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分类: C/C++

2008-09-14 20:38:55

Sample Image - dumpctrl.gif



CPPDumpCtrl is a Dump Control based on MFC and the CWnd class. It implements basic behavior to edit/view Data in HEX, DEC, BIN, OCT and/or ASCII view.

How to integrate CPPDumpCtrl in your application

To use the PPDumpCtrl control in your project you will need to add a number of files to your project:

  • PPDumpCtrl.h
  • PPDumpCtrl.cpp
  • PPNumEdit.h
  • PPNumEdit.cpp
  • memdc.h // Keith Rule's memory DC helper class.

Where PPDumpCtrl.* is a main CPPDumpCtrl control source and header files, and PPNumEdit.* is a CPPNumEdit control files (class for in-place editing).

Create a CPPDumpCtrl object

Include file PPDumpCtrl.h in the header file where will be use the CPPDumpCtrl control

In your application, create a member variable for the control. Please note that this variable is a pointer:

CPPDumpCtrl* m_hex_ctrl;

Now create the control. For dialog-based applications, in your OnInitDialog:

   // Call the base-class method
// Create the CPPDumpCtrl object m_hex_ctrl = new CPPDumpCtrl; m_hex_ctrl->Create(CRect(0, 0, 100, 100), this, 100);

Remember to destroy the control or you will get a memory leak. This can be done, for example, in your class destructor:

if (m_hex_ctrl)
    delete m_hex_ctrl;

Initialize CPPDumpCtrl object

For initialize CPPDumpCtrol in your OnInitDialog add following lines:

//Attach the Data Arrays to the CPPDumpCtrl object
m_dump_ctrl.SetPointerData(256, nNewData, nOldData, FALSE); 
//where nNewData and nOldData is a //pointer to the arrays with data for //dumping, and 256 - length of the arrays

Also you can set styles, fonts and colors here

Class Members


Constructs a CPPDumpCtrl object.
Constructs a CPPDumpCtrl object.



Sets the pointers to data arrays and sets the length of data arrays
Sets offset for viewing address



Sets the styles in default value
Sets the styles
Changes the style of a control
Retrieves information about the control styles
Sets data for read only
Checks may be data changed or not
Sets the character which will drawn instead special characters (code: 0 - 31)


Color Functions

Sets the control colors to the default colors.
Specifies the color to use for the control.
Retrieves the color for the control.



Enable notification about changing the data or the view.
Is enabled notification about changing the data or the view..


Font Functions

Sets the control font to the default value (Courier, 8pt.).
Specifies the font for the control.


Miscellaneous Functions

Sets first visible address in the control
Gets current visible address from the control
This function enables or disables the track mouse.
This function returns whether the track mouse is enabled


Selection Functions

Sets the range of the selected block
Gets the range of the selected block.
Whether checks there is a specified address in the range of the selection
Enable to select data range
Checks may be data selected or not


Menu Functions

Associates a menu to the control.


ToolTip Functions

This function sets the format string of the text to show in the control tooltip.
This function enables or disables the button tooltip
This function gets pointer to the tooltip object



PPDumpCtrl ();

Constructs a CPPDumpCtrl object. The control styles, font and colors is initially set to default values (see , and ).

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BOOL Create(const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID, DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_BORDER | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE);


  • rect - The size and position of the window, in client coordinates of pParentWnd.
  • pParentWnd - The parent window.
  • nID - The ID of the child window.
  • dwStyle - Specifies the window style attributes.

Return Value

Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.

Creates and initializes the child window associated with the CPPDumpCtrl object.

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void SetPointerData (DWORD nLength, LPBYTE pNewData, LPBYTE pOldData /* = NULL */, BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)


  • nLength - Length of data arrays
  • pNewData - The pointer to the array with new data.
  • pOldData - The pointer to the array with old data. If pOldData is NULL then the pointer to the array with old data will be same as the pointer to new data array.
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


Sets the pointers to data arrays and sets the length of data arrays.


BYTE nNewData [1000];
BYTE nOldData [1000];

//Filling the arrays

m_dump_ctrl.SetPointerData(1000, nNewData, nOldData);

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void SetOffsetViewAddress (DWORD nAddress /* = 0 */, BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)


  • nAddress - The offset value for viewing address. For example, viewing address on screen start with 0 always. But if you have specified the offset address then viewing address will be start from it value.
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


Sets offset for viewing address

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void SetDefaultStyles (BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)


  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


Sets all styles to a default value. The function set following to control:


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void SetStyles (DWORD nStyle, BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)


  • nStyle - The new of the control.
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


The function set the new styles for control

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void ModifyStyles (DWORD nAddStyle, DWORD nRemoveStyle, BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)


  • nAddStyle - Added .
  • nRemoveStyle - Removed .
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


The function modifies styles of the control

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DWORD GetStyles ()

Return value

The current styles of the control.


The function returns the current of the control

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void SetReadOnly(BOOL bReadOnly /* = TRUE */)


  • bReadOnly - Specifies whether to set or remove the read-only state of the control. A value of TRUE sets the state to read-only; a value of FALSE sets the state to read/write.


This method sets the read-only state of an control.

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BOOL IsReadOnly()

Return value

TRUE if the control is read-only.


Call this member function to determine if the control is read-only. User can view the data, but cannot change it.

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void SetDefaultColors(BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)


  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


Use this function to reset the control colors to their default values.

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COLORREF SetColor(int nIndex, COLORREF crColor, BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)


  • nIndex - Specifies the color to be set. This is one of the color values defined in the
  • crColor - A COLORREF value specifying the color to set
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.

Return value

The function returns previous color.


Sets the color specified the nIndex.

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COLORREF GetColor(int nIndex)


  • nIndex - Specifies the color to be retrieved. This is one of the color values defined in the

Return value

A pointer to a COLORREF value to be receive the requested color value


The function return the color for the specified by .

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void SetNotify(BOOL bNotify = TRUE)
void SetNotify(HWND hWnd)


  • bNotify - If TRUE the control will be send the notification to parent window. Else the notification will not send
  • hWnd - If non-NULL the control will be send the notification to specified window. Else the notification will not send


This function sets or removes the notification messages from the control.

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BOOL GetNotify()

Return value

TRUE if the control will be notified the specified window.


This function determines will be send the notification messages from the control or not.

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void SetDefaultFont(BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)


  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


Sets the font to the default value (Courier, 8pt)

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BOOL SetFont(CFont & font, BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)
BOOL SetFont(LOGFONT & lf, BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)
BOOL SetFont(LPCTSTR lpszFaceName, int nSizePoints /* = 8 */, BOOL bUnderline /* = FALSE */, BOOL bBold /* = FALSE */,
BOOL bStrikeOut /* = FALSE */, BOOL bItalic /* = FALSE */,
BOOL bRedraw /* = TRUE */)


  • font - A CFont object allowing full control over the appearance of the font.
  • lf - A LOGFONT structure allowing full control over the appearance of the font also.
  • lpszFaceName - The font face name.
  • nSizePoints - The font size in points. The default value is 8.
  • bUnderline - Specifies whether the font is to be underlined. A nonzero value sets the font to be underlined. A 0 value sets the font not to be underlined. The font is not underlined by default.
  • bBold - Specifies whether the font weight is to be bold or not. A nonzero value sets the font to be bold. A 0 value sets the font weight to be normal. The font weight is normal by default.
  • bStrikeOut - Specifies whether the font is to be struck out or not. A nonzero value sets the font to be struck out. A 0 value sets the font not to be struck out. The font is not struck out by default.
  • bItalic - Specifies whether the font style is to be italic or not. A nonzero value sets the font style to be italic. A 0 value sets the font style to be normal. The font style is normal by default.
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


Sets the font for all elements of the control

Attention! You must set the font with fixed width (for example: Courier)

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void SetBeginAddress(int nAddress = 0, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE)


  • nAddress - The address which will be the first address on the screen.
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


Sets the first visible address on the screen

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int GetBeginAddress()

Return value

The function retrives the first visible address on the screen.


Gets the first visible address on the screen

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void SetTrackMouseMove(BOOL bTrack = TRUE, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE)


  • bTrack - If TRUE the track mouse will enable.
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


This function enables or disables the track mouse.

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int IsTrackMouseMove()

Return value

Function returns TRUE if track mouse is enabled.


This function returns whether the track mouse is enabled.

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void SetSelectRange (int nBegin = 0, int nEnd = -1, BOOL bVisible = TRUE)


  • nBegin - The address which will be the first selected address.
  • nEnd - The address which will be the end selected address. If nEnd is -1 then the end selected address will be equal with begin selected address.
  • bVisible - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn so that first address has been seen. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


Sets the range of the selected block.

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void GetSelectRange (LPINT nBegin, LPINT nEnd)

Return values

  • nBegin - The address which will be the first selected address.
  • nEnd - The address which will be the end selected address.


Gets the range of the selected block.

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BOOL IsAddressSelected (int nAddress)


  • nAddress - The address which will be tested.

Return value

The function returns TRUE if nAddress into the range of selected block. Else FALSE


Whether checks there is a specified address in the range of the selection

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void EnableSelect(BOOL bEnable /* = TRUE */)


  • bEnable - If TRUE then user can select the block of the data.


Calls the function for enable select the data or disable it.

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BOOL IsEnableSelect()

Return value

TRUE if user can select the block of the data.


Determines can user select the data or not.

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void SetSpecialCharView(TCHAR chSymbol = NULL, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE)


  • chSymbol - the character which will draw instead the special characters (0 - 31). If NULL the symbol will not changed.
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default..


Sets the character which will drawn instead special characters (0 - 31).

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BOOL SetMenu(UINT nMenu, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE)


  • nMenu - ID number of the menu resource. Pass NULL to remove any menu from the control.
  • bRedraw - Specifies whether the control is to be redrawn. A nonzero value redraws the control. A 0 value does not redraw the control. The control is redrawn by default.


This function associates a menu to the control. The menu will be displayed clicking the data in the control.

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void SetTooltipText(int nText, BOOL bActivate)
void SetTooltipText(CString sFormatTip, BOOL bActivate)


  • nText - ID number of the string resource containing the of the text to show.
  • sFormatTip - Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the of the text to show.
  • bActivate - If TRUE the tooltip will be created active.


This function sets the format string of the text to show in the control tooltip.

Format string

The Format string can contain the any text, and also special symbols of substitution of the data.

Special symbols must be the following format:

<code>% [direction] [length] [type]
  • direction - specifies the order of an arrangement the multi bytes data
    • blank - the order corresponds specified in style of the control (PPDUMP_DATA_LOW_HIGH)
    • '+' - the order from the high byte to the low byte
    • '-' - the order from the low byte to the high byte
  • length - specified how much byte in the alone data (0 - 4) or blank. Where 0 or blank then use default length specified in style (PPDUMP_WORD_DATA = 2 byte or ~PPDUMP_WORD_DATA = 1 byte).
  • type - specified the type of the format:
    • 'R' - hex address
    • 'H' - hex data
    • 'D' - dec data
    • 'B' - bin data
    • 'O' - oct data
    • 'A' - ascii data
    • 'n' - carriage return + line feed (equivalently "\r\n")
    • 't' - tabulation. The tooltip doesn't support tab symbol. Therefore tab have the program emulation (4 characters). This feature well works with the established font for tooltip with identical width of symbols.


CString str = _T("Address : %RH Hex : %2H"); //Format string
m_hex_ctrl.SetTooltipText(str); //Sets format string

The result on the client area of the control:

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void ActivateTooltip(BOOL bActivate = TRUE)


  • bActivate - If TRUE the tooltip will be activated.


This function enables or disables the control tooltip..

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CToolTipCtrl * GetTooltip()

Return value

The pointer to the tooltip object.


This function gets pointer to the tooltip object

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Styles and Color Index

The Control's styles:

Fields of the data

PPDUMP_FIELD_ADDRESS The address field of data is exist
PPDUMP_FIELD_HEX The hex field of data is exist
PPDUMP_FIELD_DEC The dec field of data is exist
PPDUMP_FIELD_BIN The bin field of data is exist
PPDUMP_FIELD_OCT The oct field of data is exist
PPDUMP_FIELD_ASCII The ascii field of data is exist

All fields of data is exist


Fields of the control bar

PPDUMP_BAR_ADDRESS The address field of control bar is exist
PPDUMP_BAR_HEX The hex field of control bar is exist
PPDUMP_BAR_DEC The dec field of control bar is exist
PPDUMP_BAR_BIN The bin field of control bar is exist
PPDUMP_BAR_OCT The oct field of control bar is exist
PPDUMP_BAR_ASCII The ascii field of control bar is exist

All fields of control bar is exist



PPDUMP_SEPARATOR_LINES Draws the separators between the fileds of data
PPDUMP_READ_ONLY The control for read only (The address field can be change all the same)
PPDUMP_WORD_DATA Work with word data, else with byte
PPDUMP_NAMED_FIELDS Draws the headers of the data fileds
PPDUMP_SELECT_DATA User can select the range of the data
PPDUMP_DATA_LOW_HIGH User can select the order of the multi-byte data . If it flag is set then first byte is a low byte, else high byte
PPDUMP_TRACK_MOUSE_MOVE User can select the order of the multi-byte data . If it flag is set then first byte is a low byte, else high byte

Color Enumeration :

for data

PPDUMP_COLOR_DATA_FG The foreground color of the equal data in nNewArray and nOldArray
PPDUMP_COLOR_DATA_CHANGE_FG The foreground color of the different data in nNewArray and nOldArray
PPDUMP_COLOR_DATA_BK The background color of the data


for in-place edit

PPDUMP_COLOR_EDIT_FG The foreground color of the editing data without error
PPDUMP_COLOR_EDIT_BK The background color of the editing data without error
PPDUMP_COLOR_EDIT_ERR_FG The foreground color of the editing data with error
PPDUMP_COLOR_EDIT_ERR_BK The background color of the editing data with error



PPDUMP_COLOR_ADDRESS_FG The foreground color of the address field
PPDUMP_COLOR_CARET_BK The background color of the data under the caret
PPDUMP_COLOR_TEXT_HEADER The foreground color of the header
PPDUMP_COLOR_SEPARATORS The color of the separator lines
PPDUMP_COLOR_MOUSE_TRACK The color of track rectangle mouse



The control has the three messages. First two transfer the following structure as parameter:

typedef struct tagNM_PPDUMP_CTRL {
NMHDR hdr;
int  iAddress; //The editing or beginig address (excepting the offset address)
UINT iValue;   //The changed value (for UDM_PPDUMPCTRL_CHANGE_DATA message only)

UDM_PPDUMPCTRL_BEGIN_ADDR - User has changed first address on the screen. New address was passed as parameter iAddress. The iValue member has no value.

UDM_PPDUMPCTRL_CHANGE_DATA - Sends to parent window when user tries to change value at any address. The address passes as parameter iAddress, and new value passes as parameter iValue. The control doesn't change data directly. It just notifies the parent on necessity of change. The parent should change data and redraw control itself.

Here example:

Add to the header file.

afx_msg void NotifyEditData(NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * result);

To the implement file.

void CParentDlg::NotifyEditData(NMHDR * pNMHDR, LRESULT * result)

    *result = 0;

    //Gets pointers to structure NM_PPDUMP_CTRL

    //Really changing data ...
    SetNewValueData(pNotify->iAddress, pNotify->iValue);

    //Redraw the control

Third message UDM_PPDUMPCTRL_MENU_CALLBACK sends to window when the user tries to display the menu. This message transfer the following structure as parameter:

typedef struct tagNM_PPDUMP_MENU {
NMHDR hdr;
HMENU nMenu;    //Handle to the menu
int   iArea;    //The area of the field data under the mouse
int   iAddress; //The address (excepting the offset address) under the mouse

Fourth message UDM_PPDUMPCTRL_SELECTION sends to window when the user finished selecting of the data. It isn't sends else selection is disabled or selection equal to alone data. This message transfer the following structure as parameter:

typedef struct tagNM_PPDUMP_SEL {
NMHDR hdr;
int   iFirstAddr; //The first address of the selection
int   iLastAddr;  //The last address of the selection


This control has following hotkeys

In view mode (without editing data)

Hotkey Description
Moving of the caret
LEFT The caret moves on one address backward
RIGHT The caret moves on one address forward
UP The caret moves on one line up
DOWN The caret moves on one line down
HOME The caret moves to the beginning of a line
END The caret moves to the end of a line
CTRL+HOME The caret moves to first address
CTRL+END The caret moves to end address
PAGE UP The caret moves on one screen up
PAGE DOWN The caret moves on one screen down
The beginning of editing ...
CTRL+H as HEX, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
CTRL+D as DEC, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
CTRL+B as BIN, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
CTRL+O as OCT, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
CTRL+A as ASCII, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
ENTER in first field of the data

In editing mode

Hotkey Description
Moving of the caret
CTRL+LEFT The edit moves on one address backward
CTRL+RIGHT The edit moves on one address forward
CTRL+UP The edit moves on one line up
CTRL+DOWN The edit moves on one line down
CTRL+HOME The edit moves to the beginning of a line
CTRL+END The edit moves to the end of a line
PAGE UP The edit moves on one screen up
PAGE DOWN The edit moves on one screen down
Continuation of editing ...
CTRL+H as HEX, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
CTRL+D as DEC, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
CTRL+B as BIN, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
CTRL+O as OCT, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
CTRL+A as ASCII, if the field is exist in the control bar and not set PPDUMP_READ_ONLY style
TAB to the next field
SHIFT+TAB to the previous field
End of editing
ESC Cancel


07 Aug 2002 First release
13 Aug 2002 Release version 1.1
- Added new style PPDUMP_DATA_LOW_HIGH
- Added support tootip
- Added new message UDM_PPDUMPCTRL_SELECTION and structure NM_DUMP_SEL
- Added support mouse wheel (Thanks to Darren Schroeder)
- Fixed problem with large arrays (Thanks to Bill Morrison - Rosinante Software)
- Other minor fixed
19 Aug 2002

Release version 1.2
- Added new formating chars to the format string of the tooltip text
- Added function SetSpecialCharView and GetTooltip
- Two functions SetTrackMouseMove, IsTrackMouseMove and new style PPDUMP_TRACK_MOUSE_MOVE
- Fixed Leak memory with GetDC()
- NOW the control based on CWnd instead CEdit
- NOW the control can create statically and dinamically

Thanks to ...

  • Yaroslav Petrikevich and Andrey Moiseyev for their ideas on the features of the control.
  • Davide Calabro for his class CButtonST in which decisions of some questions have been found.
  • Chris Maunder for his articles devoted subclassing of the control.
  • Keith Rule for his class CMemDC.
  • Tomasz Sowinski for his help with Tooltip.
  • Many people assisting to me the answers on CodeProject's forum.

Known Problems

  • If you can help me, please let me know so that I can incorporate them into the next release.

Planned Enhancements

  • If you have any other suggested improvements, please let me know so that I can incorporate them into the next release.


Contacting the Author

Please send any comments or bug reports to me via .


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