1、For root or all user,these items need backup
2、For db user,these items need backup
A> db software -- 整个目录备份,恢复就很简单。譬如:/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0
B> db data -- 数据文件备份。数据库中的数据不用导入导出这么麻烦。
C> $ORACLE_HOME/dbs ,$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora tnsname.ora
D> db user 的bash 文件。.bash_profile
3、For application user, these items need backup
A> Application software
B> application user 的bash文件,.bash_profile
1> create the user and assign the group
2> copy the backup file and put on the old folder
3> change the user and right of some folder
4> change the bash file same to old one : /etc/profile,.bash_profile
5> open the db and application.
Note:If login the db , some right error shows. it maybe come from the db user group is not right:
1>"$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.s" or "$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/config.c".
check the db software user group , if it not exsit, create it and add the db user to it.
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