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分类: Java

2017-05-11 19:49:56

有时候,需要创建一个特殊形状的panel。这个panel 的形状需要自己绘制,也可以使用现有的layout manager,但是可供现有的layout manager管理的面积会发生变化,这个需要通过getInsets通知layout manager.

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Insets;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;

import javax.swing.JPanel;

 * This class represents a Rounded Border JPanel.
public class ArrowPanel extends JPanel {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** Stroke size. it is recommended to set it to 1 for better view */
    protected int strokeSize = 1;
    /** Color of shadow */
    protected Color shadowColor =;
    /** Sets if it drops shadow */
    protected boolean shady = true;
    /** Sets if it has an High Quality view */
    protected boolean highQuality = true;
    /** Distance between border of shadow and border of opaque panel */
    protected int shadowGap = 4;
    /** The offset of shadow.  */
    protected int shadowOffset = 3;
    /** The transparency value of shadow. ( 0 - 255) */
    protected int shadowAlpha = 150;

    // Points of the Polygon.
    protected int xArrowPoints[]={0,0,0,0,0};
    protected int yArrowPoints[]={0,0,0,0,0};
    public ArrowPanel() {

// 更改Layout Manager的insets的大小,这个很重要,可以通知layout manager 该箭头形状的
    // New size of insets for the layout manager.
    public Insets getInsets() {  
        Insets insets = (Insets) super.getInsets().clone();  
        // Return new insets.  += strokeSize;
        insets.left += strokeSize;  
        insets.bottom += strokeSize + shadowGap;
        insets.right += strokeSize + shadowGap + getHeight() /2;

        return insets;  
  // 绘制这个特殊的panel
    // Paint the panel.
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();

        int shadowGap = this.shadowGap;
        Color shadowColorA = new Color(shadowColor.getRed(), shadowColor.getGreen(), shadowColor.getBlue(), shadowAlpha);
        Graphics2D graphics = (Graphics2D) g;

        //Sets antialiasing if HQ.
        if (highQuality) {
            graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        //Draws shadow borders if any.
        if (shady) {
            width - strokeSize - shadowOffset,
            height - strokeSize - shadowOffset);
            graphics.fillPolygon(xArrowPoints, yArrowPoints, 5);
        } else {
            shadowGap = 1;
        //Draws the arrow opaque panel with borders.
        // fill the arrow.
        width - shadowGap,
        height - shadowGap);
        graphics.fillPolygon(xArrowPoints, yArrowPoints, 5);
  // 绘制这个panel本身。      
        //Draw the arrow panel border.
        graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke(strokeSize));
        width - shadowGap,
        height - shadowGap);
        graphics.drawPolygon(xArrowPoints, yArrowPoints, 5);
        //Sets strokes to default, is better.
        graphics.setStroke(new BasicStroke());

     * Check if component has High Quality enabled.
     * @return TRUE if it is HQ ; FALSE Otherwise
    public boolean isHighQuality() {
        return highQuality;

     * Sets whether this component has High Quality or not
     * @param highQuality if TRUE, set this component to HQ
    public void setHighQuality(boolean highQuality) {
        this.highQuality = highQuality;

     * Returns the Color of shadow.
     * @return a Color object.
    public Color getShadowColor() {
        return shadowColor;

     * Sets the Color of shadow
     * @param shadowColor Color of shadow
    public void setShadowColor(Color shadowColor) {
        this.shadowColor = shadowColor;

     * Check if component drops shadow.
     * @return TRUE if it drops shadow ; FALSE Otherwise
    public boolean isShady() {
        return shady;

     * Sets whether this component drops shadow
     * @param shady if TRUE, it draws shadow
    public void setShady(boolean shady) {
        this.shady = shady;

     * Returns the size of strokes.
     * @return the value of size.
    public float getStrokeSize() {
        return strokeSize;

     * Sets the stroke size value.
     * @param strokeSize stroke size value
    public void setStrokeSize(int strokeSize) {
        this.strokeSize = strokeSize;

     * Get the value of shadowOffset
     * @return the value of shadowOffset
    public int getShadowOffset() {
        return shadowOffset;

     * Set the value of shadowOffset
     * @param shadowOffset new value of shadowOffset
    public void setShadowOffset(int shadowOffset) {
        if (shadowOffset >= 1) {
            this.shadowOffset = shadowOffset;
        } else {
            this.shadowOffset = 1;

     * Get the value of shadowGap
     * @return the value of shadowGap
    public int getShadowGap() {
        return shadowGap;

     * Set the value of shadowGap
     * @param shadowGap new value of shadowGap
    public void setShadowGap(int shadowGap) {
        if (shadowGap >= 1) {
            this.shadowGap = shadowGap;
        } else {
            this.shadowGap = 1;

     * Get the value of shadowAlpha
     * @return the value of shadowAlpha
    public int getShadowAlpha() {
        return shadowAlpha;

     * Set the value of shadowAlpha
     * @param shadowAlpha new value of shadowAlpha
    public void setShadowAlpha(int shadowAlpha) {
        if (shadowAlpha >= 0 && shadowAlpha <= 255) {
            this.shadowAlpha = shadowAlpha;
        } else {
            this.shadowAlpha = 255;

     * Calculate the value of Arrow points.
     * @param iStartX: start X of  Arrow points.
     * iStartY: start Y of  Arrow points.
     * iWidth:  width of Arrow.
     * iHeight: height of Arrow.
    public void calcArrowPoints(int iStartX, int iStartY, int iWidth, int iHeight) {
    // Point 0;
    xArrowPoints[0] = iStartX;
    yArrowPoints[0] = iStartY;
    // Point 1;
    xArrowPoints[1] = iStartX+iWidth-iHeight/2;
    yArrowPoints[1] = iStartY;
    // Point 2;
    xArrowPoints[2] = iStartX+iWidth;
    yArrowPoints[2] = iStartY+iHeight/2;

    // Point 3;
    xArrowPoints[3] = iStartX+iWidth-iHeight/2;
    yArrowPoints[3] = iStartY+iHeight;
    // Point 4;
    xArrowPoints[4] = iStartX;
    yArrowPoints[4] = iStartY+iHeight;


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