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2008-09-20 22:30:38

Google launched a few days ago a new web browser, that has some interesting features which might give FF 3, Safari and IE8 a run for their money. Although not yet for Linux, i've put together (following some ubuntuforms posts) a detailed tutorial to help you Install Google Chrome on Linux using wine >= 1.1.3.

1. install wine (follow the official instructions )

2. make sure wine >= 1.1.3 is installed by entering the following in the terminal
wine --version

3. Download winetricks and install it

sudo cp winetricks /usr/sbin

4. Install some dependencies for Chrome (Flash is not mandatory but will allow you to play youtube videos :-))
winetricks riched20 riched30 flash
4.1 Install allfonts (this is optional)
winetricks allfonts

5. Download the Linux Chrome installer

6. Install Linux Chrome (just follow the onscreen instructions and make sure you create a desktop icon)
wine chrome_installer.exe

Click here to open new window

7. After the install is finished, you won't be able to use Chrome as it needs a bit more hacking. Just close it and opent with your favorite editor the Google Chrome.desktop icon created on your Desktop. Make sure your add "--new-http --in-process-plugins", without the quotes at the end of this line:

Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/mimir/.wine" wine "C:\\windows\\profiles\\mimir\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe"

to make it look like this:
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/mimir/.wine" wine "C:\\windows\\profiles\\mimir\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe" --new-http --in-process-plugins

Save the file!

NOTE: mimir is my username, you will have something like /home/yourusername/.wine

8. Go to desktop and start Google Linux Chrome

Click here to open new window

Checking some youtube videos :)

Click here to open new window

For those who are not able to find the Google Chrome.desktop icon on their Desktop, i have attached a copy of mine here. Just save the attached file on your desktop, and edit it using your favorite text editor. Only things you need to replace is my username (mimir) with your own.

HTTPS Note: it seems that the https is not working due to the fact that wine is missing TSL/SSL features, the dlls that should handle that being just stubs at the moment. If you have any information regarding this, please share.

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