2010-08-05 14:49:32
(一)Setting up a NIS Server
The packages that are required for setting up a NIS Server are:
(1) - ypserv- ypbind
- portmap
- yp-tools
(2)The NIS domain needs to be added in the /etc/sysconfig/network file. Edit the file and add the following line to the end of the file:
Replace DOMAIN-NAME with the actual domain name of the server.
(3)The NIS Server also needs to be set up as a client. Edit the /etc/yp.conf file and add the following line:
(4)Start the following daemons: portmap, yppasswdd, and ypserv.
(5)The next step is to generate the NIS database:
/usr/lib/yp/ypinit -m
(6) authconfig-tui
This lets the user to specify the NIS domain and the NIS Server. Enter the domain name as the one which is used previously and localhost as the NIS server.
(7)The services ypbind and ypxfrd can be started by executing the command:
The above steps complete the steps to configuring a master NIS Server.
(8)vim /etc/ypserv.conf
# Host : Domain : Map : Security
# * : * : passwd.byname : port
# * : * : passwd.byuid : port
(9)vim /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd: files nis
shadow: files nis
group: files nis
hosts: files nis dns
(二)Setting up a NIS Client
The following packages are required for setting up a client
- ypbind- yp-tools
Perform the following steps to configure the NIS client:
Execute the command:
This will let you specify the NIS domain and the NIS Server.
Start the ypbind services by executing the following commands:
chkconfig ypbind on
service ypbind start
The above procedure is a simple example of setting up an NIS Server and Client
(三)setup nfs
(1) yum -y install nfs-utils
(2)add users
useradd -d /rhome/RedHat2001 redhat2001
useradd -d /rhome/RedHat2002 redhat2002
(3) vim /etc/exports
/rhome *(rw,sync,root_squash)
(4)service nfs restart
(四)on_the_client----(4)vim /etc/auto.master
/rhome /etc/auto.nis
on_the_client----(5) vim /etc/auto.nis
on_the_client----(6)mkdir /rhome
on_the_client--(7)service autofs restart