action-check Check that stack resources are in expected states.
action-resume Resume the stack.
action-suspend Suspend the stack.
build-info Retrieve build information.
create DEPRECATED! Use stack-create instead.
delete DEPRECATED! Use stack-delete instead.
describe DEPRECATED! Use stack-show instead.
event DEPRECATED! Use event-show instead.
event-list List events for a stack.
event-show Describe the event.
gettemplate DEPRECATED! Use template-show instead.
list DEPRECATED! Use stack-list instead.
output-list Show available outputs.
output-show Show a specific stack output.
resource DEPRECATED! Use resource-show instead.
resource-list Show list of resources belonging to a stack.
resource-metadata List resource metadata.
resource-show Describe the resource.
resource-signal Send a signal to a resource.
resource-template DEPRECATED! Use resource-type-template instead.
resource-type-list List the available resource types.
resource-type-show Show the resource type.
resource-type-template Generate a template based on a resource type.
stack-abandon Abandon the stack.
stack-adopt Adopt a stack.
stack-cancel-update Cancel currently running update of the stack.
stack-create Create the stack.
stack-delete Delete the stack(s).
stack-list List the user's stacks.
stack-preview Preview the stack.
stack-show Describe the stack.
stack-update Update the stack.
template-show Get the template for the specified stack.
template-validate Validate a template with parameters.
update DEPRECATED! Use stack-update instead.
validate DEPRECATED! Use template-validate instead.
bash-completion Prints all of the commands and options to stdout.
help Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.
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