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分类: 系统运维

2007-03-15 12:48:39

昨天开始学习使用Dynamips 模拟7200,当然,网上已经有人搭出CCNP的rack了。
所以就是有点点不服输,想搭个CCIE rack出来。

现在linux win平台都能实现这个CCIE rack了, 而且做好了跨平台的cluster配置:)


早上在linux上已经能够很好的运行Dynamips了,我的系统是Redhat AS4 后来升级成CentOS
之前的0.2.4的dynamips 有些bug 不能运行,换用0.2.5然后make install clean 安装完成


后来发现一个叫 dynagen-0.4.3 的东西,太赞了


1.将dynamips.bin copy 到 /bin下面,取名为dynamips

2.unzip -p c7200-g6ik8s-mz.124-2.T1.bin > kaka.bin    存放在/root/c7200/kaka.bin
  这样的话,boot 7200的时候就不需要解压IOS了,节省时间吧

nice dynamips –H 7200 &




# A CCIE lab

autostart = true


    image = /root/c7200/kaka.bin
    npe = npe-400
    ram = 160
    [[ROUTER 1R1]]
    s1/0 = F1 1
    s1/1 = F2 1
    f2/0 = S1 1
    f0/0 = LAN 2

    [[ROUTER 1R2]]
    s1/0 = F1 2
    s1/1 = F2 2
    f2/0 = S1 2
    f0/0 = LAN 2

    [[ROUTER 1R3]]
    s1/0 = F1 3
    s1/1 = F2 3
    f2/0 = S1 3
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    a3/0 = A1 3
    [[ROUTER 1R4]]
    s1/0 = F1 4
    s1/1 = F2 4
    f2/0 = S1 4
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    [[ROUTER 1R5]]
    s1/0 = F1 5
    s1/1 = F2 5
    f2/0 = S1 5
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    [[ROUTER 1R6]]
    s1/0 = F1 6
    s1/1 = F2 6
    f2/0 = S1 6
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    a3/0 = A1 6
    [[ROUTER BB1]]
    s1/0 = F1 7
    s1/1 = F2 7
    f2/0 = S1 7
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    a3/0 = A1 7
    [[FRSW F1]]
    1:102 = 2:201
    1:103 = 3:301
    1:104 = 4:401
    1:105 = 5:501
    1:106 = 6:601
    2:203 = 3:302
    2:204 = 4:402
    2:205 = 5:502
    2:206 = 6:602
    3:304 = 4:403
    3:305 = 5:503
    3:306 = 6:603
    4:405 = 5:504
    4:406 = 6:604
    5:506 = 6:605

    [[FRSW F2]]
1:102 = 2:201
    1:103 = 3:301
    1:104 = 4:401
    1:105 = 5:501
    1:106 = 6:601
    2:203 = 3:302
    2:204 = 4:402
    2:205 = 5:502
    2:206 = 6:602
    3:304 = 4:403
    3:305 = 5:503
    3:306 = 6:603
    4:405 = 5:504
    4:406 = 6:604
    5:506 = 6:605

    [[ATMSW A1]]
    3:30:103 = 7:37:137 # port 3  vpi 30 vci 103 to port 7 vpi 37 vci 137
    6:60:106 = 7:67:167
    [[FRSW S1]]
        1 = access 1
        2 = access 1
        3 = access 1
        4 = access 1
        5 = access 1    
        6 = access 1
        7 = access 1
        8 = dot1q 1 NIO_gen_eth:eth0

# All Dynagen configuration file options

# Should all devices be automatically started? true or false, defaults to true. Can be overridden on a per device basis
autostart = true

# Each DYNAMIPS section sepecifies a dynamips server and the devices it hosts
[bender]        # The hostname or IP address of a Dynamips server
port = 7200     # TCP port. Optional, defaults to 7200
console = 2000  # Base console port. New instances that do not specify a console port will default to this + the intance number. Defaults to 2000
workingdir = /home/labs/test lab 1  # Set the directory where Dynamips will store all the device files for this network. This is the fully qualified path relative to the system running dynamips.
udp = 10000     # Set the base UDP port for NIOs
    # The 7200 section specifies defaults for all 7200 routers on this Dynamips server. Everything in this
    # section is optional, and defaults to whatever the default is in Dynamips
    image = /opt/7200-images/c7200-ik9o3s-mz.122-15.T17.image   # Full path to 7200 IOS image file. This is the fully qualified path relative to the system running dynamips.
    ram = 128        # Amount of Virtual RAM to allocate to each router instance.
    rom = 4          # Size of ROM
    nvram = 256      # Size of NVRAM
    disk0 = 64       # Set size of PCMCIA ATA disk0
    disk1 = 64       # Set size of PCMCIA ATA disk1
    cnfg = None      # Configuration file to import. This is the fully qualified path relative to the system running dynamips.
    confreg = 0x2102 # Set the configuration register
    clock = 2        # Clock divisor (should no longer been needed as of dynamips 0.2.5 RC1)
    npe = npe-200    # NPE type.("npe-100", "npe-150", "npe-175", "npe-200", "npe-225", "npe-300" or "npe-400")
    midplane = std   # Midplane, either "std" or "vxr"
    mmap = true     # Set to false to use real memory rather than a disk file for router vitural memory. Conserves RAM at the expense of performance. Defaults to True
    idlepc = 0x60719b98 # Set the Idle PC value
    exec_area = 64   # Set the exec area size
    # Each ROUTER section defines a router and it's connections. All keywords are optional
    [[ROUTER R1]]   # Must supply a unique name
    model = 7200    # Defaults to 7200
    console = 2000      # Console port. Defaults to the server's base console port (specified in the server section) + instance number
    aux = 3000      # Aux port, defaults to none
    # All options from the 7200 section are options here as well, including "autostart"
    # Manual PA specification. This is optional, and if not done dynagen will make sane decisions based on the interface specifications.
    slot0 = PA-C7200-IO-FE  # Ethernet in slot 0
    slot1 = PA-FE-TX        # Ethernet in slot 1
    slot3 = PA-4T           # PA-4T+ in slot 2
    slot6 = PA-4E        # PA-4E in slot 6
    #slotx = PA-POS-OC3        # PA-POS-OC3 in slot x
    # Interface specification. Can take the following forms:
    f1/0 = R2 f1/0      # Connect to f1/0 on device R2
    f2/0 = LAN 1        # Connect to bridged LAN 1
    s3/0 = R2 s3/0      # Connect to s3/0 on device R2
    s3/1 = F1 1         # Connect to port 1 on device "F1" (a frame relay switch)
    s3/2 = F2 1
    a4/0 = A1 1         # Connect to port 1 on device "A1" (an ATM switch)
    f5/0 = NIO_linux_eth:eth0   # manually specify an NIO
    [[ROUTER R2]]
    # Interface f1/0 will automatically be created because the interface was referenced in R1's config
    f2/0 = LAN 1        # Connect to bridged LAN 1
    s4/0 = F1 2
    s4/1 = F2 2
    s4/2 = F1 3
    a5/0 = A1 2
    [[router R3]]       # Case is not significant
    # Examples of other manually specified NIOs
    f1/0 = NIO_gen_eth:\Device\NPF_{B00A38DD-F10B-43B4-99F4-B4A078484487}
    f2/0 = NIO_udp:10000:
    f3/0 = NIO_tap:tap0
    f4/0 = NIO_unix:/tmp/local:/tmp/remote
    f5/0 = NIO_vde:foo:bar
    # Each FRSW section defines a frame relay switch. All keywords are optional
    [[FRSW F1]]         # Must supply a unique name
    1:102 = 2:201      # Tell the FRSW to switch from port 1, DLCI 102 to port 2, DLCI 201.
    1:103 = 3:301      # and from port 1, DLCI 103 to port 3, DLCI 301
    [[FRSW F2]]
    1:102 = 2:201
    # Define an ATM Switch
    [[ATMSW A1]]
    1:10 = 2:20         # Port 1, vpi 10 to port 2, vpi 20
    #1:10:200 = 2:20:100 # Port 1, vpi 10, vci 200 to port 2, vpi 20, vci 100
    # Define an Ethernet Switch
    [[ETHSW S1]]
    1 = access 1        # Port 1 is an access port in vlan 1
    2 = access 20       # Port 2 is an access port in vlan 20
    3 = dot1q 1         # Port 3 is a trunk port (dot1q encapsulation) with naitive vlan 1
    4 = dot1q 1 NIO_gen_eth:eth0   # Port 4 is trunk port (naitive vlan 1) that is connected to the host eth0 via the gen_eth NIO
    #4 = dot1q 1 NIO_gen_eth:\Device\NPF_{B00A38DD-F10B-43B4-99F4-B4A078484487} # Same as above, Windows example





Documented commands (type help ):
clear  help  list  reload  shell  start  suspend  ver
exit   hist  py    resume  show   stop   telnet


1.telnet 可以telnet到每个路由
2.suspend 挂起R1
=> list
Name       Type       State      Server          Console
R1         c7200      suspended  sjtucs          2000
R2         c7200      running    sjtucs          2001
R3         c7200      running    sjtucs          2002
F1         FRSW       n/a        sjtucs          n/a

4. clear show  mac
5. hist 最近10条命令
6.stop start 用于重启路由



1。安装后桌面会出现 Dynamips server.bat 运行

win版本的 如下
# A CCIE lab

autostart = true


    image = d:\c7200\kaka.bin
    npe = npe-400
    ram = 160
    [[ROUTER 1R1]]
    s1/0 = F1 1
    s1/1 = F2 1
    f2/0 = S1 1
    f0/0 = LAN 2

    [[ROUTER 1R2]]
    s1/0 = F1 2
    s1/1 = F2 2
    f2/0 = S1 2
    f0/0 = LAN 2

    [[ROUTER 1R3]]
    s1/0 = F1 3
    s1/1 = F2 3
    f2/0 = S1 3
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    a3/0 = A1 3
    [[ROUTER 1R4]]
    s1/0 = F1 4
    s1/1 = F2 4
    f2/0 = S1 4
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    [[ROUTER 1R5]]
    s1/0 = F1 5
    s1/1 = F2 5
    f2/0 = S1 5
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    [[ROUTER 1R6]]
    s1/0 = F1 6
    s1/1 = F2 6
    f2/0 = S1 6
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    a3/0 = A1 6
    [[ROUTER BB1]]
    s1/0 = F1 7
    s1/1 = F2 7
    f2/0 = S1 7
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    a3/0 = A1 7
    [[FRSW F1]]
    1:102 = 2:201
    1:103 = 3:301
    1:104 = 4:401
    1:105 = 5:501
    1:106 = 6:601
    2:203 = 3:302
        2:204 = 4:402
        2:205 = 5:502
        2:206 = 6:602
        3:304 = 4:403
        3:305 = 5:503
        3:306 = 6:603
        4:405 = 5:504
        4:406 = 6:604
        5:506 = 6:605

    [[FRSW F2]]
    1:102 = 2:201
    1:103 = 3:301
    1:104 = 4:401
    1:105 = 5:501
    1:106 = 6:601
    2:203 = 3:302
    2:204 = 4:402
    2:205 = 5:502
    2:206 = 6:602
    3:304 = 4:403
    3:305 = 5:503
    3:306 = 6:603
    4:405 = 5:504
    4:406 = 6:604
    5:506 = 6:605
    [[ATMSW A1]]
    3:30:103 = 7:37:137 # port 3  vpi 30 vci 103 to port 7 vpi 37 vci 137
    6:60:106 = 7:67:167
    [[ETHSW S1]]
        1 = access 1
        2 = access 1
        3 = access 1
        4 = access 1
        5 = access 1    
        6 = access 1
        7 = access 1
        8 = dot1q 1 NIO_gen_eth:\Device\NPF_{B00A38DD-F10B-43B4-99F4-B4A078484487}

dynamips -e 可以查到

集群配置,就是说,如果我1台pc模拟这么多路由器不够,而我又有很多台PC, 那么可以做这样一件事情
1。创建一台cluster的主控服务器  ip为192.168.0.1  只运行
dynamips server  /linux下执行  nice dynamips -H 7200 &

然后每台PC上模拟一台 路由器,修改dynamips-server值,将localhost改为接入服务器的ip就可以了

# A CCIE lab

autostart = true

    port = 7200

    image = d:\c7200\kaka.bin
    npe = npe-400
    ram = 160
    [[ROUTER 1R1]]
    s1/0 = F1 1
    s1/1 = F2 1
    f2/0 = S1 1
    f0/0 = LAN 2
    [[FRSW F1]]
    1:102 = 2:201
    1:103 = 3:301
    1:104 = 4:401
    1:105 = 5:501
    1:106 = 6:601
    2:203 = 3:302
    2:204 = 4:402
    2:205 = 5:502
    2:206 = 6:602
    3:304 = 4:403
    3:305 = 5:503
    3:306 = 6:603
    4:405 = 5:504
    4:406 = 6:604
    5:506 = 6:605

    [[FRSW F2]]
    1:102 = 2:201
    1:103 = 3:301
    1:104 = 4:401
    1:105 = 5:501
    1:106 = 6:601
    2:203 = 3:302
    2:204 = 4:402
    2:205 = 5:502
    2:206 = 6:602
    3:304 = 4:403
    3:305 = 5:503
    3:306 = 6:603
    4:405 = 5:504
    4:406 = 6:604
    5:506 = 6:605
    [[ATMSW A1]]
    3:30:103 = 7:37:137 # port 3  vpi 30 vci 103 to port 7 vpi 37 vci 137
    6:60:106 = 7:67:167
    [[ETHSW S1]]
        1 = access 1
        2 = access 1
        3 = access 1
        4 = access 1
        5 = access 1    
        6 = access 1
        7 = access 1
        8 = dot1q 1 NIO_gen_eth:\Device\NPF_{B00A38DD-F10B-43B4-99F4-                    

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