2009-11-24 10:15:06
【资源】物理期刊----接收相对难易、影响因子、一审周期 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 小木虫:)(金币+5,VIP+0):这个不错,不知道是不是原创? 11-23 20:55 物理期刊----接收相对难易、影响因子、一审周期【影响因子大于1.0】 ☆★○投稿的难易是相对而言,仅作参考,希望大家支持鼓励,望各位海涵!!! 全名 影响因子* 接收 投稿难易 一审周期 japanese journal of applied physics part 1-regular papers short notes & review papers 1.309 容易 超快,一般1-2周 journal of physics-condensed matter 1.9 容易 超快,一般1-2周 acta physica sinica 1.165 容易 超快,一般1-2周 nuclear instruments & methods in physics research section a-accelerators spectrometers detectors and associated equipment 1.019 容易 超快,一般1-2周 colloids and surfaces a-physicochemical and engineering aspects 1.926 容易 超快,一般1-2周 physica e-low-dimensional systems & nanostructures 1.23 容易 很快,2-3周 physica a-statistical mechanics and its applications 1.441 容易 很快,2-3周 journal of physics and chemistry of solids 1.103 容易 很快,2-3周 materials chemistry and physics 1.799 容易 很快,2-3周 applied physics a-materials science & processing 1.884 容易 很快,2-3周 sensors and actuators a-physical 1.724 容易 很快,2-3周 physics of fluids 1.738 容易 较快,2-4周 european physical journal b 1.568 容易 较快,2-4周 physica status solidi b-basic research 1.166 容易 较快,2-4周 chemical physics 1.961 容易 较快,2-4周 journal of mathematical physics 1.085 容易 较快,2-4周 modern physics letters a 1.334 容易 较快,2-4周 metallurgical and materials transactions a-physical metallurgy and materials science 1.389 容易 较快,2-4周 annales geophysicae 1.66 容易 较快,2-4周 annales geophysicae 1.66 容易 较快,2-4周 journal of low temperature physics 1.034 容易 较快,2-4周 physica d-nonlinear phenomena 1.926 容易 一般,3-6周 journal of polymer science part b-polymer physics 1.586 容易 一般,3-6周 european physical journal d 1.397 容易 一般,3-6周 geophysics 1.349 容易 一般,3-6周 nuclear physics a 1.959 容易 一般,3-6周 astrophysics and space science 1.283 容易 一般,3-6周 molecular physics 1.478 容易 一般,3-6周 tectonophysics 1.677 容易 一般,3-6周 journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics 1.667 容易 一般,3-6周 journal of statistical physics 1.621 容易 一般,3-6周 international journal of modern physics d 1.968 容易 一般,3-6周 physics and chemistry of the earth 1.138 容易 一般,3-8周 current applied physics 1.526 容易 一般,3-8周 proceedings of the royal society of london series a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 1.705 容易 一般,3-8周 proceedings of the royal society of london series a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 1.705 容易 一般,3-8周 journal of physical organic chemistry 1.415 容易 偏慢,4-8周 perception & psychophysics 1.424 容易 偏慢,4-8周 american family physician 1.94 容易 偏慢,4-8周 european physical journal e 1.943 容易 偏慢,4-8周 american journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation 1.695 容易 偏慢,4-8周 canadian family physician 1.06 容易 偏慢,4-8周 physical review special topics-accelerators and beams 1.551 较易 偏慢,4-8周 pure and applied geophysics 1.004 容易 偏慢,4-8周 progress of theoretical physics 1.661 较易 偏慢,4-8周 contributions to plasma physics 1.25 容易 较慢,6周-12周 zeitschrift fur physikalische chemie-international journal of research in physical chemistry & chemical physics 1.447 容易 较慢,6周-12周 astronomy letters-a journal of astronomy and space astrophysics 1.005 容易 较慢,6周-12周 nonlinear processes in geophysics 1.022 容易 较慢,6周-12周 journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 1.895 较易 较慢,6周-12周 infrared physics & technology 1.037 容易 较慢,6周-12周 journal of biochemical and biophysical methods 1.994 较易 较慢,6周-12周 international journal of geometric methods in modern physics 1.464 容易 较慢,6周-12周 fortschritte der physik-progress of physics 1.309 容易 较慢,6周-12周 meteorology and atmospheric physics 1.034 容易 较慢,6周-12周 physics and chemistry of minerals 1.524 较易 较慢,6周-12周 radiation and environmental biophysics 1.787 较易 较慢,6周-12周 topics in applied physics 1.51 较易 12周以上或约稿 journal of applied geophysics 1.333 容易 12周以上或约稿 magnetic resonance materials in physics biology and medicine 1.844 较易 12周以上或约稿 reviews in mathematical physics 1.258 容易 12周以上或约稿 physics of particles and nuclei 1.015 容易 12周以上或约稿 physics of particles and nuclei 1.015 容易 12周以上或约稿 journal of aging and physical activity 1.66 较易 12周以上或约稿 geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics 1.56 较易 12周以上或约稿 geografiska annaler series a-physical geography 1.042 容易 12周以上或约稿 advances in physical organic chemistry 1.833 较易 12周以上或约稿 chinese physics 1.68 较易 12周以上或约稿 applied physics letters 3.726 较易 超快,一般1-2周 journal of applied physics 2.201 容易 超快,一般1-2周 physical review letters 7.18 较难 超快,一般1-2周 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (ACS Publications) 3.396 较易 超快,一般1-2周 journal of geophysical research-atmospheres 3.147 较易 超快,一般1-2周 journal of chemical physics 3.149 较易 超快,一般1-2周 physical review a 2.908 容易 超快,一般1-2周 astrophysical journal 6.331 较难 超快,一般1-2周 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (ACS Publications) 4.189 较易 超快,一般1-2周 biochemical and biophysical research communications 2.648 容易 超快,一般1-2周 journal of physical chemistry a 2.871 容易 超快,一般1-2周 journal of physics d-applied physics 2.104 容易 超快,一般1-2周 geophysical research letters 2.959 容易 超快,一般1-2周 physics letters a 2.174 容易 超快,一般1-2周 chemical physics letters 2.169 容易 超快,一般1-2周 biophysical journal 4.683 较易 超快,一般1-2周 physics letters b 4.034 较易 超快,一般1-2周 physical review c 3.124 较易 超快,一般1-2周 europhysics letters 2.203 容易 超快,一般1-2周 europhysics letters 2.203 容易 超快,一般1-2周 physics of plasmas 2.427 容易 超快,一般1-2周 physical chemistry chemical physics 4.064 较易 很快,2-3周 new journal of physics 3.44 较易 很快,2-3周 international journal of radiation oncology biology physics 4.639 较易 很快,2-3周 medical physics 3.871 较易 很快,2-3周 journal of the physical society of japan 2.058 容易 很快,2-3周 physics in medicine and biology 2.784 容易 很快,2-3周 journal of physics b-atomic molecular and optical physics 2.089 容易 很快,2-3周 atmospheric chemistry and physics 4.927 较易 较快,2-4周 journal of physics g-nuclear and particle physics 5.27 较易 较快,2-4周 applied physics b-lasers and optics 2.167 容易 较快,2-4周 journal of computational physics 2.279 容易 较快,2-4周 archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2.159 容易 较快,2-4周 nuclear physics b 4.158 较易 较快,2-4周 JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS 6.389 较难 较快,2-4周 geophysical journal international 2.219 容易 较快,2-4周 journal of the optical society of america b-optical physics 2.181 容易 较快,2-4周 archives of biochemistry and biophysics 2.626 容易 较快,2-4周 european physical journal c 2.805 容易 较快,2-4周 philosophical transactions of the royal society of london series a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 2.282 容易 一般,3-6周 philosophical transactions of the royal society of london series a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 2.282 容易 一般,3-6周 geochemistry geophysics geosystems 2.979 容易 一般,3-6周 biochimica et biophysica acta-biomembranes 4.18 较易 一般,3-6周 biochimica et biophysica acta-proteins and proteomics 2.233 容易 一般,3-6周 macromolecular chemistry and physics 2.202 容易 一般,3-6周 biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular cell research 4.893 较易 一般,3-6周 communications in mathematical physics 2.075 容易 一般,3-6周 plasma physics and controlled fusion 2.299 容易 一般,3-6周 solar physics 2.774 容易 一般,3-6周 computer physics communications 2.12 容易 一般,3-8周 biochimica et biophysica acta-bioenergetics 4.447 较易 一般,3-8周 journal of the mechanics and physics of solids 3.467 较易 一般,3-8周 journal of physical oceanography 2.375 容易 一般,3-8周 biochimica et biophysica acta-general subjects 2.713 容易 一般,3-8周 medical engineering & physics 2.216 容易 一般,3-8周 nature physics 16.821 很难 一般,3-8周 european physical journal a 2.015 容易 一般,3-8周 laser physics letters 3.779 较易 一般,3-8周 astrophysical journal supplement series 13.99 很难 偏慢,4-8周 american journal of physical anthropology 2.353 容易 偏慢,4-8周 european biophysics journal with biophysics letters 2.409 容易 偏慢,4-8周 physics of the earth and planetary interiors 2.353 容易 偏慢,4-8周 annals of physics 3.171 较易 偏慢,4-8周 biophysical chemistry 2.362 容易 偏慢,4-8周 physical therapy 2.19 容易 偏慢,4-8周 biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular basis of disease 4.579 一般 较慢,6周-12周 astroparticle physics 3.388 一般 较慢,6周-12周 chemistry and physics of lipids 2.647 较易 较慢,6周-12周 biochimica et biophysica acta-molecular and cell biology of lipids 4.564 一般 较慢,6周-12周 physics-uspekhi 2.471 较易 较慢,6周-12周 progress in biophysics & molecular biology 6.388 较难 较慢,6周-12周 progress in particle and nuclear physics 3.86 一般 较慢,6周-12周 tellus series b-chemical and physical meteorology 2.356 较易 较慢,6周-12周 physics reports-review section of physics letters 18.522 多是约稿 可能是约稿,周期不定 physical biology 3.137 一般 12周以上或约稿 physics today 3.674 一般 12周以上或约稿 reviews of modern physics 33.985 多是约稿 可能是约稿,周期不定 reports on progress in physics 12.09 很难 可能是约稿,周期不定 cell biochemistry and biophysics 2.257 较易 12周以上或约稿 progress in physical geography 3.014 一般 12周以上或约稿 annual review of physical chemistry 14.688 约稿形式 可能是约稿,周期不定 biochimica et biophysica acta-reviews on cancer 10.283 多是约稿 可能是约稿,周期不定 reviews of geophysics 7.114 较难 可能是约稿,周期不定 contemporary physics 2.073 较易 12周以上或约稿 journal of physical and chemical reference data 2.424 较易 12周以上或约稿 international reviews in physical chemistry 6.892 较难 可能是约稿,周期不定 advances in geophysics 2.1 较易 12周以上或约稿 surveys in geophysics 2.733 较易 12周以上或约稿 annual review of astronomy and astrophysics 25.826 约稿形式 可能是约稿,周期不定 astronomy and astrophysics review 7.5 较难 可能是约稿,周期不定 advances in physics 15.826 很难 可能是约稿,周期不定 quarterly reviews of biophysics 12.188 多是约稿 可能是约稿,周期不定 annual review of biophysics and biomolecular structure 17.049 约稿形式 12周以上或约稿 |