After subversion intalled, run "svn -v" to check it.
Donnot forget to use the subversion manual. To read the syntax, options of the command x, run
$ svn help x
1. create a new repository
$ svnadmin create ./me
As a result, several files are created, the directory "me/conf" is we should concern.
p.s. if you want to remove it, delete "./me" directly.
2. import one existed project into your repository
As a pop convention, a project should contain 3 top-level directorys named "branches, tags,
trunck", and all your data is under "trunk".
However, my project "./test" only have one file "hello.c" for convenience.
$ svn import -m"just for test" ./test svn://
3. checkout a copy of project
If one wants to checkout the project "test1" to his workspace "./proj", run
$ svn co svn:// proj
4. update your working copy
Remember to update to the latest version before you do any change, run
$ svn up
If you want to revert a file(directory) to specified version, run
$ svn up -r version_no file/dir
5. commit changes
After your edits to a file, you should send all the changes to the repository, run
$ svn ci -m"I have do some changes" hello.c
6. add new file or directory
$ svn add readme.txt
$ svn ci -m"add readme.txt" readme.txt
7. delete one file or directory
$ svn del readme.txt
$ svn ci -m"delete readme.txt"
8. undo changes
Reverts the file to its premodified state by overwriting it with local cache.
If you want to undo the changes(not committed) on readme.txt, run
$ svn revert readme.txt
9.view state
To see an overview of your changes, run
$ svn st
There are 6 kinds of state:
? not under version control
A scheduled for addition
C conflicts from an update
D scheduled for deletion
M scheduled for local modifications to commit(or revert)
10. view a list of historical changes
$ svn log
11. list all the files and directories of the repository
$ svn ls
12. view differences interactively
compare the changed file with the local cached, run
$ svn diff readme.txt
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