IBM Applicition Development System(ADCD)是IBM提供给开发着的一套软件开发环境, 用来开发IBM的大机的应用程序. 最新版本是2008年12月发布的, 包含5张DVD, 内容如下:
DVD Disk 1File | Description |
zares1.gz | RES Volume 1 - Required for IPL |
zares2.gz | RES Volume 2 - Required for IPL |
zasys1.gz | System volume 1 - Required for IPL |
zauss1.gz | UNIX Services Volume 1 - Required for IPL |
zaprd1.gz | Product target Libraries - Required to run selected products |
zaprd2.gz | Product target Libraries - Required to run selected products |
DVD Disk 2File | Description |
zadis1.gz | Distribution Volume 1 |
zadis2.gz | Distribution Volume 2 |
zadis3.gz | Distribution Volume 3 |
zadis4.gz | Distribution Volume 4 |
zadis5.gz | Distribution Volume 5 |
zadis6.gz | Distribution Volume 5 |
DVD Disk 3File | Description |
zaprd3.gz | Java HFS datasets for both 31 and 64 bit for 1.4, 1,6, Java HFS datasets for 64 bit for 1.5 Note Java HFS for 32 bit 1.5 is on ZAPRD2 volume. |
zacic1.gz | Target and Dlibs for CICS 3.2 |
zaims1.gz | Target and Dlibs for IMS 10 |
sares1.gz | Standalone IPL Volume |
DVD Disk 4File | Description |
zadb81.gz | DB2 v8 Target and Required datasets |
zadb82.gz | DB2 v8 Utilities Target and Required datasets |
zadb83.gz | DB2 v9 Performance Analyzer Utility Target datasets |
zadb84.gz | DB2 v9 Performance Analyzer Utility DLIB datasets |
DVD Disk 5File | Description |
zawas1.gz | WAS 6.1,ESB 6.0.1 and WPS 6.0.1 Target datasets |
zawas2.gz | WAS 6.1,ESB 6.0.1 and WPS 6.0.1 DLIB datasets |
zawas3.gz | WAS 6.1 Large ZFS dataset |
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