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2009-02-04 14:29:17

Setup Windows Kernel Debug environment
Configuration: 2 machine, one null modem cable, download windbg software from Microsoft.
Debugee: problem found machine and need to debug(amda2210j3)
Debuger: work as client and see all the activity on debugee machine(amda2210j4)
1.Install Hypertermial on debuger amda2210j4 
   Control pannel, Add and Remove Program, Add/Remove windows components, Accessories and Utility,
   Communication, Detail, check box Hyper Terminal.
2.Install HyperTermial on debugee amda2210j3.
   Control pannel, Add and Remove Program, Add/Remove windows components, Accessories and Utility,
   Communication, Detail, check box Hyper Terminal.
3.Check BIOS for both system, and pay attention to the BIOS setup: Serial Communication->   On without Console Redirection; External Serial Connector:COM1(Com1 as the serial communication port);Remote terminal type:VT100\VT220;Redirection after Boot:Disable.
   Notes:If  Serial Communication->   On without Console Redirection is not correctly. The  Hyper Terminal may work normal. But debuger can’t connect to debugee in Windbg.
4.Open both system Hyper Terminal test  connection. Type letters on one system, the other system should display it.
5.Download Windbg from . Install windbg on both system.
6.Config the OS starting option
     Notes:Windows server 2003 and Windows server 2008 should make different configuration
  a.Windows Server 2003
    Change boot.ini on amda2210j3
    >attrib -r -s -h boot.ini
    >notepad boot.ini
    add this line to boot.ini
    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition - REMOTE debug" /noexecute=optout /fastdetect /DEBUGPORT=COM1 /BAUDRATE=115200
  b.Windows Server 2008
    On 2008 OS there is new boot model and  no boot.ini file. So it need bcdedit tool to add OS starting option. Run it from CMD  with administrator permission.
    (1)In order to backup the OS starting option, create copy of current starting option. In the following line, "Windows 2008 Copy" is the copy of {current} starting option.
          bcdedit /copy {current} /d "Windows 2008 Copy"
    (2)Set the {current} starting option, and make the debug mode on.
          bcdedit /debug ON
          bcdedit /bootdebug ON
    (3)Check current debugging config:
          bcdedit /dbgsettings 
7.Reboot system. Choose the debuger enable starting option(Windows boot manager) from remote console when the system restart. If you have difficulty to boot up the system, remove the null modem cable wait till Windows come up and plug the cable back.
8.amda2210j4 open windbg, Kernel debug, should see the message on the screen.
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