关于apache模块mod_proxy中的ProxyPass和ProxyPassReverse的使用问题 对应详细使用说明如下:
/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -c -i -a /usr/local/httpd-2.0.54/modules/proxy/mod_proxy.c
(一).ProxyPass 指令说明: 将一个远端服务器映射到本地服务器的URL空间中
语法: ProxyPass [路径] !|url 上下文:
服务器配置, 虚拟主机
状态: Extension
模块: mod_proxy
比如说:ProxyPass /mirror/foo/i !ProxyPass /mirror/foo
(二).ProxyPassReverse 指令说明: 调整由反向代理服务器发送的HTTP回应头中的URL
语法: ProxyPassReverse [路径]
url 上下文: 服务器配置, 虚拟主机
状态: Extension
模块: mod_proxy 此指令使 Apache
调整HTTP重定向回应中Location, Content-Location和URI头里的URL。
HTTP redirect responses.
This is essential when Apache is used as a reverse proxy to avoid by-passing the reverse proxy
because of HTTP redirects on the backend servers
which stay behind the reverse proxy.路径是本地虚拟路径的名称。
那么ProxyPass /mirror/foo/ /mirror/foo/
will not only cause a local request for the <> to be internally
converted into a proxy request to <> (the functionality ProxyPass provides here).
It also takes care of redirects the server foo.com sends: when is redirected by him to Apache adjusts this to before forwarding the HTTP redirect response to the client. Note that the hostname used for constructing the URL is chosen in respect to the setting of the UseCanonicalName directive.Note that this ProxyPassReverse directive can also be used in conjunction with the proxy pass-through feature ("RewriteRule ... [P]") from mod_rewrite because its doesn't depend on a corresponding ProxyPass directive.When used inside a section, the first argument is ommitted and the local directory is obtained from the .
ProxyPass /mysys/
ProxyPassReverse /mysys/
① 这里有两个mysys,我们分别叫做叫做path_wapm和path_iisProxyPass /path_wapm/ path_wapm:这个是虚拟的目录名称,可以任意指定一个
②ProxyPassReverse /path_wapm/ path_iis:这个必须通过81端口可以访问的 那么,访问服务器/path_wapm的时候,实际访问的将自动转换为了的.
③path_wapm如果不加,就不知道访问哪一个虚拟目录的时候需要使用ASP,path_iis不加,那么就是访问的效果了 简单来说:就是把IIS站点的一个目录,当作WAPM的一个虚拟目录来访问,可以是IIS站点的一个子目录,也可以是根目录. (四).如果还有不明白的地方,请到>查对!
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