2009-10-28 18:16:21
The (called ) is by far the most well-designed and is one of the top on the .
This short Howto describes howto establish a repository for home-grown or like (could be used for Ubuntu as well, since Ubuntu uses the Debian package management system).
Establish repository structure
Create the repository structure in a directory. E.g. in ~/public_html directory exposed to the web.
cd public_html
mkdir my-repository
cd my-repository
mkdir binary
mkdir source
Copy your into the repository
Like this
cp src/bzr_0.11-1.1_all.deb public_html/my-repository/binary/
Install the tools to be able to create a repository index
sudo aptitude install dpkg-dev
Create a repository index
cd my-repository
dpkg-scanpackages binary /dev/null | gzip -9c > binary/Packages.gz
dpkg-scansources source /dev/null | gzip -9c > source/Sources.gz
Using the repository
# Add these two lines into the /etc/apt/sources.list
deb ~cc/my-repository binary/
deb-src ~cc/my-repository source/
Feel free to comment – easier methods and tips are more than welcome
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