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Jackson JSON Processor Wiki

Inspired by the quality and variety of XML tooling available for the Java platform (StAX, JAXB, etc.), the is a multi-purpose Java library for processing data format. Jackson aims to be the best possible combination of fast, correct, lightweight, and ergonomic for developers.


First things first:

  • gives you reasonable overview of basic usage

  • page outlines what Open Source licenses are used with Jackson (ASL, LGPL)

  • covers various other aspects, including common usage cases.

  • Documentation hub -- place where most new documentation should be added, esp. links to external documentation, and presentations by Jackson development team and community.

  • is where you can find downloadable artifacts and related info (Maven group, artifact ids)

  • is the place to learn even more about Jackson community, things other users do and share, as well as future development plans.

  • Project pages:
    • Jackson 2.x home pages are at ; most notably:

      • contains streaming parser, generator

      • for annotation-based configuration (used by data-bind)

      • for data binding, tree model (builds on streaming core)

    • LEGACY: project home page remains at Codehaus -- NOTE: do NOT link to this any more, unless specifically referring to Jackson 1.x versions.


After introduction, you may want to know who is already using Jackson for production work:

Get it!

And then it may be time to check Jackson out:

has the artifacts (jars, sources) you need; specifically, which is the latest official version.


In addition to the core project pages (listed above), there are numerous extensions that provide additional functionality and support for third-party libraries and data types:

  • are pluggable components that extend out-of-box functionality to support additional data types or JVM languages. Check out page for complete listing of known module projects.

  • There are also projects that offer support for alternative data formats beyond JSON (like XML, BSON); see page to learn more.

Bug reports and requests for new features are handled via:

  • For Jackson 2.x, sub-projects have their own Issue trackers; for example:
    • (basic Streaming API)

    • (data-binding functionality)

  • for Jackson 1.x issues

More to Learn

And if (when!) this all looks good, there is plenty more to learn:

  • Jackson Documentation has plenty more to guide you through more advance usage

  • covers areas that could use contributions from new contributors...

  • Future plans: work towards (big backwards-incompatible changes -- but happily co-exists with Jackson 1.x)


Beyond these first steps, you may want to investigate these resources:

  • CowTalk Blog has blog entries related to Jackson usage, development.

  • site has discussion forums, additional blogs.

JacksonHome (last edited 2013-04-30 22:19:40 by )

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