7 "InputUcastPkts" P or a PI
$FieldName[8] => "", #8 "OutputUcastPkts" P or a PO
$FieldName[9] => "", #9 "InputMcastPkts" M or a MI
$FieldName[10] => "", #10 "OutputMcastPkts" M or a MO
$FieldName[11] => "", #11 "InputBcastPkts" B or a BI
$FieldName[12] => "", #12 "OutputBcastPkts" B or a BO
$FieldName[13] => "", #13 "InputBytes" b or a bI
$FieldName[14] => "", #14 "OutputBytes" b or a bO
$FieldName[15] => "", #15 "InputError" e or a eI
$FieldName[16] => "", #16 "OutputError" e or a eO
$FieldName[17] => "", #17 "InputCRC" C or a C
$FieldName[18] => "", #18 "OutputResets" t or a t
$FieldName[19] => "", #19 "OutputDrop" D or a D
$FieldName[20] => "" #20 "Outcollisions" o or a o
my %InterfaceOID; #it's crucial option.
my $SortTable="n"; #defulte sort table is "Name",it's member of @SortName. it's crucial option.
my $SortType=0; #0 increase,1 decrease ,it's crucial option.
my %SortName; #only n,m,r,R,P,M,B,b,e,C,t,D. it's crucial option.
#my %SortName = (
#achars Sort-Field
#---- -------------
#"mI"=>$FieldName[1], #InputRatepbm
#"mO"=>$FieldName[2], #OutputRatepbm
#"rI"=>$FieldName[3], #Input5minRatebps
#"rO"=>$FieldName[4], #Out5minRatebps
#"RI"=>$FieldName[5], #Input5minRatepbs
#"RO"=>$FieldName[6], #Out5minRatepbs,
#"PI"=>$FieldName[7] #"InputUcastPkts",
#"PO"=>$FieldName[8] #"OutputUcastPkts",
#"MI"=>$FieldName[9], #"InputMcastPkts",
#"MO"=>$FieldName[10], #"OutputMcastPkts",
#"BI"=>$FieldName[11], #"InputBcastPkts",
#"BO"=>$FieldName[12], #"OutputBcastPkts",
#"bI"=>$FieldName[13], #"InputBytes",
#"bO"=>$FieldName[14], #"OutputBytes",
#"eI"=>$FieldName[15], #"InputError",
#"eO"=>$FieldName[16], #"OutputError",
#"C"=>$FieldName[17], #"InputCRC",
#"t"=>$FieldName[18], #"OutputResets",
#"D"=>$FieldName[19], #"OutputDrop",
#"o"=>$FieldName[20] #"Outcollisions"
#my $InterfaceObj = { #OID List , it's crucial option.
# "Name"=>"Fa1/0/1", #
# "InputRatepbm"=>"234", #
# "Input5minRatebps"=>"123", #
# "Input5minRatepbs"=>"324", #
# "InputUcastPkts"=>"1", #
# "InputMcastPkts"=>"1", #
# "InputBcastPkts"=>"1", #
# "InputBytes"=>"1", #
# "InputError"=>"1", #
# "InputCRC"=>"1", #
# "OutputRatepbm"=>"234", #
# "Out5minRatebps"=>"123", #
# "Out5minRatepbs"=>"324", #
# "OutputUcastPkts"=>"1", #
# "OutputMcastPkts"=>"1", #
# "OutputBcastPkts"=>"1", #
# "OutputBytes"=>"1", #
# "OutputError"=>"1", #
# "OutputResets"=>"1", #
# "OutputDrop"=>"321" #
# "Outcollisions"=>"34" #
#my %tbNIC = (
# "10101" => $InterfaceObj-1,
# "10102" => $InterfaceObj-2,
# "10103" => $InterfaceObj-3,
# ...
# "90101" => $InterfaceObj-x
if (@ARGV < 1) {
print "Too few arguments\n";
#get script option
my %opt=();
if($opt{h} || $opt{v})
$ipaddress = $opt{H} if defined $opt{H} ;
$community = $opt{c} if defined $opt{c} ;
$InterfaceOID{$FieldName[0]} = $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[0]};
if ((defined $opt{m}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{r}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{R}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{P}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{M}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{B}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{b}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{e}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{C}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{t}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{D}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if ((defined $opt{o}) || (defined $opt{a}))
if (defined $opt{s})
if (exists $SortName{$opt{s}})
$SortTable = $opt{s};
print "\n***********************Error*************************************\n\n";
my @aabb = keys(%SortName);
print "Options 's' valus is @aabb\n\n";
exit 0;
if (defined $opt{S})
if (($opt{S} eq "0") || ($opt{S} eq "1") )
$SortType = $opt{S};
print "\n***********************Error*************************************\n\n";
print "Options 'S' value is 0 or 1 only\n";
#if (defined $opt{d})
# print this interface list what it'sline proctocol is down
#test code
my $index;
my $value;
while (($index,$value) = each(%InterfaceOID))
print "$index : $value\n";
#Method 2
#my @test = values(%InterfaceOID);
#print "OID-List:@test\n";
#print "Option s value(SortTable):$SortTable\n";
#print "Option S value(SortType):$SortType\n";
#my @aabb = keys(%SortName);
#printf "SortOption: @aabb\n";
# Create the SNMP session
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-community => $community,
-hostname => $ipaddress,
-port => $port,
-version => $version,
-timeout => $timeout
if (!defined $session)
printf "ERROR: %s.\n", $error;
exit 1;
$session->close(); # Close the session
exit 0; # exit this program
# sub program #
sub main()
#get interface ifIndex
#step1: get ifIndex of all interface.
my $OID_ifTable = '';
my $result = $session->get_table( -baseoid => $OID_ifTable );
if (!defined $result) {
printf "ERROR: %s\n", $session->error();
exit 1;
my @InterFaceIndex;
foreach ($session->var_bind_names())
if (oid_base_match($OID_ifTable,$_))
my $v=$session->var_bind_list()->{$_};
push @InterFaceIndex ,$v;
#print "@InterFaceIndex\n";
#step2:choice interface what this status up and ifType 6/53 and routeVLAN.
my $IfIndex;
my $OIDIfName;
my $OIDIfType;
my $OIDIfStatus;
my $reIfName;
my $reIfType;
my $reIfStatus;
my @InterFaceIndexView; #it's crucial option.
#print "OIDIfName, reIfName, reIfType, reIfStatus\n";
foreach $IfIndex(@InterFaceIndex)
#print "$IfIndex,$OIDIfName,$OIDIfType,$OIDIfStatus\n";
my $re = $session->get_request(-varbindlist=>[$OIDIfName,$OIDIfType,$OIDIfStatus]);
$reIfName = $session->var_bind_list()->{$OIDIfName};
$reIfType = $session->var_bind_list()->{$OIDIfType};
$reIfStatus = $session->var_bind_list()->{$OIDIfStatus};
my $L2VLAN = substr($reIfName,0,8);
if (defined $opt{d})
#print this interface list what it'sline proctocol is down
if ( ($reIfStatus eq "2") && ( ($reIfType eq "6") || ($reIfType eq "53") ) && ($L2VLAN ne "unrouted") )
#print "$OIDIfName, $reIfName, $reIfType, $reIfStatus\n";
push @InterFaceIndexView ,$IfIndex;
#print this interface list what it'sline proctocol is up
if ( ($reIfStatus eq "1") && ( ($reIfType eq "6") || ($reIfType eq "53") ) && ($L2VLAN ne "unrouted") )
#print "$OIDIfName, $reIfName, $reIfType, $reIfStatus\n";
push @InterFaceIndexView ,$IfIndex;
#foreach (@InterFaceIndexView)
#{ print "$_\n";}
#create interface info database.
my @InterfaceOIDList;
my $tempIfIndex;
my %tbNIC; #it's crucial option.
foreach $tempIfIndex(@InterFaceIndexView)
@InterfaceOIDList = map($_ . "." . $tempIfIndex,values(%InterfaceOID));
#print "@InterfaceOIDList\n";
my $re = $session->get_request(-varbindlist=>[@InterfaceOIDList]);
my $InterFace; #obj save Interface info.
my $OIDtp;
#set obj->{"Name"}
#$OIDtp = $InterfaceOID{$FieldName[0]}.".".$tempIfIndex;
#$InterFace -> {$FieldName[0]} = $session->var_bind_list()->{$OIDtp};
my $keyID;
foreach $keyID (keys(%InterfaceOID))
$OIDtp = $InterfaceOID{$keyID}.".".$tempIfIndex;
$InterFace -> {$keyID} = $session->var_bind_list()->{$OIDtp};
#save obj to %tbNIC
$tbNIC{$tempIfIndex} = $InterFace;
#view : Method 1
my $index;
my $obj;
my $str;
my @FliedGroup = values(%SortName);
my $Tile="Index\t" . $FieldName[0] . "\t" ;
foreach (@FliedGroup)
$Tile = $Tile . "\t" . $_ ;
print "$Tile\n";
if ($SortTable eq "n")
#sort by "Index"
my $Key;
sub asc_sort
$a <=> $b;
foreach $Key (sort asc_sort(keys(%tbNIC)))
$str = "$Key\t" . $tbNIC{$Key}->{$FieldName[0]};
foreach (@FliedGroup)
$str = $str . "\t" . $tbNIC{$Key}->{$_};
print "$str\n";
#step 1 : create sort index table
# 1. find SortObj from $SortTable.
# 2. find Sort Field from %SortName by $SortTable
# 3. crate index table from %tbNIC with ifIndex and sortField;
# 4. sort and print
my $SortTBName = $SortName{$SortTable};
#print $SortTBName,"\n";
my %dbIndex;
my $Ifindex;
my $SortFileNameTP;
while (($Ifindex,$SortFileNameTP) = each(%tbNIC))
$dbIndex{$Ifindex} = $SortFileNameTP->{$SortTBName};
sub asc_sort_0
$dbIndex{$a} <=> $dbIndex{$b};
sub asc_sort_1
$dbIndex{$b} <=> $dbIndex{$a};
my $Key;
my $Value;
if ($SortType)
foreach $Key (sort asc_sort_1(keys(%dbIndex)))
$str = "$Key\t" . $tbNIC{$Key}->{$FieldName[0]};
foreach (@FliedGroup)
$str = $str . "\t" . $tbNIC{$Key}->{$_};
print "$str\n";
foreach $Key (sort asc_sort_0(keys(%dbIndex)))
$str = "$Key\t" . $tbNIC{$Key}->{$FieldName[0]};
foreach (@FliedGroup)
$str = $str . "\t" . $tbNIC{$Key}->{$_};
print "$str\n";
#print other info
print "$Tile\n";
my $index;
my $value;
while (($index,$value) = each(%InterfaceOID))
print "$index : $value\n";
sub usage {
print << "USAGE";
$script v$script_version
View Interface status with SNMP Protocol on Cisco Switch and Route devices.
Note: not support serial interface.
Usage: $script Remote-Option [OID-Option] [Sort-Option] [Other-Option]
-H Hostname or IP address
-c Community (default is public)
-m $FieldName[1] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[1]}
$FieldName[2] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[2]}
-r $FieldName[3] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[3]}
$FieldName[4] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[4]}
-R $FieldName[5] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[5]}
$FieldName[6] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[6]}
-P $FieldName[7] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[7]}
$FieldName[8] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[8]}
-M $FieldName[9] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[9]}
$FieldName[10] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[10]}
-B $FieldName[11] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[11]}
$FieldName[12] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[12]}
-b $FieldName[13] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[13]}
$FieldName[14] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[14]}
-e $FieldName[15] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[15]}
$FieldName[16] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[16]}
-C $FieldName[17] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[17]}
-t $FieldName[18] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[18]}
-D $FieldName[19] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[19]}
-o $FieldName[20] $InterfaceOID_orgin{$FieldName[20]}
-a All
-s Only OID-Option char,more detail as below.
chars Sort-Field
---- -------------
mI $FieldName[1]
mO $FieldName[2]
rI $FieldName[3]
rO $FieldName[4]
RI $FieldName[5]
RO $FieldName[6]
PI $FieldName[7]
PO $FieldName[8]
MI $FieldName[9]
MO $FieldName[10]
BI $FieldName[11]
BO $FieldName[12]
bI $FieldName[13]
bO $FieldName[14]
eI $FieldName[15]
eO $FieldName[16]
C $FieldName[17]
t $FieldName[18]
D $FieldName[19]
o $FieldName[20]
-S 0 or 1 0 increase,1 decrease
-d view this interface what it's line proctocol is down.
default view up interface.
-h or -v Help script Usage
This program is free software; you can redistribute it or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
exit 1;
sub GetScriptName
my @str = @_;
my $len = rindex($str[0],"/");
return substr($str[0],$len + 1);
#view-nic -v
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