Step 1:
Download a binary distribution. The file name has the form smv.version.arch.tar.gz, where "arch" is your processor architecture and operating system.
Step 2:
Create a new directory for smv. We'll assume this dirctory is /usr/local/smv, but you can make it wherever you want. Don't try to put smv in a directory with anything else.
Step 3:
Unpack the smv distribution with a shell command like the following (using, of course, the name of the file you downloaded, and the directory you created):
cp smv.MM-DD-YY.unknown_Linux_2.0.34.tar.gz /usr/local/smv/
cd /usr/local/smv/
tar -zxvf smv.MM-DD-YY.unknown_Linux_2.0.34.tar.gz
Step 4:
Very important: Put /usr/local/smv/bin in your PATH variable, /usr/local/smv/man in your MANPATH variable, and /usr/local/smv/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. For example, if you use csh, put the following at the end of your .cshrc file:
gedit /home/user/.bashrc
add the commend:
export SMV_DIR="/usr/local/smv"
export PATH="$SMV_DIR/bin:$PATH"
Step 5:
See the following man pages:
* smv (the command line version of smv)
* vw (the GUI version of smv)
Or, to get started, run the tutorial by using the command "smv_tutorial". To run the tutorial, you need "netscape" in your PATH.
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