-- 创建分区表并初始话数据
- Create Table tb_hxl_hash
- (
- Id Number Not Null,
- cnt Number
- )
- Partition By Hash(Id)
- (
- Partition p_h1,
- Partition p_h2,
- Partition p_h3,
- Partition p_h4,
- Partition p_h5,
- Partition p_h6,
- Partition p_h7,
- Partition p_h8
- );
- Declare
- Begin
- For i In 1 .. 100000 Loop
- Insert Into Tb_Hxl_Hash Values (i, i * 10);
- End Loop;
- Commit;
- End;
- /
- Create Unique Index idx_Tb_Hxl_Hash_u1 On Tb_Hxl_Hash(Id);
- Create Table Tb_Hxl_Hash_mid
- As
- Select * From Tb_Hxl_Hash Where 1=2;
- Create Unique Index idx_Tb_Hxl_Hash_mid_u1
- On Tb_Hxl_Hash_mid(Id);
- Create Unique Index idx_Tb_Hxl_Hash_u1 On Tb_Hxl_Hash(Id);
-- 全局索引不能交换分区索引
- Alter Table Tb_Hxl_Hash Exchange Partition p_h1
- With Table Tb_Hxl_Hash_mid Including Indexes;
- *
- ERROR at line 2:
- ORA-14098: index mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
- Drop Index idx_Tb_Hxl_Hash_u1;
- Create Unique Index idx_Tb_Hxl_Hash_u1 On Tb_Hxl_Hash(Id)
- Local;
-- 交换前各自索引大小
- SQL> Select A.Bytes, a.segment_name
- 2 From Dba_Segments a
- 3 Where A.Segment_Name In ('IDX_TB_HXL_HASH__MID_U1')
- 4 Or (A.Segment_Name = 'IDX_TB_HXL_HASH_U1' And
- 5 A.Partition_Name = 'P_H1')
- 6 /
- ------- ------------------------------
- 262144 IDX_TB_HXL_HASH_U1
-- 交换本地索引
- Alter Table Tb_Hxl_Hash Exchange Partition p_h1
- With Table Tb_Hxl_Hash_mid Including Indexes;
- SQL> Select A.Bytes, a.segment_name
- 2 From Dba_Segments a
- 3 Where A.Segment_Name In ('IDX_TB_HXL_HASH__MID_U1')
- 4 Or (A.Segment_Name = 'IDX_TB_HXL_HASH_U1' And
- 5 A.Partition_Name = 'P_H1')
- 6 /
- ------- ------------------------------
- 262144 IDX_TB_HXL_HASH__MID_U1
- 65536 IDX_TB_HXL_HASH_U1
- Alter Table tb_hxl_user_mid
- Exchange subpartition P_20110518_P_01
- With Table tb_hxl_user_mid_0518;
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