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2008-04-28 21:42:28

  Generics 是JDK 1.5 一个最重要的特性,主要用来处理Collection。   以下代码在JDK 1.5 调试通过。  代码实例1: package maoxiang.examples.jdk15.generics;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;/*** @author 毛翔* * 演示如何使用Generics 特性。代码来自于 Generics 教程:* * * Generics类似于C 中的模板。* 区别:* 1.* 2.*/public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) {} /** * 最简单的用法 */ public void Test1() {  // 以前的用法  //List myIntList = new LinkedList(); // 1  //myIntList.add(new Integer(0)); // 2  //Integer x = (Integer) myIntList.iterator().next(); // 3 需要强制转换  // 1.5 的用法  List myIntList = new LinkedList(); // 1’  myIntList.add(new Integer(0)); //2’  Integer x = myIntList.iterator().next(); // 3’ } /** * 匿名字符的用法 */ public void Test2() {  List list = new ArrayList();  //通过匿名字符打印一个集合  Wildcards(list);  Wildcards1();  /*  * 如果 Wildcards2 定义为Wildcards2(List shapes)  * 以下调用错误  */  Wildcards2(list); } public void Wildcards(Collection< ? > c) {  // 以前的用法  //Iterator i = c.iterator();  //for (int k = 0; k < c.size(); k ) {  //  log(;  //} //1.5 的用法 //Collection c 表示 for (Object e : c) {  log(e); }}public void Wildcards1() { //Collection c = new ArrayList(); //c.add(new Object()); // compile time error //以上为错误的用法,因为不能确定 c 的类型 ,不能使用add ,但get可以 。正确的用法如下: ArrayList c = new ArrayList(); c.add("test"); List< ? > list = c; log(c.get(0));}public void Wildcards2(List< ? extends Shape> shapes) { //List shapes 定义只能接受List shapes,也不能接受 List for (Shape s : shapes) {  s.draw(); } //以下写法错误,因为为参数申明为 extends Shpape,无法确定Rectangle 为Shape子类,属于不安全调用 //shapes.add(0, new Rectangle()); Map allDrivers = new HashMap(); Census.addRegistry(allDrivers); //以下写法允许,因为drivers明确定义, List drivers = new ArrayList(); Census.add(drivers);}/*** Generic Methods 的用法**/public void Test3() { //适用于各种类型的函数 Object[] oa = new Object[100]; Collection co = new ArrayList(); fromArrayToCollection(oa, co);// T inferred to be Object String[] sa = new String[100]; Collection cs = new ArrayList(); fromArrayToCollection(sa, cs);// T inferred to be String fromArrayToCollection(sa, co);// T inferred to be Object Integer[] ia = new Integer[100]; Float[] fa = new Float[100]; Number[] na = new Number[100]; Collection cn = new ArrayList(); fromArrayToCollection(ia, cn);// T inferred to be Number fromArrayToCollection(fa, cn);// T inferred to be Number fromArrayToCollection(na, cn);// T inferred to be Number fromArrayToCollection(na, co);// T inferred to be Object //test.fromArrayToCollection(na, cs);// 错误用法}public void fromArrayToCollection(T[] a, Collection c) { for (T o : a) {  //如果参数定义为 Collection< ? > c 以下写法错误  c.add(o); // compile time error }}/*** generics 嵌套用法* @param shapes*/public void drawAll(List< ? extends Shape> shapes) { List> history = new ArrayList>(); history.add(shapes); for (Shape s : shapes) {  s.draw(); }}/*** **/public void Test4() { List l1 = new ArrayList(); List l2 = new ArrayList(); System.out.print(l1.getClass() == l2.getClass()); //打印为 true,}/*** 错误用法*/public void Test5() { Collection cs = new ArrayList(); //以下为错误用法 //if (cs instanceof Collection) { } // illegal //以下为警告用法 //Collection cstr = (Collection) cs; // unchecked // warning}public void Test6() {//错误用法//List[] lsa = new List[10]; // not really allowedList< ? >[] lsa = new List< ? >[10]; // ok, array of unbounded wildcard// typeObject o = lsa;Object[] oa = (Object[]) o;List li = new ArrayList();li.add(new Integer(3));oa[1] = li; // correct//String s = lsa[1].get(0); // run-time error - ClassCastException//String s = lsa[1].get(0); // run time error, but we were warnedString s = (String) lsa[1].get(0); // run time error, but cast is// explicit}public void Test7() { Sink s = null; Sink s1 = null; Collection cs = null; String str = writeAll(cs, s1); //String str = writeAll(cs, s); // 无效调用 Object obj = writeAll1(cs, s); // 正确的调用 str = writeAll2(cs, s1); // 正确的调用}public T writeAll(Collection coll, Sink snk) { T last = null; for (T t : coll) {  last = t;  snk.flush(last); } return last;}public T writeAll1(Collection< ? extends T> coll, Sink snk) { T last = null; for (T t : coll) {  last = t;  snk.flush(last); } return last;}public T writeAll2(Collection coll, Sink< ? super T> snk) { T last = null; for (T t : coll) {  last = t;  snk.flush(last); } return last;}// 打印private void log(Object ob) { System.out.print(ob);}}//辅助定义abstract class Shape { public abstract void draw();}class Circle extends Shape { private int x, y, radius; public void draw() { }}class Rectangle extends Shape { private int x, y, width, height; public void draw() { }}class Person {}class Driver extends Person {}class Census { public static void addRegistry(Map registry) {}public static void add(List< ? extends Person> persons) {}}class Collections {public static void copy(List dest, List src) {}}  代码实例2。 package maoxiang.examples.jdk15.generics;/*** * @author 毛翔* * 定义一个接口模板,简化了接口的定义* */interface Sink {public void flush(E t);}/** 如果是以前的定义,则要定义要各种类型的接口,显然更麻烦 * interface Sink {* * public void flush(String str); * public void flush(Object obj); * public void flush(Integer test);* ......* }*/   Generics 是JDK 1.5 一个最重要的特性,主要用来处理Collection。   以下代码在JDK 1.5 调试通过。  代码实例1: package maoxiang.examples.jdk15.generics;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;import java.util.Map;/*** @author 毛翔* * 演示如何使用Generics 特性。代码来自于 Generics 教程:* * * Generics类似于C 中的模板。* 区别:* 1.* 2.*/public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) {} /** * 最简单的用法 */ public void Test1() {  // 以前的用法  //List myIntList = new LinkedList(); // 1  //myIntList.add(new Integer(0)); // 2  //Integer x = (Integer) myIntList.iterator().next(); // 3 需要强制转换  // 1.5 的用法  List myIntList = new LinkedList(); // 1’  myIntList.add(new Integer(0)); //2’  Integer x = myIntList.iterator().next(); // 3’ } /** * 匿名字符的用法 */ public void Test2() {  List list = new ArrayList();  //通过匿名字符打印一个集合  Wildcards(list);  Wildcards1();  /*  * 如果 Wildcards2 定义为Wildcards2(List shapes)  * 以下调用错误  */  Wildcards2(list); } public void Wildcards(Collection< ? > c) {  // 以前的用法  //Iterator i = c.iterator();  //for (int k = 0; k < c.size(); k ) {  //  log(;  //} //1.5 的用法 //Collection c 表示 for (Object e : c) {  log(e); }}public void Wildcards1() { //Collection c = new ArrayList(); //c.add(new Object()); // compile time error //以上为错误的用法,因为不能确定 c 的类型 ,不能使用add ,但get可以 。正确的用法如下: ArrayList c = new ArrayList(); c.add("test"); List< ? > list = c; log(c.get(0));}public void Wildcards2(List< ? extends Shape> shapes) { //List shapes 定义只能接受List shapes,也不能接受 List for (Shape s : shapes) {  s.draw(); } //以下写法错误,因为为参数申明为 extends Shpape,无法确定Rectangle 为Shape子类,属于不安全调用 //shapes.add(0, new Rectangle()); Map allDrivers = new HashMap(); Census.addRegistry(allDrivers); //以下写法允许,因为drivers明确定义, List drivers = new ArrayList(); Census.add(drivers);}/*** Generic Methods 的用法**/public void Test3() { //适用于各种类型的函数 Object[] oa = new Object[100]; Collection co = new ArrayList(); fromArrayToCollection(oa, co);// T inferred to be Object String[] sa = new String[100]; Collection cs = new ArrayList(); fromArrayToCollection(sa, cs);// T inferred to be String fromArrayToCollection(sa, co);// T inferred to be Object Integer[] ia = new Integer[100]; Float[] fa = new Float[100]; Number[] na = new Number[100]; Collection cn = new ArrayList(); fromArrayToCollection(ia, cn);// T inferred to be Number fromArrayToCollection(fa, cn);// T inferred to be Number fromArrayToCollection(na, cn);// T inferred to be Number fromArrayToCollection(na, co);// T inferred to be Object //test.fromArrayToCollection(na, cs);// 错误用法}public void fromArrayToCollection(T[] a, Collection c) { for (T o : a) {  //如果参数定义为 Collection< ? > c 以下写法错误  c.add(o); // compile time error }}/*** generics 嵌套用法* @param shapes*/public void drawAll(List< ? extends Shape> shapes) { List> history = new ArrayList>(); history.add(shapes); for (Shape s : shapes) {  s.draw(); }}/*** **/public void Test4() { List l1 = new ArrayList(); List l2 = new ArrayList(); System.out.print(l1.getClass() == l2.getClass()); //打印为 true,}/*** 错误用法*/public void Test5() { Collection cs = new ArrayList(); //以下为错误用法 //if (cs instanceof Collection) { } // illegal //以下为警告用法 //Collection cstr = (Collection) cs; // unchecked // warning}public void Test6() {//错误用法//List[] lsa = new List[10]; // not really allowedList< ? >[] lsa = new List< ? >[10]; // ok, array of unbounded wildcard// typeObject o = lsa;Object[] oa = (Object[]) o;List li = new ArrayList();li.add(new Integer(3));oa[1] = li; // correct//String s = lsa[1].get(0); // run-time error - ClassCastException//String s = lsa[1].get(0); // run time error, but we were warnedString s = (String) lsa[1].get(0); // run time error, but cast is// explicit}public void Test7() { Sink s = null; Sink s1 = null; Collection cs = null; String str = writeAll(cs, s1); //String str = writeAll(cs, s); // 无效调用 Object obj = writeAll1(cs, s); // 正确的调用 str = writeAll2(cs, s1); // 正确的调用}public T writeAll(Collection coll, Sink snk) { T last = null; for (T t : coll) {  last = t;  snk.flush(last); } return last;}public T writeAll1(Collection< ? extends T> coll, Sink snk) { T last = null; for (T t : coll) {  last = t;  snk.flush(last); } return last;}public T writeAll2(Collection coll, Sink< ? super T> snk) { T last = null; for (T t : coll) {  last = t;  snk.flush(last); } return last;}// 打印private void log(Object ob) { System.out.print(ob);}}//辅助定义abstract class Shape { public abstract void draw();}class Circle extends Shape { private int x, y, radius; public void draw() { }}class Rectangle extends Shape { private int x, y, width, height; public void draw() { }}class Person {}class Driver extends Person {}class Census { public static void addRegistry(Map registry) {}public static void add(List< ? extends Person> persons) {}}class Collections {public static void copy(List dest, List src) {}}  代码实例2。 package maoxiang.examples.jdk15.generics;/*** * @author 毛翔* * 定义一个接口模板,简化了接口的定义* */interface Sink {public void flush(E t);}/** 如果是以前的定义,则要定义要各种类型的接口,显然更麻烦 * interface Sink {* * public void flush(String str); * public void flush(Object obj); * public void flush(Integer test);* ......* }*/ 下载本文示例代码

JDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之GenericsJDK 1.5 新功能使用实例之Generics
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