2009-09-30 12:48:03
Given the AS/400's nonstandard library system, it is important when using a JDBC connection to be able to dynamically set the library or libraries you want to access.
How do I use JDBC?
With JDBC, there is a sequence of statements you run for most scenarios, whether you access data using SQL or stored procedures to call RPG programs. You must do the following:
The examples below show how to select data from an AS/400 table and list it in a simple report.
Which JDBC driver should I use?
Different drivers work in different application environments. You can use JDBC drivers for any Java application to access AS/400 data and programs.
Sun JdbcOdbc Driver
String jdbcDriverName = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
applications supported
applets (NOT without special security authorizations), servlets (NOT on AS/400), remote AS/400 applications (e.g., a Windows application with ODBC installed and configured)
Every Java includes a Sun driver (JdbcOdbcDriver) used when you have no other choices. You need an ODBC data source defined first (for instance, in Microsoft Windows). Then this driver translates the ODBC to JDBC for your Java application. This driver is primarily used to access local ODBC data sources on a Windows PC.
IBM AS/400 Java JDBC Driver
String jdbcDriverName = "COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver";
applications supported
servlets, local AS/400 applications, remote AS/400 applications (via AS/400 DRDA support ONLY)
This driver is the preferred driver where it can be used. Generally, it will provide the best performance in most scenarios. It is included as part of AS/400 Java (program 5769-JV1), which is free from IBM. It is packaged in the classes.zip file.
IBM Java Toolkit for AS/400 JDBC Driver
String jdbcDriverName = "com.ibm.as400.jdbc.access.AS400JDBCDriver";
applications supported
applets, servlets, local AS/400 applications, remote AS/400 applications
This driver is part of IBM's Java Toolkit for AS/400, which is also distributed free (program 5769-JC1). Is is packaged in the jt400.jar.
The Java toolkit driver works great for any remote connection to an AS/400 as well as local. The native driver has some advantages, including performance if you are doing local access to your AS/400 database (e.g., a Java servlet running on the same machine where the data is, an AS/400 Java application, etc.).
What are the options for dynamically setting library lists?
Which naming method should I use for a connection?
There are specific 'AS/400' type properties available under the system naming convention for the Toolkit and native JDBC drivers (e.g., using a libraries property for the driver ) vs. using an SQL schema qualifier. Our preference is to use SQL naming, which maximizes the of your JDBC code. (This is assuming you would dynamically configure URLs, etc. so none of the code has to be rewritten).
About the authors: Jim Mason is president of Cape Cod Bay Systems, and he writes, consults, teaches, designs and develops AS/400 Web applications using Java, WebSphere, DB2, Lotus Domino and the WebSphere Development Tools for AS/400. Dave Slater is World Wide Market Manager of AS/400 Application Development at IBM Canada.