分类: Python/Ruby
2011-07-24 17:36:09
> (remove-once 'morning '(good morning good morning)) (GOOD GOOD MORNING)14.2
> (up 'town) (T TO TOW TOWN)14.3
> (remdup '(ob la di ob la da)) ;; remove duplicates (OB LA DI DA)(It's okay if your procedure returns (DI OB LA DA) instead, as long as it removes all but one instance of each duplicated word.)
;; Keep模式
;; 采用高阶函数:
;; using high order function
(define (rm-dup sent)
(if (empty? sent)
(se (first sent)
(rm-dup (keep (lambda (x)
(not (equal? (first sent) x)))
(bf sent))))))
;; 采用直观方法:从第一个单词开始,到最后一个单词,每次将其后的句子中的该单词删除
;; 采用数学函数表示则为:
;; rm-dup(x) =
;; concatenate(first(x),
;; rm-dup(rm-all(first(x),
;; but-first(x))))
(define (rm-all wd sent)
(if (or (empty? wd) (empty? sent))
(se (if (equal? wd (first sent))
(first sent))
(rm-all wd (bf sent)))))
(define (rm-dup sent)
(if (empty? sent)
(se (first sent)
(rm-dup (rm-all (first sent)
(bf sent))))))
;; 将句子分成done(删除重复单词)和not-done两个部分。每次从not-done部分取第一个单词,如果不在done部分,则添加到done部分,否则取not-done下一个单词。
;; cat-new(done, not-done) =
;; cat-new(concatenate(done,
;; new-word(first(not-done))),
;; but-first(not-done))
(define (rm-dup sent)
(define (cat-new done not-done)
(if (empty? not-done)
(cat-new (se done
(if (member? (first not-done)
(first not-done)))
(bf not-done))))
(cat-new '() sent))
> (odds '(i lost my little girl)) (I MY GIRL);; keep模式。无难度(define (odds sent) (if (< (count sent) 2) sent (se (first sent) (odds (bf (bf sent))))))
14.5 Write a procedure letter-count that takes a sentence as its argument and returns the total number of letters in the sentence:
> (letter-count '(fixing a hole)) 1114.6 Write member?.
14.7 Write differences, which takes a sentence of numbers as its argument and returns a sentence containing the differences between adjacent elements. (The length of the returned sentence is one less than that of the argument.)
> (differences '(4 23 9 87 6 12)) (19 -14 78 -81 6)Answer:;; Accumulate14.8 Write expand, which takes a sentence as its argument. It returns a sentence similar to the argument, except that if a number appears in the argument, then the return value contains that many copies of the following word:
> (expand '(4 calling birds 3 french hens)) (CALLING CALLING CALLING CALLING BIRDS FRENCH FRENCH FRENCH HENS) > (expand '(the 7 samurai)) (THE SAMURAI SAMURAI SAMURAI SAMURAI SAMURAI SAMURAI SAMURAI)14.9 Write a procedure called location that takes two arguments, a word and a sentence. It should return a number indicating where in the sentence that word can be found. If the word isn't in the sentence, return #f. If the word appears more than once, return the location of the first appearance.
> (location 'me '(you never give me your money))14.12 Write a procedure progressive-squares? that takes a sentence of numbers as its argument. It should return #t if each number (other than the first) is the square of the number before it:
> (progressive-squares? '(3 9 81 6561)) #T > (progressive-squares? '(25 36 49 64)) #F14.14 Write a predicate same-shape? that takes two sentences as arguments. It should return #t if two conditions are met: The two sentences must have the same number of words, and each word of the first sentence must have the same number of letters as the word in the corresponding position in the second sentence.
> (same-shape? '(the fool on the hill) '(you like me too much))14.15 Write merge, a procedure that takes two sentences of numbers as arguments. Each sentence must consist of numbers in increasing order. Merge should return a single sentence containing all of the numbers, in order. (We'll use this in the next chapter as part of a sorting algorithm.)
> (merge '(4 7 18 40 99) '(3 6 9 12 24 36 50))