和往常一样, 虚拟化技术占了蛮重的分量. 和虚拟化技术相关的主题有:
Enabling Docking Station Support for the Linux Kernel 9
Open Source Graphic Drivers—They Don’t Kill Kittens 19
kboot—A Boot Loader Based on Kexec 27
Ideas on improving Linux infrastructure for performance on multi-core platforms 39
A Reliable and Portable Multimedia File System 57
Utilizing IOMMUs for Virtualization in Linux and Xen 71
Towards a Highly Adaptable Filesystem Framework for Linux 87
Multiple Instances of the Global Linux Namespaces 101
Fully Automated Testing of the Linux Kernel 113
Linux Laptop Battery Life 127
The Frysk Execution Analysis Architecture 147
Evaluating Linux Kernel Crash Dumping Mechanisms 153
Exploring High Bandwidth Filesystems on Large Systems 177
The Effects of Filesystem Fragmentation 193
The LTTng tracer: A low impact performance and behavior monitor for GNU/Linux 209
Linux as a Hypervisor 225
System Firmware Updates Utilizing Sofware Repositories 235
The Need for Asynchronous, Zero-Copy Network I/O 247
Problem SolvingWith Systemtap 261
Perfmon2: a flexible performance monitoring interface for Linux 269
OCFS2: The Oracle Clustered File System, Version 2 289
tgt: Framework for Storage Target Drivers 303
More Linux for Less 313
Hrtimers and Beyond: Transforming the Linux Time Subsystems 333
Making Applications Mobile Under Linux 347
The What, The Why and the Where To of Anti-Fragmentation 369
GIT—A Stupid Content Tracker 385
Evolution in Kernel Debugging using Hardware Virtualization With Xen 1
Improving Linux Startup Time Using Software Resume (and other techniques) 17
Automated Regression Hunting 27
Hacking the Linux Automounter—Current Limitations and Future Directions 37
Why NFS Sucks 51
Efficient Use of the Page Cache with 64 KB Pages 65
Startup Time in the 21st Century: Filesystem Hacks and Assorted Tweaks 71
Using Hugetlbfs for Mapping Application Text Regions 75
Towards a Better SCM: Revlog and Mercurial 83
Roadmap to a GL-based composited desktop for Linux 91
Probing the Guts of Kprobes 101
Shared Page Tables Redux 117
Extending RCU for Realtime and Embedded Workloads 123
OSTRA: Experiments With on-the-fly Source Patching 139
Design and Implementation to Support Multiple Key Exchange Protocols for IPsec 143
The State of Linux Power Management 2006 151
I/OWorkload Fingerprinting in the Genetic-Library 165
X86-64 XenLinux: Architecture, Implementation, and Optimizations 173
GCC—An Architectural Overview, Current Status, and Future Directions 185
Shared-Subtree Concept, Implementation, and Applications in Linux 201
The Ondemand Governor 215
Linux Bootup Time Reduction for Digital Still Camera 231
A Lockless Pagecache in Linux—Introduction, Progress, Performance 241
The Ongoing Evolution of Xen 255
NFSv4 Test Project 267
Measuring Resource Demand on Linux 287
Improving the Approach to Linux Performance Analysis 295
Resizing Memory With Balloons and Hotplug 305
Collaborative Memory Management in Hosted Linux Environments 313
Chip Multi Processing aware Linux Kernel Scheduler 329
Dynamic Device Handling on the Modern Desktop 341
Unionfs: User- and Community-Oriented Development of a Unification File System 349
VMI: An Interface for Paravirtualization 363
HTTP-FUSE Xenoppix 379
Virtual Scalability: Charting the Performance of Linux in a Virtual World 393
Automatic System for Linux Kernel Performance Testing 403
MD RAID Acceleration 409
Catalyzing Hardware Driver Development 415
The Linux Symposium is a core technology conference, targeting
software developers working on the Linux kernel, OS infrastructure,
security, networking, and related research projects. With attendees
coming from over 30 different countries, the Symposium is the single
most comprehensive collection of Linux experts in the world.
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