'在项目中引用 mshtml和SHDocVw
Imports System
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports mshtml
Imports SHDocVw
Namespace CodecentrixSample
Public Class CrossFrameIE
Const E_ACCESSDENIED As Integer = &H80070005
Private Shared IID_IWebBrowserApp As Guid = New Guid("0002DF05-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")
Private Shared IID_IWebBrowser2 As Guid = New Guid("D30C1661-CDAF-11D0-8A3E-00C04FC9E26E")
' Returns null in case of failure.
Public Shared Function GetDocumentFromWindow(ByVal htmlWindow As IHTMLWindow2) As IHTMLDocument2
If htmlWindow Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
' First try the usual way to get the document.
Dim doc As IHTMLDocument2 = htmlWindow.document
Return doc
Catch comEx As COMException
' I think COMException won't be ever fired but just to be sure ...
If (comEx.ErrorCode <> E_ACCESSDENIED) Then
Return Nothing
End If
Catch ex As System.UnauthorizedAcces***ception
Catch ex As Exception
' Any other error.
Return Nothing
End Try
' At this point the error was E_ACCESSDENIED because the frame contains a document from another domain.
' IE tries to prevent a cross frame scripting security issue.
' Convert IHTMLWindow2 to IWebBrowser2 using IServiceProvider.
Dim sp As IServiceProvider = htmlWindow.window
Dim sp1 As IServiceProvider = CType(htmlWindow, IServiceProvider)
' Use IServiceProvider.QueryService to get IWebBrowser2 object.
Dim brws As Object = Nothing
sp.QueryService(IID_IWebBrowserApp, IID_IWebBrowser2, brws)
' Get the document from IWebBrowser2.
Dim browser As SHDocVw.WebBrowser = brws '.IWebBrowser2 = brws
Return browser.Document
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
End Class
' This is the COM IServiceProvider interface, not System.IServiceProvider .Net interface!
Public Interface IServiceProvider
Function QueryService(ByRef guidService As Guid, ByRef riid As Guid, ByRef ppvObject As Object) As Integer
End Interface
End Namespace
Dim win As mshtml.IHTMLWindow2 = tmpframe.window
Dim doc As mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 = CodecentrixSample.CrossFrameIE.GetDocumentFromWindow(win)
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