-h, --help
display help output and exit.
-v, --version
output version information and exit.
-b, --border
When selecting a window, grab wm border too
-c, --count
Display a countdown when used with delay.
-d, --delay NUM
Wait NUM seconds before taking a shot.
command after taking
screenshot -q, --quality
percentage 此命令中的 q 选项用于更改所抓图像的品质,其数值介于 1-100 之间,默认 为 75。数值越大,意味着图像品质越高;同时,图像的压缩率也就越低,占用空间越大。
set the quality/compression options for the output file
-m, --multidisp
capture of each of the
Xinerama displays and join to the single output file
-s, --select
interactively select a window or rectangle with the mouse
-t, --thumb
generate a
thumbnail of the given size ratio
生成缩图:scrot -t 50% thumb.png,这个命令在抓取图像的同时生成该图像的缩略图。选项 t 将 打开此功能,其后的 50% 为原图的缩放百分比。