1. Run vmglob -listall > c:\vmglob.txt
2. Observe the vmglob.txt output, noting the serial number and host for the drive(s) that cannot be deleted from the Administration console.
----查看设备信息如下,对比console中的显示, 确定需要删除的设备的sn和media server名
device type: drive
device name: IBMULTRIUM-TD21
serial number: 9110010035
hostname: NBUMEDIA03
volume database hostname: NBUMSTR1
robot number: 0
robot drive number: 12
robot type: TLD
drive type: hcart2
flags: 0x2000
worldwide name: -
worldwide name type: 0
inquiry: IBM ULTRIUM-TD2 42D1
library name: -
vendor drive name: -
robot control host: -
ACS: -1
LSM: -1
3. Run vmglob -delete -serial -devhost for each drive that cannot be deleted.
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