#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
struct mac_ip{ char Mac[18]; char Ip[16]; struct mac_ip *next; }; typedef struct mac_ip Mac_IP;
int hahash(const char mac[],int n) { int len=strlen(mac); int i,sum=0;
for(i=0;i<len;i++) sum+=mac[i];
return(sum%n); }
void insert_new(Mac_IP *tank[],char mac[],char ip[]) { Mac_IP *temp; int i,n;
temp=(Mac_IP*)malloc(sizeof(Mac_IP)); if(temp == NULL){ printf("Malloc error!\n"); exit(1); }
strcpy(temp->Mac,mac); strcpy(temp->Ip,ip); temp->next=NULL;
n=hahash(mac,131); if(tank[n] == NULL){ tank[n]=temp; } else{ temp->next=tank[n]; tank[n]=temp; } }
char *hash_search(Mac_IP *tank[],char mac[]) { int n; Mac_IP *p;
if(tank[n] == NULL){ printf("No record of this MAC!\n"); return NULL; } else{ p=tank[n]; while(p != NULL){ if(strcmp(p->Mac,mac) == 0) return(p->Ip); else p=p->next; }
printf("No record of this MAC!\n"); return NULL; } }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { Mac_IP *tank[131]; int i; char *ip=NULL;
for(i=0;i<131;i++) tank[i]=NULL;
insert_new(tank,"10-2F-34-25-6D-DE",""); insert_new(tank,"10-2F-34-6D-DE-25",""); insert_new(tank,"4D-25-E4-2C-62-DE","");
ip=hash_search(tank,"10-2F-34-25-6D-DE"); if(ip != NULL){ printf("ip:%s\n",ip); }
return 0; }