Storage foundation for oracle(SFORA)是storage foundation的一个附加增值产品,需要单独的license,其作用是在vxfs格式的文件系统上,为oracle数据库的读写提供更加快捷的访问控制,使得oracle数据库获得更接近于存放在裸设备上的性能。
The VxDBA repository does not exist
# dbed_update -S $ORACLE_SID -H $ORACLE_HOME
# dbed_checkconfig -S $ORACLE_SID -H $ORACLE_HOME
SFORA tbs.display ERROR V-81-3141 Oracle instance orcl is not running.
SFORA tbs.display ERROR V-81-3142 Start up the instance first.
SFORA tbs.display WARNING V-81-3309 Use the '-n' option to avoid updating the VxDBA repository.
SFORA dbed_update WARNING V-81-3309 Use the '-n' option to avoid updating the VxDBA repository.
SFORA dbed_checkconfig ERROR V-81-4266 Could not update VxDBA repository.
3, 获取oracle文件信息
# dbed_checkconfig -S $ORACLE_SID -H $ORACLE_HOME
Examining Quick I/O settings.
10 files are not configured to use Quick I/O.
Examining datafiles fragmentation.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/system01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/undotbs01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/cwmlite01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/drsys01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/example01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/indx01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/odm01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/tools01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/users01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
/oracle/oradata/glob_ora/xdb01.dbf has no blocks assigned or an error occurred.
SFORA sanity.check ERROR V-81-3100 Could not examine datafiles fragmentation.
4,配置好QUICK IO后
# dbed_checkconfig -S $ORACLE_SID -H $ORACLE_HOME
Examining Quick I/O settings.
Examining Quick I/O settings.
All datafiles are Quick I/O files.
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