分类: C/C++
2008-09-13 20:56:23
you're almost sure to find that sizeof(HoldsAnInt) == sizeof(int). This is known as the empty base optimization (EBO)
Private inheritance is most likely to be a legitimate design strategy when you're dealing with two classes not related by is-a where one either needs access to the protected members of another or needs to redefine one or more of its virtual functions.
Item [40]
C++ takes no position on this debate. It happily supports both options, though its default is to perform the replication. If that's not what you want, you must make the class with the data (i.e., File) a virtual base class.
My advice on virtual base classes (i.e., on virtual inheritance) is simple. First, don't use virtual bases unless you need to. By default, use non-virtual inheritance. Second, if you must use virtual base classes, try to avoid putting data in them.