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2009-02-18 18:07:16


一直想找一个能够完成FTP Synchronizer差不多功能的的工具,花费了很多时间找到了一个perl脚本,原始版本,详细注释 ,升级版本,


所以我对代码进行了修改,分享给大家,也希望大家帮我检查一下里面可能存在的问题(我已经进行过测试,但难保没问题。),让这个程序能够完全代替ftp synchronizer.

-h 帮助
-v verbose模式
-d 输出ftp调试信息
-k 输出同步动作,并不执行。强烈建议同步前做一次,以免误伤。
-P 设置ftp passive mode。防火墙后的机器需要。
-i  不同步的文件
-s ftp服务器地址
-u ftp用户名
-p ftp密码
-r  ftp同步目录
-l  本地同步目录
-o 时差偏移量,单位s,本地时区-ftp时区。第一次同步时需要,之后不用。



# This script is (c) 2002 Luis E. Muñoz, All Rights Reserved
#                (c) 2005 Peter Orvos, All Rights Reserved
#                (c) 2006 Edwin Zuidema, All Rights Reserved
#                 (c) 2008 Plato, All Rights Reserved
# This code can be used under the same terms as Perl itself. It comes
# with absolutely NO WARRANTY. Use at your own risk.
# - mtime: if from L->R, R has current mtime. Then next round R will go L(newer)
#   And then L-R and so on. How to solve? Remote mtime? update local time?

use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::FTP;
use File::Find;
use File::Listing; # Try EZ
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Std;
use POSIX 'strftime';
#Plato Wu,2008/09/06
use Storable;
use Digest::MD5;

use vars qw($opt_s $opt_k $opt_u $opt_l $opt_p $opt_r $opt_h $opt_v
            $opt_d $opt_P $opt_i $opt_o);


if ($opt_h)
    pod2usage({-exitval => 2,
               -verbose => 2});
                                # Defaults are set here
$opt_s ||= 'localhost';
$opt_u ||= 'anonymous';
$opt_p ||= 'someuser@';
$opt_r ||= '/';
$opt_l ||= '.';
$opt_o ||= 0;

$opt_i = qr/$opt_i/ if $opt_i;

$|++;                           # Autoflush STDIN

my %rem = ();
my %loc = ();

my $last_file = ".last";

print "Using time offset of $opt_o seconds\n" if $opt_v and $opt_o;

                                # Phase 0: Scan local path and see what we
                                # have
print "\n### Phase 0: Scanning local ###\n";

print "dir: $opt_l\n";
chdir $opt_l or die "Cannot change dir to $opt_l: $!\n";

# First get date/time of last sync
my $last = ((stat($last_file))[9] || 0);
my $mdtm_form = strftime("%c",localtime($last));
print "Last time synced: $mdtm_form\n";

         no_chdir       => 1,
         follow         => 0,   # No symlinks, please
         wanted         => sub
             return if $File::Find::name eq '.';
             $File::Find::name =~ s!^\./!!;
             if (($opt_i and $File::Find::name =~ m/$opt_i/) ||
($File::Find::name =~ m/$last_file/))
                 print "local: IGNORING $File::Find::name\n" if $opt_d;
             my $type = -f _ ? 'f' : -d _ ? 'd' : -l $File::Find::name ? 'l' : '?';
             my @dirs = split /\//, $File::Find::name;
             open(F, $File::Find::name) or die "open error";
             my $r = $loc{$File::Find::name} =
                 md5 => Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*F)->hexdigest,
                 mdtm => (stat(_))[9],
                 size => (stat(_))[7],
                 type => $type,
             close F;
             my $mdtm_form = strftime("%c",localtime($r->{mdtm}));
             print "local: adding $File::Find::name (",
             "$r->{mdtm}, $mdtm_form, $r->{size}, $r->{type})\n" if $opt_d;
     }, '.' );

                                # Phase 1: Build a representation of what's
                                # in the remote site
print "\n### Phase 1: Scanning FTP ###\n";

my $ftp = new Net::FTP ($opt_s,
                        Timeout         => 999,
                        Debug           => $opt_d,
                        Passive         => $opt_P,

die "Failed to connect to server '$opt_s': $!\n" unless $ftp;
die "Failed to login as $opt_u\n" unless $ftp->login($opt_u, $opt_p);
die "Cannot change directory to $opt_r\n" unless $ftp->cwd($opt_r);
warn "Failed to set binary mode\n" unless $ftp->binary();

my $needhome = 0;

print "connected\n" if $opt_v;

sub scan_ftp
    my $ftp     = shift;
    my $path    = shift;
    my $rrem    = shift;
    print "scan_ftp $ftp, path $path, rrem $rrem\n";
#    my $rdir = length($path) ? $ftp->dir($path) : $ftp->dir();
    # parse_dir of File:Listing better parses mtime for directories
# my $rdir = length($path) ? parse_dir($ftp->dir($path)) :
    my $rdir;
    my @r2dir;

#    $path =~ s/\s/\\ /g;
#    $path = "\"$path\"";

#    print "scan_ftp $ftp, path $path, rrem $rrem\n";

    if (length($path)) {
        # Already in a path
        # Plato Wu,2008/09/08
        # it enter sub directory, then set a flag to use in the future.
        $needhome = 1;
    } else {
        print "first call\n";

    $rdir = parse_dir($ftp->dir());

    return unless $rdir and @$rdir;

#    print "Going through the files in this dir ($path)\n";
    for my $f (@$rdir)
#        print "a file found in this dir ($path)\n";
        next if $f =~ m/^d.+\s\.\.?$/;

#        my @line = split(/\s+/, $f, 9);
# my $n = (@line == 4) ? $line[3] : $line[8]; # Compatibility with windows FTP
#        next unless defined $n;
#        print "parsing entry (in dir $path)\n";
        my ($n, $type, $size, $mtime, $mode) = @$f;

        my $name = '';
        $name = $path . '/' if $path;
        $name .= $n;

        if ($opt_i and $name =~ m/$opt_i/)
            print "remote: IGNORING $name\n" if $opt_d;

#        print "name '$name'\n" if $opt_v;

        next if exists $rrem->{$name};

        my $mdtm = ($mtime || 0) + $opt_o;
        $size = $size || 0;
#        my $mdtm = ($ftp->mdtm($name) || 0) + $opt_o;
#        my $size = $ftp->size($name) || 0;
# my $type = (@line == 4) ? ($line[2] =~/\/i ? 'd' : 'f') : substr($f, 0, 1); # Compatibility with windows FTP

        $type =~ s/-/f/;

        my $mdtm_form = strftime("%c",localtime($mdtm));

        if ($type eq 'd') {
            print "remote: recursing in dir $name: calling scan_ftp($ftp,
$name, $rrem)\n" if $opt_v;
            scan_ftp($ftp, $name, $rrem);
#        } else {
            print "remote: adding file $name (offset mtime $mdtm_form)\n" if
            $rrem->{$name} =
                mdtm => $mdtm,
                size => $size,
                type => $type,
#        }
# Plato Wu,2008/09/06
if ($ftp->get($last_file, $last_file."remote")){
    # it seems no using
    # To do use parse_dir instead of mdtm for some ftp does not support it.
# utime $ftp->mdtm($last_file), $ftp->mdtm($last_file), $last_file."remote";
    my $hash_ref = retrieve $last_file."remote";
    %rem = %$hash_ref;
#    unlink $last_file."remote";
#    exit;
    scan_ftp($ftp, '', \%rem);

$ftp->cwd($opt_r) if $needhome;

# Phase 2: Handle missing files
print "\n### Phase 2: Missing files ###\n";

# Algorithm
# If file is older than last sync delete it
# If file is newer than last sync sync it

# For local files:
for my $ml (sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %loc)
    if ($loc{$ml}->{type} eq 'l')
        warn "Symbolic link $ml not supported\n";
    # Skip if file/dir exists also remotely (will be handled in phase 3)
    next if exists $rem{$ml};

    # File/dir exists locally but not remotely
    print "$ml file/dir missing from the FTP repository\n" if $opt_v;

    # Check if newer than last sync
    print "mdtm $loc{$ml}->{mdtm} last $last\n" if $opt_v;
    if ($loc{$ml}->{mdtm} > $last) {
        # Newer, so copy to remote
       if ($loc{$ml}->{type} eq 'd')
            print "$ml dir missing remotely, making remotely\n" if $opt_v;
            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: MKDIR $ml\n" : $ftp->mkdir($ml)
                or die "Failed to MKDIR $ml\n";
       else # Regular file
            print "$ml file missing remotely, PUTting\n" if $opt_v;
            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: PUT $ml $ml\n" : $ftp->put($ml, $ml)
                or print "*** Failed to PUT $ml ***\n";
    } else {
        # Local file older than last sync, so deleted from remote. Also delete locally
        if ($loc{$ml}->{type} eq 'd') {
            print "$ml dir removed remotely, removing locally\n" if $opt_v;
            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: rmdir $ml\n" : rmdir($ml)
                or print "*** Failed to rmdir dir $ml ***\n";
        } else {
            print "$ml file removed remotely, removing locally\n" if $opt_v;
            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: rm $ml\n" : unlink($ml)
                or print "*** Failed to rm $ml ***\n";
        # Plato Wu,2008/09/07
        # maintain %loc
        delete $loc{$ml};


# For remote files:
for my $mr (sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %rem)
    if ($rem{$mr}->{type} eq 'l')
        warn "Symbolic link $mr not supported\n";
    # Skip if file/dir exists also locally (will be handled in phase 3)
    next if exists $loc{$mr};

    print "$mr file/dir missing locally\n" if $opt_v;

    # Check if newer than last sync
    print "mdtm $rem{$mr}->{mdtm} last $last\n" if $opt_v;
    if ($rem{$mr}->{mdtm} > $last) {
        # Plato Wu,2008/09/07
        # maintain %loc
        $loc{$mr} = $rem{$mr};
        # Newer, so copy to local
        if ($rem{$mr}->{type} eq 'd') {
            print "$mr dir missing in the local repository, making locally\n"
if $opt_v;
            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: mkdir $mr\n" : mkdir($mr)
                or print "*** Failed to MKDIR $mr ***\n";
        } else {
            print "$mr file missing in the local repository, GETting\n" if
            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: GET $mr $mr\n" : $ftp->get($mr, $mr)
                or print "*** Failed to GET $mr ***\n";
        # Added EZ: Set the file time to the mdtm
        my $mdtm_form = strftime("%c",localtime($rem{$mr}->{mdtm}));
        print "Setting mtime $mdtm_form to local $mr\n" if $opt_v;
        $opt_k ? print "Kidding: Set Utime\n" : utime $rem{$mr}->{mdtm},
$rem{$mr}->{mdtm}, $mr;

    } else {
        # Remote file older than last sync, so deleted locally
        # Also delete remotely
        if ($rem{$mr}->{type} eq 'd') {
            print "$mr dir deleted locally, removing remotely\n" if $opt_v;
            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: ftp->rmdir $mr\n" : $ftp->rmdir($mr)
                or print "*** Failed to remote rmdir $mr ***\n";
        } else {
            print "$mr file deleted locally, removing remotely\n" if $opt_v;
            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: ftp->delete $mr\n" : $ftp->delete($mr)
                or print "*** Failed to remote delete $mr ***\n";

# Phase 3: For files that exist on both sides
print "\n### Phase 3: Files on both sides ###\n";

# For remote files: Download if newer
for my $dl (sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %rem)
    # only handle files that exist on both sides
    next if not exists $loc{$dl};

    warn "Symbolic link $dl not supported\n"
        if $rem{$dl}->{type} eq 'l';
    # forget dirs?
    if ($rem{$dl}->{type} eq 'f')
        # Plato Wu,2008/09/07
        # remarks for handle exactly problem in the other place
         # Skip if exactly the same size
#         next if $rem{$dl}->{size} eq $loc{$dl}->{size};

         # Skip if remote older (local newer)
         next if $rem{$dl}->{mdtm} <= $loc{$dl}->{mdtm};

#        # If remote smaller, remove remote and PUT
#        if ($rem{$dl}->{size} < $loc{$dl}->{size})
#        {
#            print "$dl file smaller in the remote repository ";
#            print "(local: $loc{$dl}->{size} remote: $rem{$dl}->{size})\n";
#            print "DELETEing\n";
#            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: ftp->delete $dl\n" : $ftp->delete($dl)
#                or print "*** Failed to remote delete $dl ***\n";
#            print "PUTting\n";
#            $opt_k ? print "Kidding: PUT $dl $dl\n" : $ftp->put($dl, $dl)
#                or print "*** Failed to PUT $dl ***\n";
#        } else {

        # GET if file local older
        my $mdtm_form_loc = strftime("%c",localtime($loc{$dl}->{mdtm}));
        my $mdtm_form_rem = strftime("%c",localtime($rem{$dl}->{mdtm}));

        # Plato Wu,2008/09/07
        # next if exactly the same size and md5 checksum
        if (($rem{$dl}->{size} eq $loc{$dl}->{size}) && ($rem{$dl}->{md5} eq
            if($rem{$dl}->{mdtm} > $loc{$dl}->{mdtm}){
                print "Setting mtime $mdtm_form_rem to local $dl\n" if $opt_v;
                $opt_k ? print "Kidding: Set Utime\n" : utime
$rem{$dl}->{mdtm}, $rem{$dl}->{mdtm}, $dl;

         # Plato, 08/09/06
         # if remote > local >= last sync, it mean there is a conflict after last sync
         # use = for cautious
         if ($loc{$dl}->{mdtm} >= $last) {
             print "there is a newer file $dl in local and cause a conflict,
please handle it\n";
             print $mdtm_form_loc, ",", $mdtm_form_rem, ",", $mdtm_form, "\n";

        if ($opt_v)
            print "$dl file older in the local repository ";
            print "(local: $loc{$dl}->{mdtm} $mdtm_form_loc remote:
$rem{$dl}->{mdtm}) $mdtm_form_rem\n";
            print "GETting\n"
         $opt_k ? print "Kidding: GET $dl $dl\n" : $ftp->get($dl, $dl)
             or print "*** Failed to GET $dl ***\n";

         # Added EZ: Set the file time to the mdtm
         print "Setting mtime $mdtm_form_rem to local $dl\n" if $opt_v;
         $opt_k ? print "Kidding: Set Utime\n" : utime $rem{$dl}->{mdtm},
$rem{$dl}->{mdtm}, $dl;

        # Plato Wu,2008/09/07
        # maintain %loc for put it in the future.
        $loc{$dl} = $rem{$dl};

#    }

# For local files: Upload if newer
for my $ul (sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %loc)
    # only handle files that exist on both sides
    next if not exists $rem{$ul};

    warn "Symbolic link $ul not supported\n"
        if $loc{$ul}->{type} eq 'l';

    if ($loc{$ul}->{type} eq 'f')
         # Skip if local older (remote newer)
         # fix with 100s for rounding errors
        # Plato Wu,2008/09/08
        # now it does not need fix rounding error for it use actual modification time
        # not ftp put time.
#         next if ($rem{$ul}->{mdtm} + 100) >= $loc{$ul}->{mdtm};
          next if $rem{$ul}->{mdtm} >= $loc{$ul}->{mdtm};

        # Plato Wu,2008/09/07
        # next if exactly the same size and md5 checksum
        next if ($rem{$ul}->{size} eq $loc{$ul}->{size}) && ($rem{$ul}->{md5}
eq $loc{$ul}->{md5}) ;

         # PUT if file remote older
         my $mdtm_form_loc = strftime("%c",localtime($loc{$ul}->{mdtm}));
         my $mdtm_form_rem = strftime("%c",localtime($rem{$ul}->{mdtm}));

         # Plato, 08/09/06
         # if local > remote >= last sync, it mean there is a conflict after last sync
         # use = for cautious
         if ($rem{$ul}->{mdtm} >= $last) {
             print "there is a newer file $ul in remote and cause a conflict,
please handle it\n";
             print $mdtm_form_loc, ",", $mdtm_form_rem, ",", $mdtm_form, "\n";


        if ($opt_v)
            print "$ul file older in the FTP repository ";
            print "(local: $loc{$ul}->{mdtm} $mdtm_form_loc remote:
$rem{$ul}->{mdtm}) $mdtm_form_rem\n";
            print "PUTting\n"
         $opt_k ? print "Kidding: PUT $ul $ul\n" : $ftp->put($ul, $ul)
             or print "*** Failed to PUT $ul ***\n";

# Update last sync time
my $now = time;
# Plato, 08/09/05, if file does not exist, utime can not create it, so add a open & close sentence
# $opt_k ? print "Kidding: TOUCH $last_file\n" : utime $now, $now, $last_file or (open F, ">$last_file") && (close F);

# Plato Wu,2008/09/06
# save local file information
    print "Kidding: Store sync file\n"
    open F, ">$last_file"; #or print "open error";
    store \%loc, $last_file; # or print "write error";
    close F;
# open F, ">$last_file"; #or print "open error";
# $opt_k ? print "Kidding: Store sync file\n" : store \%loc, $last_file;
# # or print "write error";
# close F;

# Plato Wu,2008/09/07
$opt_k ? print "Kidding: PUT $last_file\n" : $ftp->put($last_file, $last_file);

print "### Done ###\n";



=head1 NAME

ftpsync - Sync a hierarchy of local files with a remote FTP repository


ftpsync [-h] [-v] [-d] [-k] [-P] [-s server] [-u username] [-p password] [-r
remote] [-l local] [-i ignore] [-o offset]


The recognized flags are described below:

=over 2

=item B<-h>

Produce this documentation.

=item B<-v>

Produce verbose messages while running.

=item B<-d>

Put the C object in debug mode and also emit some debugging
information about what's being done.

=item B<-k>

Just kidding. Only announce what would be done but make no change in
neither local nor remote files.

=item B<-P>

Set passive mode.

=item B<-i ignore>

Specifies a regexp. Files matching this regexp will be left alone.

=item B<-s server>

Specify the FTP server to use. Defaults to C.

=item B<-u username>

Specify the username. Defaults to 'anonymous'.

=item B<-p password>

Password used for connection. Defaults to an anonymous pseudo-email

=item B<-r remote>

Specifies the remote directory to match against the local directory.

=item B<-l local>

Specifies the local directory to match against the remote directory.

=item B<-o offset>

Allows the specification of a time offset between the FTP server and
the local host. This makes it easier to correct time skew or
differences in time zones.



This is an example script that should be usable as is for simple
website maintenance. It synchronizes a hierarchy of local files /
directories with a subtree of an FTP server.

The synchronyzation is quite simplistic. It was written to explain how
to C and C.

Always use the C<-k> option before using it in production, to avoid
data loss.

=head1 BUGS

The synchronization is not quite complete. This script does not deal
with symbolic links. Many cases are not handled to keep the code short
and understandable.

=head1 AUTHORS

Luis E. Muñoz <[email][/email]>

=head1 SEE ALSO



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