原来用redhat 9的时候,配置xmanager没有问题,很快就通了,后来服务器用as4,结果连了很久没连上,
2、关闭或者配置,linux上的防火墙,service iptables stop,或者配置iptables允许177端口
3、按照如下步骤配置,特别是[font=Courier New]/etc/inittab[/font] 中设置x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/gdm这句(可在原句上修改)
4、碰到Maximum number of open XDMCP sessions from host问题时,修改[font=Courier New]/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf[/font] 中的DisplayPerHost数,比如DisplayPerHost=9。
1、碰到问题要及时查看message里面的日志,可以用more /var/log/messages然后按/来find。
祝大家的问题能迎刃而解!!。Happy new year!:em15: :P :P :em11:
Step 1. Set any host can get a login window.
[list=1][*]Open /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess.[*]Remove "#" # * #any host can get a login window
[font=Courier New]
[/font][/list]Step 2. Change runlevel to enable gdm.
[list=1][*]Open [font=Courier New]/etc/inittab[/font] file.[*]Change the runlevel to 5 as following:
[font=Courier New]id:5:initdefault:[/font][*]Replace with this x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/gdm[/list]Step 3. GDM configuration (When the Linux is using gdm)
[list=1][*]Open [font=Courier New]/etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf[/font] file. ([font=Courier New]/etc/gdm/custom.conf[/font] for Fedora Core 5)[*]Go to the [font=Courier New][xdmcp][/font]section.[*]Set the value of [font=Courier New]Enable[/font] option to [font=Courier New]true[/font] or [font=Courier New]1[/font].[*]Set the value of “DisplayPerHost” option to desired maximum number such as 10(You will see the server is busy if the value is 1).[/list]Step 4. Modify displayManager
[list=1][*]Open /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config[font=Courier New] file.[/font] [font=Courier New][*]Go to the last line.[*]Add "!" in the beginning of the line. [/font][/list][font=Courier New]Step 5. Restart Linux
Step 6. Open XManager-Broadercast
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