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2010-06-15 18:53:14

在购买时STM32芯片时 应购买最新为Y版本的。

仔细看了资料   发现个问题 :现在 ewarm 5.30都已经出来了,为什么所有的例子都是基于 ewarm4.42呢,要知道 在5.30前 有5.20 还有5.11。里面肯定有猫腻! (继续查下去。看看到底有什么)。我搜到了5.11debuger用的东西 ,和4.42的不同。那么5.20为什么没有呢?继续。看起了洋码子,里面说:5.20来了,但是呢,对stm32有选择,就是对revision y的是支持的 对revision B和Z的是不支持地。要报链接错误地。 哈 ,问题出来了,马上看了看板子上的主芯片!哈哈哈 中奖了,赫然印着Z.怎么办。

难不成 再去用4.42???用倒是没什么,我以前开发的东西都是5.20下的,天啊??一台电脑要两个版本的ewarm,根本实现不了嘛!


方法一:换主芯片 让单位买两片回来 请人焊下原来的 再焊上现在的

方法二:将质检部的电脑 5.20卸载 装4.42 先玩着 然后再说

方法三:自己做板子 目前我lqfp的核心块还有些 买两片 自己搭实验板

我不服啊 仔细看看资料吧 看了stm32f103xCDE的手册 在引言里 看到下面的 字迹

This datasheet provides the ordering information and mechanical device characteristics of
the STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD and STM32F103xE High-density performance line
microcontrollers. For more details on the whole STMicroelectronics STM32F103xx family,
please refer to Section 2.2: Full compatibility throughout the family.(注意黑体字

而手册上给的是 Medium-density 是不是说……………………了呢! 有待试验观察~~~


STM32F10xxx Medium-density devices & v 5.20

EW targets: ARM
EW component: General issues
Last update: October 9, 2008

Revisions B and Z of STM32F10xxx Medium-density devices do not work well with EWARM 5.20. Revision Y does. (Some questions are answered by the "Q and A" section we have received from ST (see below).)

The revisions B and Z works with EWARM versions 5.11 and 4.42A. Revision Y works with 5.11 of EWARM. (The combination EWARM 4.42A and revision Y has not been tested.)

Q&A -- from ST

Q1 How many revisions of medium density device were there?

There are 3 revisions that where delivered to customer, Rev B, then Rev Z then Rev Y. The order of the revision in time was: Rev B -> Rev Z -> Rev Y

Q2 Which revisions have compatibility issues with IAR EWARM V5.20.?

The compatibility issue is with Rev Z and B of medium density devices.

Q3 How can I tell which revision I am using?

The revision letter is on the package. The location of the revision letter is explained in the product Errata Sheet.

Q4 Is there any problem with my application developed with the previous version of IAR and previous versions of STM32 medium density devices?

No, systems already developed, validated and delivered to the field with previous revisions of silicon are not affected.

Q5 Can I use anyway IAR EWARM V5.20 and Rev Z and Rev B of STM32 medium density device if everything works fine?

No, we advise to use only Rev Y with IAR EWARM V5.20.

Q6 What are the STM32 parts currently available?

ST only produces Rev Y, which is the latest rev. Distributors, may have stock of previous revisions, but it is smoothly being replaced by Rev Y.

Q7 How am I sure to get only Rev Y?

Please refer to TN0067. The e-sampling process is explained.

Need more information?

For more info, please follow link to the ST technical note TN0067 (right margin).

For other questions, please contact ST.

这个链接就是5.20 中密度stm32f的问题 以后注意了 要买y版本的

新版本的IAR ARM5.30安装时会选择语言,英文或者日文,这两个是反的,如果不慎选择英文,界面会是日文的,先不着急卸掉,点击 右下脚的国旗,重启会变成英文界面的。


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