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2008-09-20 22:59:31


Getting Started with Linux - Course Material
Lesson One
What is Linux?
Installing Linux
An actual install
About Debian GNU/Linux

Lesson Two
Installing Debian GNU/Linux
Plunk that CD in the drive
Sundry installation tasks
Reboot and basic configuration
Completing the install process

Lesson Three
Working with Linux - First Things First
Working as another user

Lesson Four
Creating your 'routine' in Linux
The Linux file system
The basic directory structure in Linux
Some more cool short cuts
In Linux, everything is a file
What's left

Lesson Five
Day to Day with Linux
Virtual Terminals
Text editors in Linux
Text editors in Linux - Cont'd

Lesson Six
Shells in Linux
Frequently Used Shell Commands
The 'cp' command
The 'mv' command
The 'mkdir' command
The 'rm' command

Lesson Seven
Plumbing with "pipes" in Linux

Lesson Eight
How to get more information with Linux

Lesson Nine
Other interesting and useful commands
The 'grep' command

Lesson Ten
Power user commands
'tee', '>', '2>'
'whoami', 'whereis' and 'which
'echo' and 'wc'

Lesson Eleven
Miscellaneous commands

Lesson Twelve
Becoming a super user

Lesson Thirteen
Commands to control your system
File systems in Linux
Mounting file systems
Umount command - unmounting file systems

Lesson Fourteen
File permissions in Linux
'chmod' explained
Using 'chown'

Lesson Fifteen
Backing up your files
Untarring and unzipping files

Lesson Sixteen
Installing New Programs
Debian Updates
Installing new programs on Slackware

Lesson Seventeen
Printing under Linux
Using Linux to access the Internet
ADSL with Linux
Dial-up connections with Linux
Getting in touch with your ISP

Lesson Eighteen
Getting Linux to make sounds
Recording Sound
MP3 format
Ogg format
Compact Disks

Lesson Nineteen
Graphic User Interfaces with Linux
The GUI family tree
X-Window configuration
To boot or not to boot (in graphics mode), that is the question.
Choosing the look that's right for you
Protecting the environment
Internet Browsers
Email clients
Office suites, word processors and spreadsheets
Little goodies to improve your quality of life
Tips and Tricks for X-Window
More X-Window Tips and Tricks
A final word about X-window

Lesson Twenty
The end of the beginning


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