星期四, 2008-11-27 01:28 — Elizerbeth
径向分布函数通常用g(r,r')来表示。 对于|r-r'|比较小的情况,g(r,r')主要表征的是原子的堆积状况及各个键之间的距离。对于长程的性质,由于对于给定的距离找到原子的几率基本上相 同,所以g(r,r')随着|r-r'|的增大而变得平缓,最后趋向于恒值。通常定义g(r,r')时,归一化的条件为|r-r;|趋向于无穷大 时,g(r,r')趋向于一。通常,对于晶体,由于其有序的结构,径向分布函数有长程的峰,而对于amorphous的物质,则径向分布函数一般只有短程 的峰。
同样的概念有时被用到描述电子的相关性,如电子的pair correlation指的就是给定一个电子,其它电子在此电子周围出现的几率。由于电子之间有库仑斥力,还有由于波函数反对称化的作用,所以pair correlation的具体形式比较复杂,目前尚未有解析的表达。有时候文献里提到的exchange-correlation hole也是基于pair correlation的概念。有兴趣的同学可以参见《chemist guide to density functional theory》一书中的第68页。
以下是计算径向分布函数的小程序(by )
- function subgr,data,rmin,rmax,deltar,lilnbar=lilnbar,enone=enone
- dim=n_elements(data(*,0))
- nr=(rmax-rmin)/deltar+1
- result=fltarr(nr)
- xmin=min(data(0,*),max=xmax)
- ymin=min(data(1,*),max=ymax)
- if (dim eq 3) then begin
- zmin=min(data(2,*),max=zmax)
- endif
- x0=xmin+rmax & x1=xmax-rmax
- y0=ymin+rmax & y1=ymax-rmax
- w1=where(data(0,*) gt x0 and data(0,*) lt x1 and $
- data(1,*) gt y0 and data(1,*) lt y1,nw1)
- if (nw1 eq 0) then message,'no particles ???',/inf
- rmin2=rmin*rmin
- rmax2=rmax*rmax
- npts=n_elements(data(0,*))
- one=fltarr(npts)+1.0
- if (dim ne 2) then begin
- vol=(zmax-zmin)*(xmax-xmin)*(ymax-ymin)
- endif else begin
- vol=(xmax-xmin)*(ymax-ymin)
- endelse
- lilnbar=lilnbar+npts/vol
- enone=enone+nw1
- ; =======================
- ; sphere, center at origin, slice off top at z=z0: the surface
- ; area that is removed is 2piR^2(1-z0/R) so thus the remaining
- ; surface area (from origin up to z0) is 2 pi R z0, a nice
- ; simple formula. Makes sense by dimensional analysis...
- ; =======================
- twopi=2*3.14159265358
- rvec=findgen(nr)*deltar+rmin
- normz=1.0/(twopi*rvec*deltar)
- for i=0L,nw1-1L do begin
- d0=data(*,w1(i))
- dd=one##d0-data
- dis=total(dd*dd,1)
- w2=where(dis gt rmin2 and dis lt rmax2,nw2)
- if (nw2 gt 0) then begin
- ; if (min(dis(w2)) lt 0.1) then message,'foo',/inf
- newdis=sqrt(dis(w2))
- thehisto=histogram(newdis,max=rmax,min=rmin,binsize=deltar)
- if (dim eq 3) then begin
- z0=zmax-d0(2)
- z1=d0(2)-zmin
- normz=twopi*rvec*( (rvec
- normz(0)=1.0
- normz=1.0/normz
- normz(0)=0.0
- endif ; else if dim=2 then normz has already been set
- result=result+thehisto*normz
- endif
- endfor
- return,result
- end
- ;------------------------------------------------------------
- function ericgr3d,data,track=track,rmin=rmin,rmax=rmax, $
- deltar=deltar,noplot=noplot
- % assumes pretrack data (last column is timestamp) unless /track
- ; in which case penultimate column is timestamp.
- ;
- ; no harm to have deltar really small, can always rebin later
- if (not keyword_set(rmin)) then rmin=0.0
- if (not keyword_set(rmax)) then rmax=10.0
- if (not keyword_set(deltar)) then deltar=0.01
- nel=n_elements(data(*,0))
- tel=nel-1
- if (keyword_set(track)) then tel=nel-2
- dim = 3; needs to be this!
- xmin=min(data(0,*),max=xmax)
- ymin=min(data(1,*),max=ymax)
- dx=xmax-xmin & dy=ymax-ymin
- if ((dx lt rmax*2) or (dy lt rmax*2)) then begin
- message,'rmax is too large',/inf
- rmax = (dx < dy)*0.3
- message,'setting rmax to : '+string(rmax),/inf
- endif
- tmin=min(data(tel,*),max=tmax)
- nr=(rmax-rmin)/deltar+1
- rvec=findgen(nr)*deltar+rmin
- count=0
- lilnb=0.0
- enone=0L
- for t=tmin,tmax do begin
- w=where(data(tel,*) eq t,nw)
- if (nw gt 2) then begin
- message,string(t)+'/'+string(tmax),/inf
- tempgr=subgr(data(0:dim-1,w),rmin,rmax,deltar,lilnbar=lilnb,enone=enone)
- if (count eq 0) then resultgr=tempgr else resultgr=resultgr+tempgr
- count=count+1
- w2=where(resultgr gt 0.0,nw2)
- nnbar=count/(enone*lilnb*deltar)
- if (not keyword_set(noplot) and nw2 gt 1) then begin
- if (dim eq 3) then $
- plot,rvec(w2),resultgr(w2)*nnbar
- if ((dim eq 2) and ((t mod 10) eq 0)) then $
- plot,rvec(w2),resultgr(w2)*nnbar
- endif
- endif else begin
- message,'no particles at time t='+string(t),/inf
- endelse
- endfor
- resultgr=resultgr*nnbar
- n=n_elements(resultgr)
- result=transpose([[rvec(0:n-1)],[resultgr]])
- return,result
- end
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