1, 下载xxx.depot,bin方式上传到/tmp目录下;
2, 执行: swinstall –s /tmp/xxx.depot
3, 查看是否安装成功: swlist |grep T147
4, #ps –ef|grep ssh 会找到/opt/ssh/sbin/sshd 守护进程;
5, Kill 该进程: ps –ef|grep ssh 找到进程号,然可kill ;
6, 此时无法使用ssh登录;报告:refused the connection…
7, 启动ssh : /opt/ssh/sbin/sshd
#uname -a 查看自己的hp版本
The source you have chosen is a tape device. A tape
device must be local to the single marked target. Since the hostname of
the tape device does not match the hostname of the single marked
target, this source is not allowed. Please choose a different source
swreg -l depot /tmp/*.depot
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