Together Again
As time goes by
I've been dreaming of you
Holding me into your arms
Think of the day I said goodbye to you
Teardrops just come from my eyes
Being alone stand by the sea
Think of your smile and tears
Praying to god hoping someday
We'll be together again
As time goes by
I've been dreaming of you
Holding me into your arms
Waiting the day you will come back to me
Feeling your lips close to mine
Praying to god hoping someday
We'll be together again
Think of the day I said goodbye to you
Teardrops just come from my eyes
Being alone stand by the sea
Think of your smile and tears
Praying to god hoping someday
We'll be together again
Praying to god hoping someday
We'll be together again
歌曲可在我的BLOG -> 音乐中收听.
一个很偶然的机会听到了这首歌, 感觉就如同遥远的天际传来的声音, 刹那间充满这我的脑海, 让我什么都不想, 什么都不能去想, 也什么都不想去想. 时间仿佛停滞了, 空间好像定格了, 整个世界仿佛只剩下这略带疲倦的声音在这个世界徘徊. 感觉到有某种无珍贵的东西正在飘走, 我想去抓, 却抬不起手, 我想要喊, 却发不出声音. 我就这样被留下, 一个人, 孤孤单单的......
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